View Full Version : Will you be able to speak to other players across empires?

2002-12-14, 08:50 PM
I apologize if this is answered somewhere else, but I checked the FAQ and did a forum search, and did not find anything.

Will you be able to send a tell to players in other empires?

And another quickie: Will the naming system be akin to MMORPGs, with one instance of a name per server, even across realms/empires/whatever, or will I be flying along with ten 'Sephiroths' and transporting five snipers all named 'Legolas' :doh:

2002-12-14, 08:58 PM
No, answered by the devs. :D

Of course, they totally realize that some kind of communication between empires will be possible (this IS over the internet after all) so don't expect everything your empire does to be utterly secret.

2002-12-14, 09:17 PM
I just loved the fact that in C&C :Renegade you could private message somebody on the other team, i found that hilarious. :D

2002-12-14, 09:44 PM
Zarp is right, confirmed by the devs. :D

You will have animations however - sorta like Tribes

2002-12-14, 09:56 PM
As for the naming thing, I started a thread like that earlier and it will be just like any other FPS probably but with some boundaries. Nothing like "Bitch Smacker" or something :lol: