View Full Version : How Long do you think you'll Pay to Play PS?
2003-04-24, 01:03 PM
First off I want to say that in the few weeks I've been playing, I've really been loving this game. Been rather addicted to it, in fact. Of course, I haven't yet paid a dime for the game, so for now everything is perfect.
Of course, Beta will soon be over. And we'll have to purchase the game, and then after whatever grace period they may give, pay every month to play it.
And after the excitement of a new game wears off a bit, you'll have to evaluate if it's worth it to you.
Personally, I have come to the conclusion that there simply isn't much to the game itself that justifies paying monthly. As I see it, this boils down to two main reasons:
After a couple weeks of play, leveling becomes largely meaningless. Once you reach BR10, you should have enough certs to do exactly what you want. Sure, more certs are nice to add some versatility to your character, and extra implants are useful, but that simply is nothing compared to leveling systems in MMORPG games. There is basically nothing you can do at BR20 that you can't do at BR5 - all you have is more versatility - instead of being JUST a combat engineer you can also fly a Galaxy and have Max loadouts and drive a Tank. Well, versatility is good, right? The flip side is it destroys the class system - at BR12 for example you could be a medium assault-medic-engineer-tank driver. The "jack of all trades" issue.
The other reason is the reptitive nature of the gameplay. After a while you realize you are just going through the motions of capturing and recapturing bases and towers, with maybe a little defending thrown in between. Bases and towers that all look exactly the same no matter what continent you're in.
Now I'm kind of being devil's advocate here, because as I said I am really enjoying the basic combat of this game, and the variety of empires and weapons and vehicles. But in a way I can also sense that PS can easily grow repetitive and tiresome in a couple months of play - it just doesn't seem to me to have the staying power of something like Everquest. There are just too many alternates for FPS fans that require no more investment than the purchase of the game itself. I really see most gamers purchasing PS playing for 2-3 months at most and then just moving onto something else once that initial excitement has passed.
2003-04-24, 01:09 PM
I am really looking forward to a couple months after retail. When outfits start to get organized, they get all the little bugs ironed out, and the true bottlenecks and battlelines are drawn. I can see this game becoming a 24/7 struggle... ahh that sounds so nice. True commanders will surface and giant battles will ensue. I would definitely give it a chance. The game has not come close to beggining. I have high hopes for this game and I haven't seen anything terribly negative to thwart those hopes ;)
2003-04-24, 01:11 PM
Indeed ... indeed. I could be rushing to judgement. I hope so in fact.:D
2003-04-24, 01:18 PM
I very much agree. Games like these dont do well pay for play because there is lack of high level content. It could turn into a tribes that br1-10 was the tutorial period. The monthly fee in these online games should be for expansions (content). Now I am not clear on PS's plans of patching after the game goes live. But unless there is a new gun/vehicle/cert a month or some reason to keep moving up, it could turn into just pvp like all other fps (very expensive compared)
2003-04-24, 01:18 PM
I very much agree. Games like these dont do well pay for play because there is lack of high level content. It could turn into a tribes that br1-10 was the tutorial period. The monthly fee in these online games should be for expansions (content). Now I am not clear on PS's plans of patching after the game goes live. But unless there is a new gun/vehicle/cert a month or some reason to keep moving up, it could turn into just pvp like all other fps (very expensive compared)
2003-04-24, 01:19 PM
Have you played any FPS for more then a few months? With the tone of your post I would guess that you find other FPS's even more repetative. Yet, at the same time you seem to not find RPG's repetative. This is the exact opposite of my opinion. The height of boredom is the leveling treadmill of an RPG. Those games truely end once you reach the "max" level. There is nothing left to do. Unless its like DAOC where you get to then go kill other players. At least you have something to do. However, that is pretty dull too since combat is so painfully slow. At least with PS you are fighting real time with no concept of "combat rounds" or silly crap like that, and against other players. Thats where the spice will come in. You might fight over the same base 100 times, but the tactics the enemy uses, the skill level on the enemy, how well your squad reacts... these will all change. Thus each battle will change.
I most certainly will pay for this game. Unless the unthinkable happens and they do not fix the current lag and disconnect issues. Or they pull a T2 and screw everyone's frame rates up.
2003-04-24, 01:24 PM
That is a good point, but as people from AC2 will tell you, thats not all its cracked up to be. We leveled, we got maxed out, now we pvp, and though the battles change; it is still getting boring and repetitious. The smile from taking an enemy area last less and less as long. People will not pay monthly to play "tribes" unless the content is growing. Thats just how i feel ofcourse. still love the game.
2003-04-24, 01:29 PM
Well.. I'd imagine I'll play it until it's not fun anymore. At that point, i'll probably still pay 2 play after that for a few months because automatic subscription renewals are dangerous and I always forget to turn them off.
2003-04-24, 01:50 PM
I imagine i'll pay for atleast one of the longest chunks of time i can. If they do it so that you can buy 6 months or a year at a time i'll pay that way if it's discounted.
Personally i don't think the game lacks incetinve to play it. It's a fun game, even after BR20. You can't judge it just yet because there are still plenty of things to be implimented. VoiceIP, some new CR abilities, etc. They also have already said that they will be adding new content to the game after release. That IS what the monthly fee is for. They will be adding new armors, weapons, vehicles, etc. That is straight from smokejumper btw.
I personally don't need a class system to enjoy the game. That's one of the things i like about this game and dislike about RPGs. If you have to be too specialized then eventually you end up with exact set leveling paths to eventually attain the best possible character atributes for that class. In PS you can do what you want. It's versital so you don't get stuck going in one direction because you spent your first cert on something that you later found out was worthless or you don't really like. The fun of this game is in the battling not the leveling. If you want RPG gameplay you should find other games because PS is NOT, i repeat NOT, and never will be an RPG!
2003-04-24, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by zMessiahz
Have you played any FPS for more then a few months? With the tone of your post I would guess that you find other FPS's even more repetative.
No, I have played FPS games for months on end, Battlefield 1942 I've played since the demo. My point more ties in with the fact that PS requires a monthly fee. What am I paying for? is the question everyone has to ask. Is it worth it just so that a game doesn't have "rounds" that begin or end? That seems kind of irrelevent, because a "round" in Planetside is just longer, it lasts from when you log on until when you log off - there is no practical difference. More players? Surely, but how many are you actually ever fighting at any given moment? I like having a consistent character, definitely, but is that worth paying every month?
Like I said, just playing devil's advocate. I'm still enjoying the game very much.
2003-04-24, 01:51 PM
For me, the game essentially just has to be at least as fun as my other current favorite games to keep me playing. As for pay to play, the devs say they will be continually adding content after release, so as long as the game is fun, and they keep adding new content, then I can see myself playing this game 1 or maybe even 2 years into the future. Possibly even more.
2003-04-24, 01:52 PM
reminds me, i need to turn a couple off. :D
I think a lot will change when PS goes retail. For one, more players. Two, some features will be activated, like platoons.
We've got a little less than a month of testing left. There is room for adjustment. the PS team is doing an excellent job of tweaking the game.
I'll definitely play for 3 months. And the game play in retail will be shaping up by then. People will emerge as great pilots or great leaders or damn good infantry.
I think we'll see a lot of tank columns escorting AMS/Ants. The platoon feature will allow squads to link up and work together, instead of solo, allowing for broader attacks. Not just a single galaxy or sunderer carting people by their lonesome.
Example: Platoon = 3 squads.
1. First Squad - Mech Squad - 2 heavy tanks and 2 light buggies (two man crew) or even 4 lightenings or 2 lightenings and one light buggy. - see, major possibility even here
2. Second Squad - Ground troops - Riding in a sunder - 1 driver - 2 maxs 2 gunners 4 troops (2 heavy, 1 AV, 1 hacker)
3. Third Squad - Air Support - 2 Reavers, 2 mesquitos 1 Galaxy with 5 troops for hot drop.
Now this Platoon is all together. That is one nice force to be able to coordinate. For example.
2 mesquitos AB through the base zone for quick scout.
Lead any enemy air away from the base. the 2 Reavers follow in behind to attack AA positions that just revealed themselves shooting at mosquitos.
2 min mark.
(we'll be TR for this)
2 Prowlers begin the assault and start takin' fire, 5 secs later, sunderer heads for base with harasser escort. Lightenings are working with two Prowlers takin' out everything. As sunderer approaches the south gate, Galaxy ABs in toward Central rooftop for hot drop of 5 troops.
Sunderer unloads all troops (including gunners) and harasser crew disembarks.
So we have 12 troops on the ground, 5 on the roof, 4 air craft patrolling and 4 tanks.
All about to share same EXP and such as they're all in same platoon.
Now that sounds like fun.
2003-04-24, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Cyanide
The fun of this game is in the battling not the leveling.
Then what is the difference between this and any other free to play FPS where the fun is in the battling? Leveling seems to be an integral part of any MMO game.
Though I must admit adding new armors and weapons would definitely keep me interested .. I just wonder how long we'll have to wait between getting new stuff.
2003-04-24, 01:59 PM
i guess you peepz don't really get it, this is NOT a game for those who like MMORPG and not fps games like Operation Flashpoint,
because, this IS operation flashpoint!
The only thing that happens is that instead of a max of 64 players you have 40k (well lets start at 10k and after some patches 30k perhaps) and offcourse, the massively stuff, it's ment to make a continent only known after some weeks of playing (every day 4 hours, that times about 20 times then you know continent a bit) and the damned teamwork! The developers are so smart in planetside; they FORCE people to do teamwork, making outfits available, platoons, and the lone wolf would be the baddest player in PS.
So, you wanna take a look at DAOC and then at PS?
DAOC: No real enemies or PvP (lets say, 1on1 - 5on5)
PS: Always real enemies, no bots, and no 1on1 (wich sux)
DAOC: Not massive terrain, loads between 'm
PS: Very massivly terrain, 8x8km
DAOC: Co-operation...
PS: Co-operation versus other people who co-operate!
DAOC: Nothing new, call this diablo if you want
PS: Mixes elements: Massively + Tactical FPS (operation flashpoint) + Tribes-alike vehicles + Class-system + weather system (tho not mentioned much, this is gonna rock!) + UT2k3-alike weapons (i don't like that too much, but it aint bad i guess) + certain leveling system with XP + certifications make you not always take any vehicle you wanna go for, makes you play with vehicles you've chosen 'wrong' and so learn to work with 'm, maybe you don't want that stupid galaxy anymore :p
Thats just PS man, operation flashpoint but without vehicle lags, and much more massive and teamwork-based(forced).
The thing is, when you don't know how to co-operate, you'll learn it right now, cuz you won't be paying for a game you don't want to like iight?
Conclusion: PS ownz y000!
Baron Fett
2003-04-24, 02:07 PM
Will this game get boring?hmm, hard to say how long. Think about it, even when you become a Jack-of-all-trades i wouldn't exactly call it a problem because think of HALO, that game has to be the best I've played and in my opinion is the best (untill this beta came out ;) anyways, you can use everything in that game, no specializations. Every player can use the same stuff/vehicles and it's just pure skill. Still, even though i got bored of such awesome looking games like mechassault after a few months of 10:30pm to 4:00am gaming, Planetside will definitely last long as unbalanced stuff is no where to be found while it ran rampant in Mechassault (why am i comparing this to that piece of shit?). Well, thats my 25cents
2003-04-24, 02:10 PM
My point more ties in with the fact that PS requires a monthly fee. What am I paying for?
The answer to this is:
You are paying for 4 things.
1. Professionally administered servers with customer support and active policing for cheats/grief play
2. More content that gets added throughout the lift of the game
3. Persistence of character
4. Massively multiplayer first person shooting.
Seriously, can you get those 4 things with no monthly fee? Because if you can, I'm all over it. Otherwise, Sony can have my $10-15 a month. I will play until I don't like it anymore, and then I will stop.
As far as the levelling and everything is concerned, I think they've done an excellent job balancing the exp ladder against allowing new players to jump right in and not be weak as hell.
That brings me to one area where Planetside is far superior to EQ and the rest of the MMORPGs. While it is true that they have way more content and a glorified end-game, Planetside lets you enjoy both the high level content and the massive battles associated with MMORPG endgames on your very first hour of playing. I'll pay for that, too.
The answer to this question for everyone is, pay to play until your attention span / interest in the game is exceeded, and then cancel.
2003-04-24, 02:21 PM
Then what is the difference between this and any other free to play FPS where the fun is in the battling?
Where's the difference? Did you fail to see the 3000 people on the server? The difference is scale, the difference is teamwork that works, the difference is persistance.
Leveling seems to be an integral part of any MMO game.
The problem there is that EVERY MMO game untill PS has been MMORPG, and part of the defenition of RPG is a class based leveling system. PS is an MMOFPS, it does not revolve around a class based leveling system. It revolves around battling like every other FPS. You're paying for the scale, the constant game additions, and the persistant world. If those things make no difference to you then no, you should not pay for PS.
2003-04-24, 02:33 PM
Well, imho as long as they continually add new features (ie vehicles, weapons, and especially implants) as the game progresses, this game will stay fun and will be worth paying for.
If 4 months go by and I'm BR20 and nothing new has appeared yet, though, then who knows...
2003-04-24, 02:45 PM
I'm going to play PS until SWG comes out, and probably play both at the same time, but put more energy into SWG.
I love PS, but i do miss the more casual social aspect of MORPG's. PS is fun, but doesn't have the scope that a MORPG has and really shouldn't. You know PS is on it's last legs if they introduce crafting.
