View Full Version : look out for this tker..
2003-04-24, 07:07 PM
look out for this guy named infantry i was hacking a base him and his squad of 5 come in they send there stealther to hack it but i was there 20 sec befor him like half way done hacking it.
then this bitch infantry TKs me and am like WTF bitch why you kill me and he says this is our hack we had this base and all that shit.
am like no you didint i came up in here killed 2 guys then hacked it you didint do shit and he says o me and my squad hacked a gun tower if it was not for us you would not be here.
am like ok whatever moron i came in a drop pod and droped right next to the base that gives you no right to kill me cuz your a little bitch.
and he says am worthless and all that shit but thats what i hate about games with FF you got some moron all the time
hes on the server called citrine so if you see infantry kick his ass :D
2003-04-24, 07:13 PM
Sucks man. Only been TKed once. The first time I played the game, I instant actioned in. I spawned in a tower owned by my empire (of course :D) When I left somebody (who will remain nameless, cause he was pretty cool about it afterwards) came up and planted something at my feet. I, being the n00b that I was, stared at it and looked back at him. I saw him press a button on some handheld thing, and I blew up. But he apologized and all was good, just spawned back in the same tower. More funny than annoying. :D
2003-04-24, 07:16 PM
ya but this guy killed me to take the hack thats what sucks balls
2003-04-24, 07:51 PM
*takes out jiberish dictionnary*
OHHHHHHHH! yea sucks for you..
2003-04-24, 08:00 PM
This guy Infantry posted his side of the story in the Beta OF.
TKing for the hack is stupid as all hell. It will be fixed though.
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-24, 08:01 PM
Please either A: Refrain from using "Am like" or B: For the love of god don't reproduce.
But yeah I'll agree that was kinda crappy. Unless of course his squad had been killing there the entire time gradually fighting their way into the base and then you dropped in and ran to to an almost completely undefended cap room a minute before they made it there and started hacking. In that case I'd kill your ass too /shrug
2003-04-24, 08:25 PM
nope when i droped in drop pod i allmost hit there gal lol would of been funny if i hit it too but they where fighting in a gun tower and when i was running to the base they followed a little after
2003-04-24, 08:28 PM
heh, speaking of TK, I'll never do this again!
Was in an ANT driving to a warp bubble and I saw a guy running my way. So... I decided to give him a scare, turned at him, and he moved away and turned at him again. Was gonna turn in like a second before hitting him.... BUT figures, lag hit me and next thing I know I got grief and I see my kill of the ANT on the kill box thing :( :( :(
2003-04-24, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Zenny
heh, speaking of TK, I'll never do this again!
Was in an ANT driving to a warp bubble and I saw a guy running my way. So... I decided to give him a scare, turned at him, and he moved away and turned at him again. Was gonna turn in like a second before hitting him.... BUT figures, lag hit me and next thing I know I got grief and I see my kill of the ANT on the kill box thing :( :( :(
I did the a similar thing in my wraith while my squad was waiting for the base to change hands. I got in it and was cruisin around. I saw a fellow infiltrator and decided to scare him a little, I turned my wraith towards him, when I got close I turned away, THEN lag hit, when my comp came to I had run into a wall at full speed, rendering my wraith immobile. :( needless to say, that infiltrator I was trying to scare was there laughing at me.
2003-04-24, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
But yeah I'll agree that was kinda crappy. Unless of course his squad had been killing there the entire time gradually fighting their way into the base and then you dropped in and ran to to an almost completely undefended cap room a minute before they made it there and started hacking. In that case I'd kill your ass too /shrug
Why don't they just invite the guy into their squad? They all get the same amount of EXP
2003-04-24, 08:56 PM
i asked to join there squad but they said nothing
2003-04-24, 09:16 PM
Similar thing happened to me the other night.
Myself and a bunch of friends at a LAN desided to unlock a TR controlled continent. So we got there, and there were actually TR which was kinda amazing, but we got over it. We spent about 15 minutes fighting into the base, got down into the control room and waited for our hacker (ran into a mine with his wraith, kinda funny). Instead a lone guy comes down and hacks the base. First off, kinda annoying. So we invite him into the squad, and he DECLINED. The a couple more guys from his outfit arrive. We invite him into the squad, along with a few of the others, and it says they are all in the same squad. So we got really pissed, they did none of the work except for having a lone hacker take the console. So we stayed in the room the whole time, waited until there was only 15 seconds left, and killed there entire squad. Tell me we werent justified?
