View Full Version : Controversial Movies?

2003-04-22, 06:51 PM
I've been watching a buttload of controversial movies lately, heres a list

Battle Royale (Japanese)This movie is about a bunch of japaneese schoolkids put on an island as a part of a survival program, they get a gun (different kinds) some get melee weapons, and some get jack.Note:If anyone knows where i can find an english subtitled version of this movie, PLEASE!! tell me

KidsThis is about a bunch of kids ages 8-14 who do lots of weed, smoke alot of drugs, and have lots of sex, it is a pretty good storyline

If anyone has any other movies like this, Tell me about em, There intriguing, If you have seen any of these movies, Talk about them here

2003-04-22, 06:54 PM
The night goofy and mickey got WAY too drunk

It's a very odd choice of movie for Disney but it's pretty cool, the fight scenes and murderous car chases are sweet, the bed and breakfast scene is just disturbing though.

2003-04-22, 06:54 PM

/me passes Squeeky a copy of "Barney and freinds, trip to the Vanu Sanctuary" to squeeky...

watch that instead...

Also, don't think it is as conterversial as funny but don't miss out on: "Don't be a menace to South Central while Drinking you're Juice in the Hood."

2003-04-22, 07:10 PM
You can get subbed coppies of BR on Ebay

Just search, about 10-20 bucks on DVD


2003-04-22, 07:23 PM
BUM Fights! very cool/good movie contraversial i guess because they just go find bums and pay them like pennies to do stuff that could permanently injure them. But if the bum does a good job then they get to join the Bum Fight Krew! that's a good deal for someone who normally can't do anything, isn't it?


^^^(watch the movie and you'll laugh your arse off at that part)^^^

The President
2003-04-22, 10:13 PM
BUM fights was frickin crazy man.

-The President:sniper: