2003-04-25, 12:33 PM
Are there any known plans that UBIsoft is going to set up Planetside servers in Europe ?
I wouldnt mind if the connection to the american servers was that good but my usual experience was that I got pings around 200-300 with my xDSL connection and that is definitly too high for a game like Planetside.
Or would you say that the game is still playable without noticing lag with a Ping of 200-300 ?
Is the Ping/framerate as important as it is in Counter-Strike/Quake/Unreal ?
I wouldnt mind if the connection to the american servers was that good but my usual experience was that I got pings around 200-300 with my xDSL connection and that is definitly too high for a game like Planetside.
Or would you say that the game is still playable without noticing lag with a Ping of 200-300 ?
Is the Ping/framerate as important as it is in Counter-Strike/Quake/Unreal ?