View Full Version : Why is TR the most popular right now? Discuss here.
2002-12-15, 11:50 PM
I'm confuse, or maybe just ignorant. Why is it that most people are polling for Terran Republic? I'm not looking for some bullsheiz about the republics history or freedom crap. I want to know if first impressions persuaded people, or weapons, or vehicles ect.
When I first looked at the Empire websites it was Vanu that caught my eye. But now I'm not sure at all, it just seems a little rediculous how people are flocking behind these factions without even playing the game yet. Sure you can base your reasonings on gameplay values, but there are a lot of idiots out there wasting peoples time with their make believe political bull.
Any thoughts?
2002-12-15, 11:52 PM
TR seem to be pretty popular due to their color (non purple) which is stupid but it is the case in alot of decisions. Others think that their weapons are bigger, better. They're different but not neccesarily better. It just really comes down to what each person prefers and I guess alot of people prefer TR but it's not by that huge of a number that they're ahead of the other empires.
If you're smart you'll choose Vanu! :D
2002-12-15, 11:57 PM
I'd actually say it's their colors. Red and black. For a person that has just joined the PS community, their going to want to look cool, not care about what TR is about. So they go with red and black, colors of strength and power.
My 2 cents there =)
2002-12-16, 12:01 AM
I agee Blue_Zero. Vanu just seems to suit my style.
I hate it how people are ripping on Vanu for stupid stuff like their color. What they dont realize is that purple and green are probably the best colors out of the bunch to not be easily seen. All I hope for is that Vanu stays somewhat close population wise.
Who knows, I may end up playing a little with all of them. but the smart people will start with Vanu, then decide.
2002-12-16, 12:01 AM
I got this from something a guy I know wrote...
Why should you join the Terran Republic?
1) Despite the rhetoric from the other empires, it _is_ a Republic. Our forces originated with the Terran Empire and made the transition to defend the Republic which sprang from the Empire's ashes. The TR has defended the just cause of freedom with responsibility for over a thousand years.
2) excellent colors and symbology. Yes, this is fluff, but these colors are designed to blend better into most backgrounds. You will get killed less often and count coup against our opponents more often.
3) Weaponry. Peace through firepower. We have the only fire-and-forget missile. We have the only double-barreled tank. Our chain guns will eat up the enemy.
4) we have the manpower. Right now TR is running well ahead in the manpower polls. This will translate to dominance on the battlefield.
I personally love a story. I can't play a game with out knowing its back ground.
After reading the indepth background storys for each of the 3 sides I was forced to conclude that the Vanu were the ones to go with for me. right off the bat their alien design and energy based weopons are very appealing to me. However I chose Vanu based on principle.
After reading the 3 backstorys I ended with the view that the TR are the bad guys who are oppressing everyone. However, not neccesarily to the degree that the other 2 sides would have you believe. The NC seemed to be a group with good intentions of offering freedom and such but in their ignorence concluded that anyone different from them selves is bad and must be anniellated and due to that view decided to declare war on the Vanu. The VS on the other hand seemed to me to be a group that was paticularly fascinated with the Vanu technology and, though they were willing to do their research on their own without bothering anyone, were forced into their current situation because both the TR and NC won't tolerate their curious ideals.
Based on the principle of choosing the side of the innocent one is what ultimatly determined that I should be on the Vanu side regardless of their tactical advantage or disadvantage.
2002-12-16, 01:25 AM
Exactly :) And by the way, red and black aren't exactly the best camo. :rolleyes:
i chose TR b/c
1. i dont want gay energy weapons
2. nc is primarily shotguns, and outside of 20 feet, those wont do you a bunch of good.
Lt AntiSmile
2002-12-16, 02:18 AM
"Peace through Fire-power"
hand of Nod anyone from C&C??
2002-12-16, 02:21 AM
TR, i like to kill from a distance (unlike the NC) and i like to have a chance on an open field (unlike the Vanu), the philosphy is just a nice extra.
edit: damn you anti-smile i was attempting to agree with afex
and does anyone else think its funny the Vanu are now using "Peace through power" as there pitch, have they even glanced at the TR page.
Lt AntiSmile
2002-12-16, 02:31 AM
i was quoteing saints post from above (w/o useing the quote thingy)
2002-12-16, 02:35 AM
i wasn't meaning to direct it at you, its just something ive been reading in vanu posts over on the official board and i wanted to put it somewhere, obviously i picked a bad spot.