Compairing PS to MORPG's isn't a good. They are apples and oranges. I never have been able to play a FPS shooter for long. I actually don't like FPS and i came into PS thinking i would hate it, but played anyway because my friend got in beta and let me in too.
This game has much more diveristy than other FPS, and alot more action than MORPG's, but i still like the depth of SWG more than PS (i'm a SWG beta tester).
Both excellent games, but SWG has more staying power. I will most likey keep both subscriptions though, I see my self toggling between both.
2003-04-24, 02:49 PM
God you dont find EQ or AO or DAoC repeative? Christ all we do in those games are push "auto-attack". Well thats just f***ing fun. Lets let the computer battle for me and watch my character get killed by a rat. PS lets you control your combat, the only thing the computer does for you is keep track of the guy your chasing. Lets see that f***ing rat kill me now.
Average MMORPG vs. Planetside.
Enemy NPC's/Bots - Real Players
Groups and guilds - Squads, Platoons and Outfits
Huge player base - Huge player base
Expoits against AI - What AI?
Lots of running or teleports - Running, driving, flying, warping
Newbies are useless - Newbies are equal in everything but skill
Solo players - Corpses of solo players
6-8 people max per group - 30 person platoons
Specific class system - Classes, we dont need no stinking classes
Ill think of more later, but as i played EQ for about a year untill i realized the only things changing were the graphics, and even that took a few years, i stopped playing. Planetside should keep me occupied for long enough, because the combat changes. No auto attack, no twinking, nothing that made playing those other games so bad.
2003-04-24, 02:54 PM
i'll admit that I only have limited expeince with mmorpg games, and i'm not in beta, and I play CS a lot. However from what I see, the game will be what the players make out of it. For example, if u see people at every base that are killin thier teamates, like in CS, then peope arn't gonna pay for this game (but the devs did s great job preventing this from the stuff i hear) also, things like outfits setting up teritories would add to the game by creating stability in the facilities so that a facility isn't going to be hacked every 10 minuts like i hear some people complaining about. (I think defense will eventualy balence out with offense when some payers begin to max out on certs, or the devs release some new stuff that is going to make people lean towards defense) As far as specilisation goes, the devs can regulate that by the amount of new stuff they realease and the max amound of certs someone can have. I think the new material that the devs will realease will keep most people comming back to the game. What I'm tryng to say is: will PS keep everyone of it's costumers interested, probably not, but will the addons and stabilization of the game keep people commin back, I hope so
my two cents
2003-04-24, 03:11 PM
simple. As long as new content is added I will pay to play untill the game dies. If new stuff is not added fairly regularly then I will simply move on to the next FPS like the cycle demands.
2003-04-24, 03:35 PM
For someone who hasn't played the game yet, Sparton nailed it. One of the biggest challenges facing Planetside is that there are a staggering number of ways to play the game, but gamers (with our lazy nature) tend to gravitate only to the play styles that are force-fed or pushed along by game mechanics. That's why there is so much support for the Matrix idea, and that's why there is so much backlash against solo play (when it impacts the fun of a "group"). That is also why I am increasingle sure that it's the reward scheme that is broken and not some huge mechanic that is missing.
2003-04-24, 04:07 PM
i always tought halo would be one of the best xbox games ever, but well, i was VERY wrong, halo really disapointed me!
I just mean, the vehicles really suck, like the controls come on in real vehicles it's not that wicky!!! And the maps are pretty bugfull also, played first mission, blablabla searching like one enemy or something? wtf? Guns are ok but once they start using real shit like nadelaunchers and such it sux, the P90 ownz offcourse...
The multiplayer part...sigh...what should i say?
It's so very very little, i mean, ctf on like 25 by 4 meters?
Damn, i really think they could have made much more with the graphics...and those aren't even so good, the water is not a reflection of the sky, it's damned EXACT!
I'm not waiting a bit for halo to come to pc, it won't be even mentioned i think, just like splinter cell that is linear like hell...
2003-04-24, 04:26 PM
Do you think those FPS servers you play on are free? Yeah, they're just giving bandwidth away these days. Although it may seem like all you do is buy the game, and there you go, free online play. This is not the case. There are many hardcore gamers PAYING for those servers you think are free. The leech says "why pay for something that should be free like other FPS games." The guy who's been chipping in all these years for servers says, " hell, $15 to $20, a month and no BS?, That's a steal".
Using history as a guide, when EQ2 comes out.
