View Full Version : fem players.
2002-12-13, 07:38 PM
I was just wondering if anymore gals stumbled upon this site.
I know of myself and hts :) Her and I will rule a Planet ourselves :P
2002-12-13, 10:59 PM
Which planet would that be...the ten continents are on one planet. By the way, welcome & choose your empire wisely, would hate to have to unload on a woman!;)
Didn't you know? Men are from Auraxis and women are from VenusIV. :D
2002-12-14, 12:24 AM
:rofl: Ahh yes, I look forward to working with you Dio, you're a funny guy!:lol:
Camping Carl
2002-12-14, 12:34 AM
Well, there are advantages to playing as a female character. In Asheron's Call, they always got more handouts from the veterans. Chivalry or something like that.
2002-12-14, 06:35 AM
The nerd equivalent of chivalry. Think it's called "hormones". Or is it "desperation"?
there are women on the internet?!?!?!? :eek:
Originally posted by Warborn
The nerd equivalent of chivalry. Think it's called "hormones". Or is it "desperation"?
A bit of both actually. :p
And yes Afex there are indeed women on the net but just be careful you don't hook with an EQ crossdresser trying to get free stuff. :D
2002-12-14, 02:59 PM
Yes... I'd say the majority of people who play online games are men. No, I'm not being sexist - It's a known fact! Just like how men mostly play football and women mostly join the cheerleading squad.
Of course, there are exceptions to both. :p
Male cheerleaders....
My fiance pointed me to this site :) Glad he did, this game looks amazing! Sure hope it makes its release date.
2002-12-14, 05:54 PM
Welcome aboard. :D
2002-12-14, 07:09 PM
Welcome aboard :D
2002-12-14, 07:25 PM
Hopefully... there won't be the masses of males playing female characters in PS because there is no benefit for giving weapons/vehicles/money to characters. Yet another reason why I applaud the devs for taking out the economy. :D
2002-12-14, 07:36 PM
Men are more apt to help a female character though, that's just how it works. It is just that in this world the help won't be in money, weapons, or armor it will instead be in acclamating them to their new environment and offering assistence in whatever way is required. I can't speak for the entire population of men certainly but that's what I do. It's just instinct i guess...that and the continuous quest for... err, nevermind. :D
Welcome Led again i gotta say i love your sig. :D
As for men playing women in PS i don't see any real reason but some guys will probably do it.
2002-12-14, 08:20 PM
I know from the tribes series that the majority of people play as females simply because they believe the hit boxes are smaller... this fabricated idea especially ran true in Tribes 1, where almost every server that had a decent amount of players in it nearly 85 percent would be wearing fem armor... its extremely annoying in some aspects. I'm probably annoyed simply because I've always played Fem armor character models and never felt the need to play as male armor... so i guess i just don't understand their motives... but all in all it didn't matter to me. Regardless of your gender in game I'll bounce my grenades in your face if your a flag carrier and cover your booty if your trailing the flag back to the base.
As for the whole better treatment... I'm not sure. Sure people have helped me, showing me routes, flag tossing but every occurance was from someone that i had contact with... a friend of mine... as for the initial reaction i think its completely based upon the person i'm dealing with...there have been countless of times where they have said, "its awesome to see a fem player" but an equal amount of times where they have commented on my vagina or various vulgarities. So i think if a person wants to earn trust and friendship then they will be helping people regardless of gender...and i think that whole aiding people in game will surpass the gender idea... at least i hope it will...and I'll work to make it so.
Originally posted by Dio
Welcome Led again i gotta say i love your sig. :D
I have to admit though, I got the sticker idea from someone on the Natural Selection (half life mod, , try it :D) message boards. :)
Of course, being female does have other advantages ingame. :devilwink: For instance, in Dark Age of Camelot, I often run around alone, in a cloak and with a staff, looking all the world like a nice helpless target... :angel: That is, until I shapeshift into an eight foot bear and eat several assassins at once ;)
2002-12-14, 08:33 PM
ema you should hop in #estrogen (fitting name, huh? ;)) in dynamix irc. all the female tribers are there ;)
2002-12-14, 08:38 PM
I love you already! :D
Er... not in that way, seeing you have a hubby and all. ;)
2002-12-14, 08:47 PM
Do you play Counter-Strike?
2002-12-14, 08:48 PM
Does ANYONE here play Counter-Strike(who doesn't hate the engine)?
2002-12-14, 08:56 PM
Play NS! It actually requires teamwork. :D
Of course, some may consider that drawback...
I tried getting back into counterstrike (I stopped playing after 1.4 came out, bleh), but it has just been changed far too much. Guns have no accuracy, no more bouncing around like a cracked up bunny, no more fun. :( AWP abusers are all over, and it is nigh impossible to kill one since you cannot bounce around anymore.
