View Full Version : D3D Vs Open GL, Smokes working 7days a week... hint that beta emails out in Jan.

2002-12-14, 03:24 PM
Author Topic: Open GL or D3D?
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 12-14-2002 02:37 AM user search report post
Will PS support OpenGL or Direct 3d? or both...
...what do you guys thinks would be best?

***** DEV RPLY ******************

Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 12-14-2002 08:26 AM user search report post
D3D. OpenGL is easy to use, but the driver support from video manufacturers has been pretty iffy. The D3D drivers almost always work and that makes supporting a game after release a lot easier.
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 12-14-2002 08:33 AM user search report post
Nah. It just means that I was doing my daily (usually) routine of seeing what folks were saying on the forums and posted a few times.
I'm disappearing now and doing my bit for the project today. We're all in seven days a week right now trying to squeeze out more bug fixes before the Holiday break.
****(((***(((IS this a hint that Beta AINT happening till Januarary?))))***))))


2002-12-14, 03:26 PM
Author Topic: No Dave! NO!
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2002 posted 12-14-2002 07:36 AM user search report post
Stay Away!

* DEV RESPONSE ************************

Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 12-14-2002 08:03 AM user search report post
We have no plans to deviate from our "four characters per world per account" plan.

Station Member
Registered: Nov 1997 posted 12-14-2002 08:09 AM user search report post
As well you shouldn't. Under the current system the characters themselves are very flat, since the game focuses more on player skill they should be very flat. However, if you have 4 guys and you can get 1/3 of all the certs, couldn't you just have all of the certs spread across your account? One could at least make 4 guys that are functionally just templates you enjoy to play; thus, when you decide to try different skills, you just log out and log back in with another character who has the certs you wanted to play with? I understand that you won't have all the certs with all characters, but most people will find two or three roles they like and have a character for each and an additional character for wild experimentation.

Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 12-14-2002 08:23 AM user search report post
I agree, JRavey...and that's one of the reasons we want four characters available to each player. If you spend the time to make a "stable" of characters, then you ultimate flexibility for your Outfit. It's certainly not required, or even suggested...but it's possible for folks to do if they desire.


2002-12-14, 03:30 PM
Beta in January? And when did we send in applications? In the beginning of November? Sheesh I don't think I can wait any longer or I might just have to steal a copy of PS from their offices!

2002-12-14, 04:19 PM
January isnt THAT far away. :)

2002-12-14, 04:54 PM
Well it's not far away but if exclusive beta starts only in Jan they won't make Feb for sure. I mean it would leave the only 1month to bug test in exclusive, fix all the bugs, get the open beta started, fix any server issues, get the game into gold, start production and ship it. :eek:

Well ok if they are lucky they might make Feb 28th. :D

2002-12-14, 05:05 PM
Hasn't it been established that the release is sometime in March?

2002-12-14, 05:17 PM
There is nothing for sure yet as far as i know. They planned for a Feb release, gamespot or some other site as it in march (more likely) but release dates are rarely something solid unless the game is near gold.

2002-12-14, 07:32 PM
I think it'll depends on how "complete" the internal beta is. If the dev's do a bang up job and get 90% of the game finished before the closed beta, it's possible. If the beta team manages to find all the remaining bugs and they get them all fixed, it's on to the open beta test. The open beta will be more of a stress test of the servers than anything else. If that goes well, it's possible to have a release in Feb.

2002-12-14, 07:55 PM
Well it's possible but they would need a lot of luck to not have any major bugs in exclusive beta nor any in the open beta.