View Full Version : What would you like to see in an outfit?
2002-12-15, 10:45 PM
I'm thinking of creating a Vanu squad but I want to know what people would rather join or what they think is more useful. Do you want to see a general purpose outfit that has a little bit of everything to offer or something very specialized like pilots, cover ops, recon, defense, etc? :rawr:
2002-12-15, 10:51 PM
I would like to see a small, highly organized, highly specialized outfit. When someone else wants something done, then they ask you because you would do it best.
2002-12-15, 10:51 PM
How does this sound for an outfit?
- 1 Hacker w/ mosquito or lightning certs
- 1 Sniper w/ mosquito or lightning certs
- 2 Heavy Tanks
- 1 Reaver
- 1 Galaxy Pilot to carry everyone who doesn't have a ride
- 3 Medium assults
- 1 MAX fully loaded
2002-12-15, 10:55 PM
I agree with Archon, there should be specialized outfits that other outfits can call on.
2002-12-15, 11:31 PM
I don't really care. As long as you get a Vanu outfit up I won't care. I hate joining squads/clans/outfits when I know noone in it.
2002-12-15, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Saint
How does this sound for an outfit?
- 1 Hacker w/ mosquito or lightning certs
- 1 Sniper w/ mosquito or lightning certs
- 2 Heavy Tanks
- 1 Reaver
- 1 Galaxy Pilot to carry everyone who doesn't have a ride
- 3 Medium assults
- 1 MAX fully loaded
Well, this would probably be fine, but, what if say, you're pilot decides not to play and neither does your Max. Then you're SOL and left without two main teammates. I'm not going to limit or give players certain tasks or roles to play, should be pretty equal across the board(otherwards, some will excel in other areas, but still have abilities others will have):)
Ravon Dark
2002-12-16, 12:01 AM
I think a general squad would be good, after all, what's the fun in playing a premade character? Half the fun of this game is you get to pick and choose what you want, so sure, if you look around and find the right people that exactly what you're looking for, but even then, you gotta find enough of them. Like the last guy said, if you're missin' like 1-2 or your important people you're screwed.. So I think the best idea is to go with a general squad. Gather people you know are atleast of decent skill and let them choose what they want to be and use what they are to run the Outfit.
2002-12-16, 12:10 AM
I'm either gonna make a 'commander' outfit(just a lot of leaders and a few infantry), or gonna join a smaller outfit... or go sniper....
I want to lead the huge multi-squad raids on bases... and goign that route, I'd either make an entire clan of several squads, so we have a reliable base of people we can call on, or just have my leaders join with smaller groups like archon's, and then those leaders follow my orders, leading their group to the desired location...
basicly i want to have groups with leaders i know i can count on... and i hate recruiting people i dont know to come on one of my raids
Larger outfits would be better I think because then, like someone said, if a couple people aren't online you could still function. And the more damage the better :D
Also, you wouldn't have to rely on other 'specialized' outfits that might be full of people you don't know. With a larger outfit everyone would be used to each other if they played together a lot.
2002-12-16, 12:45 AM
I like self-dependancy.. but that can exist on 3 levels...
1) Self-dependancy on myself
2) Self-dependancy on a single squad level(squad is self-sufficent)
3) Self-dependancy on a clan level(clan is self-sufficent)
So, I've looked at the possible routes:
1) Sniper, full dependancy on my skills alone
2) Single-squad team of people i can work with
3) Leading a large group of people(dont like to trust 'higher ups' to do the right thing)... so basicly tell squad leaders what to do, and have the 10-20 squad leaders tell their team what to do while they are raiding an enemy base
But i'm somewhat flexible, if i meet a supurb commander, That makes decisions I agree with, i could work as a subordinate... But.. not gonna rely on that since it's not self-dependant =p
2002-12-16, 01:07 AM
As far as working with other groups(people you don't know), I think you will find out rather quickly which ones you can depend on & trust 100%. If TG needs some back-up, I certainly will trust that someone within the Empire will deliver, as we will do for many. (We are still contiplating on two diff. Empires):)
2002-12-16, 03:41 AM
Okay it is official, TG has decided to join the TR Empire...unanimous vote! So remember, if you are in a bind call on the TG.:)
2002-12-16, 03:46 AM
/me can just see a couple entropy or vanguard guys getting together in an outfit and dominating a battle 5 vs 20... :rolleyes:
Ravon Dark
2002-12-16, 03:56 AM
I can't see that.. after all.. different game.
2002-12-16, 04:02 AM
Would be more like Rapture and Vanguard or (IA: Invictus Ateirnum) or something like that dominating everyone.
