View Full Version : TK while hacking the base =(
Well last night I experienced a disheartening episode to my days playing Planetside. My squad / outfit was on Cyssor and we were going to hack nzame. There were enemy around and it took awhile to get to the cc room. Enemy were giving a presence to the cc and some of our empire fell dead. I went in for the hack and was almost done when I was killed by Aragon of the Terran Republic (I am TR also). Usually I do not say names because it can be construed as rude but in this instance I do not hesitate. I asked him why he did that and his response was "luv u long time." Well as my squad member saw this happen he wasted Aragon. I respawn at a tower beside the base and as I am running back Aragon is right in front of me. I waste him again. Now I go up into the spawn room and his squad member Messiah kills me and begins to brag about his BR or whatnot (btw thats pretty important since they will be wiping in a month). So this back and forth goes on for awhile.
Point of the post? Nothing, other than to express my displeasure with both individuals I met. Unfortanetly I see this happening more in the future as ppl become xp hoes.
I am sure I will get some flames for reacting to this squads gameplay style and that is okay. This behavior is not the norm btw, but it is becoming more so I guess as the kiddies are let in.
2003-04-23, 12:31 PM
To be perfectly honest, there are a few situations where tking someone going for the hack is completely reasonable. I can't tell enough from the info here whether or not this was one of those cases.
Here's the thing, if someone is leading a squad of 10 people, and the squad on its own disables the base and secures the cc. It's utter BULLSHIT , if 2-3 people who get to the cc before the squads hacker does, think that they should get command points for the hack. In situations like that if they don't stop hacking its completely justified and reasonable to TK them on the spot. Otherwise it's not.
2003-04-23, 12:47 PM
I agree with Z
Utter BS? How so, I have no idea personally when I go into a base what other squads within the base have done. Am I to ask people to come to the control room and discuss who has done the most in securing a base?
So as a squad you should ask yourself, did we do as much as other squads in the area. You know what, we didn't and even though I am here in the CC room I better not hack. I should wait until the best squad comes down.
Your part of the problem dude. We are in the same empire, xp flows so freely I really can not see why anyone cares that much when their character will be wiped in a month.
2003-04-23, 12:57 PM
I do not agree that TKing someone who is trying to hack is ever appropriate. It is your squad leader's responsibility to make sure that you get to a hack first, and if not you should settle for the assist points or move on. The other day, my squad was trying to take down a base on Amerish. The enemy tower was dug in tight, and by the time we secured it, someone else had the hack on the base. We had a full squad, but I don't know how many the hackers were. It didn't matter, because when we found that we were beaten to the hack, we picked up and moved to the next base. Incidentally, the cap failed on that base after we gave up the tower, and we smiled knowingly :D
This is always better than being a POS TK.
2003-04-23, 01:03 PM
I do a lot of Base and Tower hacking and have not had this happen to me or even seen an instance of it yet, and I play a lot (BR12). Perhaps its only rampant among the NON NC's out there...
Makes sence to me.
2003-04-23, 01:08 PM
Man, where was your squad? When my hackers are hacking, and I'm coverning, any thing that comes into the room or up the steps gets *1* warning shot. If the pull out heat- they die. It's not too tough. Next time, get a max to lock down behind you - not only can they suck up some bullets from enemies- people in your empire sure won't fuck around.
BTW- that shared cap thing is awesome - I was flying by a base last night, and noticed a cloaker sneaking into a base, so I slowed down, dropped under the bridge and ran him over (I was out of ammo) and anyway - I was on my way right back out, happy with my 120 points for an easy kill and then POOF the base changes and I got 1300 points. Coolness.
They were busing securing the cc room. If you know the one at nzame its a bit more open than most. I guess they assumed incorrectly that fellow TR players are there to help not hurt.
2003-04-23, 01:14 PM
Next time - send two cloaked guys. One can cover the other if you don't have a free MAX.
2003-04-23, 01:15 PM
Jeb, it's common sense when you see a squad full of people organized, that you just don't go in and start hacking without asking. That's a sure fire way of getting tk'ed. Do you realize what a complete gyp it is to the squad you're ripping off if they spent 30-45 mins trying to secure the cc/area, and you come in and rob their points?
"Jeb, it's common sense when you see a squad full of people organized, that you just don't go in and start hacking without asking."
Its common sense? I think either you have not played the game Z. Lets think a real game here and tell me if you really disagree with my scenerio.
1. The only time I see any sort of organization outside of my own squad is after the hack and the defense of the CC. Do you agree that the preceding statement is for the most part true?