2003-04-24, 04:46 PM
yah Potbot i totally agree... For instance in battlefield if u want to have a good server that your clan can play on with out morons ruining your game... you need to pay 150 a month to rent a decent server at least in PS u dont need to worry about a clan/outfit having a server to play on just so u can get team play
and all u out there complaining about all lvling up give u is more diversity well isnt that what they are going for.. Isnt the point of this game is that new people can come in the game and take on a guy that has been play for months as long as he has the skill ?? All i know is ill be play as long as it keeps me interested, and the sounds of it i think ill be playing for quite a while
2003-04-24, 04:50 PM
PoTBoT has it right. Most FPS's that are played seriously (and I mean HARDCORE players) cost loads. Servers (As PB said), travel and entry fees to LAN tournaments, website maintainance, constant PC upgrades etc...
If PS has an incentive for people to play, maybe giving prizes to the most effective outfits of the month, or upgrading the game constantly with weapons and certs, then I'll pay. However at the moment, the only difference between this and free FPS's = the huge scale of the battles.
This is many games in 1, but, for free, you can play Half-Life and about 20 Million free mods (Slight Exaggeration!) casually and get the same, or maybe more gameplay than PS, apart from the extremely small scale (64 Player Max) that normal FPS's offer.
PS: What's SWG?
2003-04-24, 04:55 PM
Can someone give me a link where the devs said they were going to add content every month?
2003-04-24, 04:57 PM
SWG= Star Wars Galaxies.... MORPG comming out soon.
2003-04-24, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by PoTBoT
Do you think those FPS servers you play on are free?
LOL. They are free to me, that's all I care about.
2003-04-24, 05:12 PM
The thing is, if you would rather stick with various revs of Half Life and avoid the monthly payment, that is exactly what you should do. You certainly won't be alone.
On the other hand, this statement is incorrect (not talking about the exafferation :) ):
This is many games in 1, but, for free, you can play Half-Life and about 20 Million free mods (Slight Exaggeration!) casually and get the same, or maybe more gameplay than PS, apart from the extremely small scale (64 Player Max) that normal FPS's offer.
Where is the half life mod with persistence of state?
2003-04-24, 06:28 PM
I can certainly see Acidcats point. However people play the same maps over and over again in games like CS, Tribes etc. And there is no dynamic element or scale to those games in comparision to PS. I am hopeful that we will be kept entertained.
2003-04-24, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by PoTBoT
Do you think those FPS servers you play on are free? Yeah, they're just giving bandwidth away these days. Although it may seem like all you do is buy the game, and there you go, free online play. This is not the case. There are many hardcore gamers PAYING for those servers you think are free. The leech says "why pay for something that should be free like other FPS games." The guy who's been chipping in all these years for servers says, " hell, $15 to $20, a month and no BS?, That's a steal".
couldn't have said it better myself
2003-04-24, 06:30 PM
Really, really, good point POTBOT.
2003-04-24, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by PoTBoT
Do you think those FPS servers you play on are free? Yeah, they're just giving bandwidth away these days. Although it may seem like all you do is buy the game, and there you go, free online play. This is not the case. There are many hardcore gamers PAYING for those servers you think are free. The leech says "why pay for something that should be free like other FPS games." The guy who's been chipping in all these years for servers says, " hell, $15 to $20, a month and no BS?, That's a steal".
couldn't have said it better myself
2003-04-24, 06:38 PM
oops :rolleyes:
2003-04-24, 06:41 PM
Well, I think people will paytaplay because A) Updates with genuine 'new' stuff, balance changes, etc. B) If you play the game right there will be a strong community aspect - you will play with the same people and become friends with your squad/outfit/etc. C) Being 'top of the heap'. The truly l33t can show their skills to the other thousands of people on the server. If platoons share XP throughout you can bet that the people with the best XP over time will be the ones who get a full platoon and go kick ass in a hundred person battle.
2003-04-24, 07:06 PM
I used to shell out hundreds of $$/mo on a tribes 2 server.
2003-04-24, 07:13 PM
I'd pay to play till I'm bored of the game and start playing somthing else. Till I get bored other games, i'll start paying again.
Oh, if monthly fees, why not like 3 month fees, so you dont have to pay everymonth. Or yearly fee?
Or are they thinking about it?
And tell them to think about buying minutes (bringing cell phones into this):rolleyes:
2003-04-24, 07:17 PM
I think if you have a good platoon setup and your involved in a hondred+ person battle for more then 2-3 hours you should get at least 2 BRs. Thats a MAJOR killing spree :)
But i haven't played yet "HURRY UP STUPID PATCHER" :)
2003-04-24, 09:37 PM
I lke potbots point :D
2003-04-24, 09:47 PM
They are making some really dynamic changes to the game with this next patch. This is very promising, I'm glad I got this negativity out of my system. :D
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