2002-12-16, 05:46 AM
It doesn't matter who is in yourgroup as long as you have teamwork and organization.
2002-12-16, 08:54 AM
I think the best outfit would be a platoon with 3 different Squads.
1. Command Squad (special ops).
2. Assault Squad (base taking).
3. Vehicle Squad (exploration/heavy offense)
Command Squad:
- The Platoon Commander (light)
- 3 Stealthers (stealth)
- 2 Snipers (light)
- 1 Medic (medium)
- 1 Galaxy Pilot (light)
- 1 MAX (max)
- 1 Supporter/repairer (Medium)
Assault Squad:
- 1 Galaxy Pilot (light)
- 4 Assaulters (medium)
- 2 light assaulters (light) option for Scout buggy
- 3 MAX (max)
Vehicle Squad:
- 2 Mosquito Pilots (2 Misquitos)
- 1 Reaver pilot (1 reaver)
- 4 Tank Pilots (2 Tanks)
- 1 AMS pilot
- 2 Scout buggy pilots (1 Scout buggy)
Of course atack/defend roles would differ.
Galaxy Pilots are in every Squad who needs it to reduce dependencies. Both galaxy pilots will have to take people from every squad into the battle once the first drop down has taken place and people are diing.
(by the way: I was a leader of a 30 men T2 clan for 2 years. So I like the idea of having such a 30 men platoon, maybe I will form such an outfit)
2002-12-17, 01:50 AM
I'm sorry I made a mistake in this just wanted to clarify something. I meant squad not outfit.
2002-12-17, 02:01 AM
Depending on the dedication of the squad members and the objectives of the squad would determine what best to consist of. attacking a heavily fortified base would require lots of MAX or tanks, but a lightly defended one might only need a single heavy unit, and more infantry. I like the idea of outfits or clans, where if in a particular mission you need a certain class, you can call on your reserves and have them help you out, rather than making just one squad to try to fit to every mission.
2002-12-17, 03:30 AM
There is no best. It all depends on what you want to do. No one outfit will be able to do everything alone.
2002-12-17, 07:06 AM
I dont think it makes much sense to try and suit your squad for diferent tasks.
If you have only 10 members, then most of the folks will have to perform "MUST HAVE" positions and tactical options konverge to 0.
In the case of games like Planetside and Tribes I would say: Numbers = options.
ANd 10 folks can only build the basic skeleton which is a MUST (Commander, Medic, Galaxy Pilot, Hacker, . . .) and which leaves no options.
You COULD specialize, but then you will have to rely on others to do the jobs not covered by your squad.
So I think 20 players is the minimum for an independent Strike Force which has some viability and can take a base alone.
(As always, this is pure speculation and may be different in the actual game)
EDIT: Oh and I think a well organized 30 man outfit WILL be able to do everything alone !
2002-12-17, 12:22 PM
what do I want?
three letters... C-D-L
2002-12-17, 01:41 PM
Which in ym case will be "relativity" !
2002-12-17, 02:11 PM
Personaly I thing that there will be a lot of sniper outfits. I mean how many outfits won't have atleast 3 snipers and how many will be about 7 or less people per outfit. Then again there will be a lot of piloting outfits.
2002-12-17, 02:19 PM
That's what I'm wondering... Do you guys want specialized squads like sniper squads? pilot squads? or do you want a generalized skill squad?
2002-12-17, 02:30 PM
I think a generalized squad would be best. Because if there was a specialty squad, all of them would have the same weakness, while a generalized squad would be able to counter most things.
2002-12-17, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by DiosT
So, I've looked at the possible routes:
1) Sniper, full dependancy on my skills alone
I don't think I need to reiterate my stance on the lone sniper syndrome...
As for an outfit... A large outfit would obviously be the best. If you want to specialize - no worries! Simply divide the outfit into divisions then. :D
For example - if you have 204 memebers, 100 of them can be in the stealth/Covert Ops department, 30 of them could be assault, 50 could be pilots, 20 in support (medic/engineers), and 4 could be commanders. Balanced enough, eh? :p
So yes. Large groups will be better off and have more fun IMHO. The high dependency of your teamates being logged on will be lessened.
2002-12-17, 03:31 PM
As I said before:
Specialized squads are quite useless. People will realize that they cant take on a base with a specialized suqad alone and if nobody else is around they can stay there and do their useless specialized stuff.