So I just play NS, FireArms, and a bit of Tribes 2, and count down the days to the release of PS :D
Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
and cover your booty
Hmmm eMa covering my booty huh....i think i might have a real reason to switch teams now...
2002-12-15, 12:06 AM
I'm familiar with female communities... for a while in Tribes 2 i was head of FWG (Fems with Guns)... hosting problems lead to our site crashing every few days and the community died :(
I've been part of estrogen. I know jupe pretty well... played a few matches and everything with them. Nice peeps.
and Dio, if you cover my booty, I'll definitely cover yours :p
2002-12-15, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Dio
Hmmm eMa covering my booty huh....i think i might have a real reason to switch teams now...
I was on her team in T2. :D ... and I was the capper! eMa covered me a lot back in those days... great T2 player!
Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
Dio, if you cover my booty, I'll definitely cover yours :p
*In best Austin powers voice*
Oh Behave! Yeah baby! Yeah!
2002-12-15, 01:32 AM
/me blushes
:love: Mani
/me slaps Dio's booty
eMa truly is ;)
By the by since i have your attention. :p
Did you draw/make your avatar and sig yourself?
2002-12-15, 01:54 AM
i took a pre-exisiting image, changed the hair / eye color and animated it.
So i actually didnt draw it myself, but played a small part.
Camping Carl
2002-12-15, 01:55 AM
I wonder if they'll have any suggestive gestures in game?
Ravon Dark
2002-12-15, 02:30 AM
In T1 and T2 they played female characters because it's believed that they're harder to hit, partly to do with hit boxes but also psychological effects of trying to hit a smaller looking target if it, is infact, the same hit box. I already know a few male players who are going to play female characters for the same reason. I have never and will never do that, I think it's silly. And besides.. doesn't matter to me... My laser can hit them in T1 and T2 and my bolt driver will hit ya in PS... Flesh and blood... no ghosts there. As for RPGs, it is a well known fact that people play female characters to get free handouts and buffs.. I have buddies telling me stories where they would just sit there and stare at enchanters.. nothing else... and in less then 5 minutes, they'd be buffed. It's a combination of testosterone and desparity that runs through those sad souls.. I feel sorry for them. And I thank god I'm not one of them.
2002-12-15, 02:37 AM
wtf that's cheap lol
Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
i took a pre-exisiting image, changed the hair / eye color and animated it.
So i actually didnt draw it myself, but played a small part.
For both the pics or merely your sig pic?
OMG, finally, another fan of the best movie in existance, Aliens, wooooooo :bouncy:
Btw, think most of the reason ppl played with female chars in tribes was because they believed their skiing speeds were slightly faster than that of the male model, wheras the males had more HP. Im not actually sure if this is true, but you tended to find that cappers were always female, and defenders male. I did believe it myself, seemed to make sence.
The ph3r3t confers, fem plays roxors.
The ph3r3t also confers, ema's booty roxors.
Feel the :love:
2002-12-15, 12:32 PM
I played in female armor in T2 because I thought (and still do think) that the hit boxes are smaller and I'm also a tad harder to see. Also, it's more embarrassing to get your butt kicked by a "girl" :p
2002-12-15, 09:57 PM
Hopefully... there won't be the masses of males playing female characters in PS because there is no benefit for giving weapons/vehicles/money to characters.
Not ALL people play female characters for free sht...
In EQ that happened, but also, some people played females for non-homosexual reasons =p
1) Some male based modles littereally looked gay, thus playing a female = being less gay then lookign gay....
2) Some people like the loko of female models, I made a female character on EQ(no, I'm not homosexual), simply because i thought a female beastlord(a class in the game), was more in like for the type of person i wanted to play, also had 20 male characters and wanted something different
3) Fashion
4) Smaller 'surface area' for getting hit by bullets--biggest key, People in tribes played female just for this, can cut 20-30% off your frontal surface area for getting hit
All that said, i think people who play Female charcters and pretend to be female when they are not, are completely sick and need help.... but playing female characters is fine for most situations... depends on the enviroment, people in tribes don't care... while people in EverQuest flagged such people as mentally disturbed
2002-12-15, 10:03 PM
boxes but also psychological effects of trying to hit a smaller looking target if it, is infact, the same hit box
This works too ways...
Psychologically, if you aim at a smaller target, you're able to hit near the center more easily then a larger target.. this is assuming a non-mobile target....
Larger targets, your eyes are a bit more lazy(subconsiously), and you're more leanent trying to hit the larger target, so actually, you are less likely to hit the larget target.....
those both assume the target isnt moving, stuff i learned from my experience on a rifle team...
now moving targets, i think larger targets are easier, while you're eyes are a bit more lazy, yuo dont have time to refocus for smaller targets, so the larget hitbox probably helps....
just my 2cp
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