I said it before and i'll say it again, we need an official fucktard and asswipe list. :)
Camping Carl
2003-04-24, 09:28 PM
I think it's rarely justified to TK.
If you do all the work but they get the hack first, ask them if you can have the hack, if they say no, you ask if you can join a sqaud with them. If they still say no, move on. It's not the end of the world.
If they TK you to get the hack, then and only then should they be fair game.
And Dio, totally agree. :)
PSU needs to blacklist players for being dumbasses.
2003-04-24, 09:38 PM
Who would moderate the fucktard list?
And carl, we did that. We got called idiots. So instead of CEP (would have gotten our squad leader to BR 3 :( )and 3000 BEP we settled for the "assist" exp, and about 30 grief points each. And it worked, the next base there was no attempt to take the hack from us. They did kill our SL, but after that it settled down.
Camping Carl
2003-04-24, 10:16 PM
Eh, well you said you killed them all right? Did they kill you first? If they did, no problem. If not, that doesn't make you any better than them.
That's just my personall philosiphy tho, only TK the TK'ers.
2003-04-25, 01:19 AM
that doesn't work in desert combat, I was in the server Metal marines and some asshole is on the carrier blowing up all the planes and the black hawks with 5-6 people in them. I'm in gunner seat and he wips out his saw and starts shooting at the black hawk, I get pissed and mow him down. His kill record is -22score 0kills 5 deaths. after that mine is 26 score 15 kills 4 deaths. For some reason the admin see's fit that I should be banned...:(
Marlboro Man!!
2003-04-25, 01:31 AM
ive been tked quite a few times. mainly ran over in my own sanctuary by morons .its so depressing.:(
edit: im also depressed cuz some tard gangked my name on the emerald server :( . so if some guy running around on the emerald server with my name does something retarded its not me:D every other server ive gotten my name :D
My only bad experience so far was some idiot named Fred who rammed our galaxy twice with his ANT causing major damage. Ranger says "Hey fred wtf are you doing?!" Next thing know he runs down Ranger, sadly he got away before we could TK him.
2003-04-25, 01:56 AM
Killing people at a command console for BEP???!!!! Something must be done about this. Over on the official forums some guy started a thread with a pretty good argument for taking out BEP altogether.
It sounded pretty solid. Now that the devs are working on putting in concrete goals for those that have been requesting them for ages, I don't see BEP as much of an incentive anymore. Dunno what would work best, but the stories I hear about tking for BEP must stop. They are depressing me, heh.
2003-04-25, 05:47 AM
why the fuck are you talking about desert combat Bighoss???
we are talking about planetside not gay ass desert combat or aka the next CS POS game
2003-04-25, 06:11 AM
It seems relatively simple. Just track how long the player (through enemy kills) was in the SOI before the base was hacked. If he/she was in the SOI when the hack started, and was there when it finished, then he/she should get the full BEP, no matter what squad he was in. I hate it. I get in and hack a base with my squad, then another squad shows up and helps defend, and it turns out we need every member they have to give. But they don't get any BEP for doing the same work, if not more, as my squad-mates? I say no.
2003-04-25, 09:35 AM
Sometimes folks, you gotta be careful on what you think you may know. Example.
Our Squad tactics is to always carry a infal hacker. When we set to assault, his job is to b-line straight for CC before the defense can get there.
Usually works. The rest of us, go in for the fight tothe CC spot. The other night, Our man makes it to CC (killed 3 peeps on way) and begins to hack.
Lookin' at the info panel, another TR squad is fightin' and fought into the CC (where I was getting help requests from our hacker for help against the enemy) but our hacker got caught in the crossfire and died.
Now myself and another (in my squad) make it to the CC. A MAX and another are standing there. I figured they started the hack, i look, nothing. Our HAcker is on other side of continent. I wait 60 secs to see if their hacker is coming. At this point, I won't wait. ok, fine, i break out the REK and start the hack (i'm no hacker btw, so it takes me forever normally).
Next thing I know, i'm blasted by the MAX. Then I see my compatriot blast the crap outta the max and the other soldier. HE died shortly after as the enemy got him. Since the enemy found the AMS and retook the tower, well, there was nowhere to spawn near. as the last of our squad died, i got a tell from the offending MAX that we costed them the base. And a few other tells saying what they thought of me and my squad.
I never responded. I kept thinking to myself, nice team play.