Especially as voice binds will only work for suqads, so you cant coordinate your actions with other squads if they are not in your outfitt and commanded by the outfit commander via teamspeak or roger wilco. (I really dont think that 2 Squads can work together sucessfully without voice com/binds)
So you either have to make a very general squad or have to find an outfit with some different and specialized squads.
I think 30 man outfits/taksforces (commanded by a commander and 1 subcommand per suqad) who whork together often will dominate the servers.
2002-12-17, 05:43 PM
I am going to have to disagree with you on many levels. First off, if you focus on one thing, chances are you will be better at it than a group that does not. Second, making a squad that assaults bases /is/ specializing. You stated that
"people will realize that they can't take on a base with a sepecialized squad alone and if nobody else is around they can stay there and do their useless specialized stuff."
To be honest, that is correct, but you will always have to rely on something or someone else. If you have a general squad, you need virtually every member to perform whatever job you want to do well.. For example, if you transport pilot for your generalized squad is gone, you will be able to do virtually nothing, according to what you said. I believe that the different specialized groups will be able to work together in order to do things that they could not do alone. Furthermore, you can have inter-outfit communication between higher level commanders (from what I have heard as of thus,) and therefore would be able to communicate.
I agree with your last paragraph, although I do not think that it is critical that each task force be a member one particular outfit in order to perform their jobs.
Of course, only time will tell.
2002-12-17, 08:44 PM
why didnt you include 311 BZ ;) lol
2002-12-18, 08:30 PM
Well it's really all a matter of preference and how well each of those skilled soilders are in their department, but for myself I think a good mixture would be.
2 - 3 Max Units [One of them definately anti-infantry]
2 - 3 Airborn Units
1 - 2 Tanks
The rest foot soilders including 1 sniper.
That would be in a squad of 10.
But to be honest I would really enjoy to see a larger outfit with different Divisions, but the same outfit.
You'd have an outfit named hmm. Rouge Unit
Now I.E Rouge Unit would have 3 Divisions each relating to the seperate types of Warfare.
Airborn Rouge Unit: Basically like a airforce. This would consist of a healty mixture of Scout plains, The Reavers and prob 1-2 dropships.
Ground Assault Rouge Unit: This would have your basic foot units. Assualters, snipers [maybe 2 snipers] this would probrably have 2 or 3 groups making for [20-30 actual foot soilders just numbered differently or something]
Heavy Ground Assault Rouge Unit: Would consist of a healthy mixture of Tanks, vehichles and such, this unit would probrably only be around 6 or so deep.
Of course for this to work each would have someone that was in control of each division and then 1 person controlling the whole.
The one person basically commander and cheif gives the word to destroy. Those commanders in the seperate divisions gathers their men and goes out with them into battle while the soilders do their soildering.
I don't know how solid this sounds on paper, but in my mind the concept sounds pretty strong. I'm currently looking for an outfit that models itself somewhat like this. I'm not willing to head one, because basically I know I don't have the time to do so.
So if any are running or can suggest an outfit built like this please let me know. I have dedicated myself and services to the Vanu and stand and fight strong for our freedom to be free. Advance into our greater selves. Do get in contact
2002-12-19, 12:04 AM
I had planned on starting an outfit with some of my friends called super 6x. We'd do insertions pretty much, with as many galaxies as you need. :)
PS (Anyone get the movie reference from the name of the sqaud? :))
2002-12-19, 01:16 AM
I think a more diverse outfit would be better, because you could get to know everyone you work with, as opposed to just knowing the group certified like you. although being in a specialized guild would be really cool, its not very practical.
2002-12-19, 02:39 AM
Hopefully one outfit won't have that much effect on the outcome in the world overall.. I mean, they'd have to have a CRAPLOAD of guys to do that. :) Serveral hundred?
It'll be interesting to see how the outfits break down. I imagine the majority of the time it'll be just like current tribes, bf1942 blah blah clans, where you have a wide variety of people who like different jobs. Might see some guys who just concentrate on one thing, but I doubt there'll be too much of that.
2002-12-19, 08:11 AM
hmm, what omega wrtoe seems exactly what I posted on page 2 of this thread . . . maybe read this . . .
2002-12-19, 09:16 AM
The outfits that will be the most sucsessfull are the ones whit enough players to mount a significant force that can work together under experienced commanders/leaders.
You cannot hope to be as succsessfull as the larger outfits whit fewer people (20 or so) because well RL calls at times, shit happens.. and sometime you'll just need more people to throw at the defenders to take them down.
If it's one thing we should learn from EQ is that size matter.. having manny people that are capable of working together and taking up different roles to fill eachother out will pretty much always win, either thrue skill or numbers.
just my 2 cents
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