2. I never see organization outside of my squad before that, I see people running around fighting. Is there a button I can press to see if a organized squad is at the base and how long they have been there and if they have done anything signifigant?
3. I have a hard time understanding that in the game, how I am suppose to see that a highly organized squad is at the base. Again please tell me how I can do this.
4. Do you agree that in a squad of 10, half of their members are not there anyway, half are probaby respawning at tower or ams in the area?
5. Second, if the squad has everything under control and is highly organized team of 10 (your example) then why have they already not begun to hack the base? Another words what are they doing? Or did I just have the one and a billion chance of hacking the terminal before any of them got to it?
6. Are all 10 going after the generator? Are all 10 hacking weapon terminals?
7. You act as if taking a base is such a huge accomplishment and that the points actually mean something. Do they? Is it?
8. Do most squads spend 30-45 minutes attacking a base by themselves? I will answer this for you. No. Usually there are alot of instant actions going on or tower spawns that are joining the frey. You act as if most base hacks are in their own little world, which they are not (maybe at 3:30 am but I am never on that late).
I have hacked numerous bases and it can be rather boring uneventful process. I personally could care less if someone beats me to the cc. I do care though when I can no longer trust players on my side to back me up.
2003-04-23, 03:21 PM
Smoke said that it was pointless to TK for the hack since the BEP goes to everyone in that SOI (or so). In other words all you are doing is pissing people off. You will get the BEp no matter what.
If it doesn't go to everyone in that SOI, then it should.
2003-04-23, 03:21 PM
TK'ing is wrong PERIOD!!!:mad:
There is no reason for it what so ever. We are all suppose to be working together. There is no way to tell who got to the base first. Just because you have a full squad and the other team has 3-4 people doesnt mean that the full squad has control of the hacking. I personally play solo alot and I have gone into bases and hacked the CC and 2-3 minutes later watch a full squad of people come in. Now I have no way of knowing that a full squad of coming to hack the base and if I did know I would have gone somewhere else but just because they have 10 people and i am only one doesnt mean that I stole the hack from them.
2003-04-23, 03:38 PM
If you are team killing for exp then you are a cheap exp whore plain and simple.
I love how people always assume they put in more work to get to the CC or how the other guy must be a lone hacker. If you kill a faction memeber for the sole purpose of getting more exp or CEP then you should get banned.
2003-04-23, 03:56 PM
The only reason to TK for a base cap is for CEP because the BEP is just as good if you did the deed or not. From a Comand point of view if that well organized squad was unable to see the benefits and necesity of a hack... as quickly as possible, then they probably don't deserve the CEP in the first place.
Simple truth.
Base gets hacked everyone gets BEP Yeah for us.
Once base is hacked bad guys can no longer spawn there, thus lowering the resistance. Yeah for us again.
If a well organized squad can't get around to hacking, then they just aren't all that well organized (my squad splits in half, 5 doing perimeter 5 going inside, we go straight to the CC nothing else really matters...)
SOE needs to do something about this. Start banning people for this kinda behaviour (or at least say your banning people) and it'll stop. Then the dipshits who don't undestand the game in the first place will have their little eyes opened and all will be happy in Planetside land again!
2003-04-23, 04:17 PM
I agree TKing is a bad thing. But nothing is absolute, there is always a valid reason to do anything (even if that reason is not the one being implemented, there is always a good one out there).
For a hack, I can't see why. May be just because I'm not in Beta, but probably not. Want another hack on your character's record? Tough shit, the other guy beat you to it, and you're getting wiped soon anyway. BEP is shared. CEP I don't know, but it's nothing to fuss over.
I can see TKing if say, a CR5 was spamming the hell out of the continent. I'd put up with it for a while, but after a certain point, I'm going after him if someone else doesn't get him first.
Big Bro
2003-04-23, 05:41 PM
I agree with those that have stated that TK'ing in this instance is wrong. They only reason they are doing it is either:
A) So that THEY get the hack and can brag about it (ego trip)
B) Their SL gets CEP for the cap
Neither case is valid and so it's just plain wrong. Everyone gets BEP for it. Period.
Another common dumb thing to do is for a squad to leave a base once it's been hacked by another squad. Again, they will get BEP for helping defend that base, so what's the rub?
I lead just about every squad I am in, and I'll be honest that when we run across a base where another squad has the hack, I welcome it! I like the CEP, but it's nice to get the big hunk of BEP too! :)
Morale of the story: Don't TK for dumb a$$ reasons.
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