View Full Version : Fix Max Thread!
2003-04-24, 09:31 AM
I think that they are too powerful to be gotten at BR1 they should fix it by making the reinforeced armor the prerequisite(SP) of that freakn' armor! the 5min timer it takes should be kept it was pretty cool to know they are somewhat tried to be restricted. Thats all they need to do, have them get the reinforced armor before they can get MAXes! Thats all im asking yall herd!!
2003-04-24, 09:34 AM
Everything would be fine if they just made the NC max sheild usefull.
2003-04-24, 09:35 AM
That sounds like a good idea to me. Kinda funny, when I first spent the cert points you get when you enter the game I thought, hmmm, I can get medium assault, and have to wear agile for awhile, or I can get a max, have awsome armor and huge weaponry, and the ability to run 30mph. It is rediculuse, that with one 3 point cert you get armor, weapon, and transportation. I think making RF a prereq. would make a lot of sense. :D
I think that the MAX should be as it is.
Vis Armata
2003-04-24, 10:02 AM
So....someone gets 4 certs at the beginning, they go to the VR training range and the vehicle area, get two more cert points for each, and then get their MAX armor.
I don't see why making the cert dependent on reinforced armor will make it that hard to obtain MAX armor.
Oh, sweeper shottie + AP rounds helps; so does decimator.
Sarah Jinstar
2003-04-24, 10:13 AM
Maxes aren't that hard to take down really. If you're NC just grab a phoenix, or get decimator. Hell even reavers have no problem taking max units down. I don't think they should change how it is now. Seems plenty fine to me.
Not all max are over powered. TR max is not, NC max is where the TR should be, and the Vanu max is overpowered ( thats why so many Vanu only use max)
2003-04-24, 12:30 PM
Nothing overpowered about MAX units. If you're working in a squad everyone should have AP rounds. Plus, remember you can be the anti-armor MAX just as easily and go hunting other MAX units.
2003-04-24, 07:11 PM
Armor idea is good. I don't know if I would say all MAXs are overpowered, but the Vanu MAX pisses me off! I guess they deserve that though... If you're TR, Strikers + Chainguns with AP bullets is great to take the MAXs out though.
2003-04-24, 07:11 PM
the patch fixes a few things that i was worried about which is cool. This is what i think about the reinforced thing.
it might make them have to use their certs for the armor which is 3, u begin with 4.
3-4= 1 cert left
then they go to the VR room and get one more level
1+1= 2 cert points.
they can either try to use the suppressor to kill things(fesible). or they can get buy the medium assualt cert instead of the reinforced in the beggining to be actualy be able to do damage in a squad.
BR2 ok - 2 cert points wether they choose med assualt or reinfored.
but if they choose med assualt they need to get reinforced still which will be at BR3 and then wait untill BR5 before they can buy the anti-air max or wait until BR6 to get the other MAXES. it makes sense.
if they coose reinforced first they will be at a disadvantage as they have no weapons to back themselves or their squads up. They will be useless in a sense untill they get Med. Assualt. U get it?
its all in the math ;)
2003-04-24, 09:25 PM
I think it should be a weapons cert to get each max. Heavy assualt before AI, AV before AV and Special assualt before AA. Makes sense as it keeps the person within the "class"
It does seem like a bit much to have a MAX right form the get-go, but remember that you cant even open your own doors as a MAX, let alone capture a base.
You'll also have friendly MAXes to do battle with the oppoising MAXes too, and after you have a few more levels under your belt, you'll be able to take them on as infantry as well.
I say, leave em be :)
I'll make this short and sweet.
MAX(armor, weaponary, transportation) = 3pts
AV weapon(to defend against MAX) = 5pts
Originally posted by Cyanide
Everything would be fine if they just made the NC max sheild usefull.
Yai agree. The nC MAX's ability SUKS! I mean, c'mon, the stupid Vanu can FLY, the Terrans can frikn clamp down and double their ROF which means DOUBLE DAMAGE, but the NC get a sheild that DOESNT EVEN WORK WHEN YOU MOVE?!!?!!? plus, it runs out HELLA FAST! i mean, cmon, wahts up with this?
2003-04-25, 12:43 AM
Here is the rundown in my mind:
AI Weapon:2
Transportation:2 (minimum)
AI weapon, Armor, and transportation:2 at least, 3 at most
It seems like the wisest move would be to get a MAX cert, rise in ranks alittle, then unlearn it and get your grunt gear. Hoofin it in agile armor and a cycler at BR1 sucks when your fellow BR1 comrade is sprinting by you in his heavily armored combat machine :( But, hey, I don't really care, I am an infiltrator. :D
2003-04-25, 01:01 AM
The patch we'll be recieving shortly changes the game GREATLY. It has the matrix system kind of revised... They've also added a way to get exp for defending as well. Pretty awesome stuff.
They're also making MAXs the way they intended: less manuverable. Their auto-run is no longer the kewl way to get everywhere indoors fast. If you begin it, you will entirely stop and slowly speed up from there. This'll make their autorun useless in indoor settings. The way it should be.
By the way they're stating this, it looks like they're working on teh MAX balance already. If this doesn't improve the situation (as according to what they believe of the situation, that is), they'll make some other changes.
I'll see if I can post it here if it hasn't been already.
2003-04-25, 05:28 AM
The change of the TR MAXs alone is pretty huge, with the switching of the bullet/grenade MAXs between AI and AV.
No more locking down a TR MAX in front of the console and making it immune to harm, the grenades will cause a TON of grief if you tried it....or you can settle for doing less damage by continuing to use bullets, but infantry will be harder to kill, so they have a better shot at killing YOU.
2003-04-25, 07:42 AM
One key fact your all missing, versatility , all foot troopers are more versatile than MAX's, MAX's are specific weapons, AI/AA/AV now your little grunt can do all that while the MAX isn't as good. Hell the max can't hack, heal, repair, drive, open his own doors.
In short, the MAX is something that needs to be looked after and generally you don't realise the bad points about being one.
Leave it as it is, no I am not a MAX.
2003-04-25, 07:55 AM
Do Max's for the NC really suck..
2003-04-25, 10:23 AM
when i was playing NC i got to BR3 just for killing a towers worth of people! i wasnt even i a squad! the NC shield does suck though!
This is a good debate thread...come on spill what u have to say!
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