Oh to note, we had created hotspots in our battle and I had witnessed the other squad hotdroppin' in from a Galaxy as our team fought through the front doors.
My team just shrugged it off, regrouped, re-equipped and went for a new base.
2003-04-25, 09:47 AM
I'll tell ya. Your TK was not justified. The other guys were assholes to be sure, but you were bigger assholes for killing them.
2003-04-25, 10:06 AM
Team killing pricks like that will be a deciding factor in weither or not I keep playing the game. Too many of them and I'll spend my money some where else. Score junkies and leveling wh@res don't impress me. It's all about the game play and team work as far as I'm cocerned. I see these guys crop up in every online game I play. Friggin whiners of "You stole my kill!" or "That's my cap!". I'm sorry I thought this was a game based on team play. I usually go out of my way to give them a little pay back and make it as frustrating for them as they make it for me.
2003-04-25, 10:08 AM
To Airlift,
If you are refering to my squad mate stickin' up for me, I'll respectfully disagree. At least in regards to my squadmates action in that scenario. I do agree, seeking out/hunting down the other squad to exact revenge is not needed or was done. In my example, Just the one teammate who witnessed the event took down the two that did it.
If one of my squadmates is gunned down intentionally (sp) right in front of my eyes, I'm not going to let it slide. I want my squad mates to know i'm there to back them up at all levels, it will build trust within my squad. The rest of my squad didn't go seek and destroy the other squad, nor did we ask them too. Again, Just the one teammate who witnessed the event took down the two that did it.
I hate TKs. I'd never go out of my way to TK anyone. Again, If I witness an intentional TK or attempted TK of my squad mate, I'm going to defend my mate, even if it means i get grief points.
BTW, my grief points are 0.
Someone has tried to TK me for a hack only once so far.
My squad just got done just absolutely tearing this base apart. The fight was huge, at least 30 or more people to a side. Our involvement was probably the turning point, we trashed all the equipment terminals and stuff, so the defenders were reduced to spawn gear. The rest of my squad was in the spawn area, trying to hold back the tide while I went and hacked.
Halfway through the hack, I was knifed twice. I hit my regen and first aid hotkeys, spun around...
It was an NC trying to knife me! At least six people were standing behind me, pissed that I was stealing 'their' hack.
I had a chaingun.
They were slow.
Our commander enjoyed his new CR2 :angel:
2003-04-25, 11:13 AM
I agree with BeerJedi, Airlift. There is no excuse for intentional TK'ing and if I see anyone mess with anyone in my squad I will gun them down in a second. If I see someone who isn't in my squad gun down a fellow soldier from my faction I will shout a warning to him, to take that skippy, nintendo, kid shit elsewhere. This game has the greatest potential, but just like all the rest of them it is the community that will make or break it. If the previous MMOG are any indication I fear for the fate of Planetside, but I have to give this great game a chance.
TKing is definitely getting out of hand.
2003-04-25, 11:36 AM
I'm not in the beta but it seems to me that its the same problem that plagues all the online games that have FF on.
Just a simple lack of manners, respect, and professional courtesy.
If I walked into a base and another team had taken it down but dint have a hacker, I'd ask to join their squad hack the base then leave the squad. I mean all of you are on the same side.
2003-04-25, 11:42 AM
So we got really pissed, they did none of the work except for having a lone hacker take the console. So we stayed in the room the whole time, waited until there was only 15 seconds left, and killed there entire squad. Tell me we werent justified?
I'll tell ya. Your TK was not justified. The other guys were assholes to be sure, but you were bigger assholes for killing them.
If you are refering to my squad mate stickin' up for me, I'll respectfully disagree. At least in regards to my squadmates action in that scenario. I do agree, seeking out/hunting down the other squad to exact revenge is not needed or was done. In my example, Just the one teammate who witnessed the event took down the two that did it.
I've clarified now what I was talking about (was too lazy to quote teh first time around), and I can't call you out for that because not only is killing the TKs what I would do, it is exactly what I did do when placed in a very similar situation a few days earlier. Except, we didn't just kill the TKs and let it go, we took the shit to their spawn point and declined them the opportunity to return to the scene. Granted, this was after they killed our lead man not once, but twice. The diminishment of friendly forces caused the hack to fail, but when someone TKs a member of my squad (and I'm not talking about incidental friendly fire here), it isn't about exp anymore, it is about taking my pound of flesh out of a traitor.
TKing is definitely getting out of hand.
Trol, have you read the big TKed by HEL thread on the beta boards?
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