Lt AntiSmile
2002-12-16, 02:45 AM
hummm, i don't read the offical forums :D
didn't know others were representing vanu that way.
TR seems like Nod to me, millions of "clone troopers" all shouting "Kain is alive in death" or what not :borg: :borg: :borg:
Anyway the whole mentality is wrong, "Peace" is unatainable as long as there are 2 ppl alive.
2002-12-16, 05:41 AM
I chose TR because:
I like a good fight. The VS seems to have the edge on weaponry, I want something more challenging and I didn't like the attitude of NC, they seem like a group of teenagers to me.
For me personally TR was the choice since they're the old school republican guard, they've been around for a long time and don't fall for the new sensations of technology. And they know peace has a price attached to it and someone always has to pay.
2002-12-16, 05:43 AM
Nice answer
2002-12-16, 05:47 AM
Terran Republic is just the one for me. I can't explain it it just feels right.
2002-12-16, 10:47 AM
I'm undecided atm between vanu and TR... leaning towards vanu atm but to me the choice comes between
lead or laser, lead or laser.. hard choice hehe
2002-12-16, 10:47 AM
i picked tr for there weapon selection. I like lots of bullets :) . Although i will admit it was the color scheme that first got my attention. Then when i started to read about them. I found that there play style seemed to fit mine.
my 1st post :)
2002-12-16, 11:27 AM
I'm not really sure why I like TR.. I just do. :D
2002-12-16, 11:48 AM
I agree Hamma
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 12:00 PM
I have been wondering this for a while, but it seems to me that VS and NC would appeal to younger, less mature people. I know, of course, that there are plenty of teenagers who are trustworthy enough to take orders even if they mean sacrificing a shot at glory. It always seems like the older someone is, the higher the chance they'll work as a team, instead of just trying to capture a base by themselves. I have a feeling as long as I'm NC, I'll get fed up with having fools for teammates. I may join TR afterall...
I don't say this just because the TR have an advantage in the polls now, because the polls swing back and forth. A week from now NC or VS will be in the lead again.
2002-12-16, 02:19 PM
The coolest thing about that poll is how equal it is.. nobody is a runaway.
2002-12-16, 02:30 PM
The first things that I heard about the empires was the basic diffrence in how their weapons worked, and I based my decission on that, as well as color.
The Vanu are purple. I could care less about them afte I saw that.
The TR weapons have a low yeild and a high rate of fire, while the NC weapons had a high yeild and a low rate of fire. So I was left with the choice: Spit lots of lead, or go for bigger explosions? After a lot of thought I decided on the TR because I figure at the begining when I suck I'll be better off with "sprey and prey" weapons.
TR is more popular for the same reason VS and NC aren't. Which is
No good reason
Seriously aside from story and color we don't know squat about the empires. How can you say VS don't have a chance in open field? Have you played nope. How can you say NC will suck long range since it's only shotguns, have you played? Nope. etc,etc,etc
Point is no matter what we say we all picked an empire based on the colors and story. Sure the weapons give us an idea of how each empire will fight (NC=Close range and high damage, TR = Fast rate of fire, VS = Mobility) but we still don't know anything for sure. :)
2002-12-16, 03:36 PM
I still haven't chosen my empire. None of them are perfect for me, but they all have strong points to recommend them. Each empire is built around a solid ideal (TR: Loyalty, VS: Knowledge, NC: Individual Liberty). Of those, I think NC is the most and TR is the least appealing.
All of the armors look pretty cool to me (never mind how fun it is to taunt the purplies). I think the TR vehicles are the best looking and VS vehicles are the worst looking. Conversely, I think VS weapons are the coolest and TR weapons are the least cool.
I'm currently inclined towards NC with TR coming in a close second. Unforunately, one of my short-sighted squadmates has already thrown his full support behind the alienists (Curse you, Lex). Since he is a bad-assed pilot and a good pal from way back, that is going to factor into my decision as well, putting VS back in the running. ;-)
For me it is going to come down to playing all three and deciding which one has the best overall feel to it.
1-NC idealism is great and all but they want they want said indivudialism is by crushing their enemies....not so freedom like huh. :)
2-VS vehicles not good looking???
Tell me this isn't cool looking
2002-12-16, 03:59 PM
1. Tree of Liberty, blood of tyrants and patriots, that sort of thing. Here's the deal with the three ideals in this game:
The Terrans are the ones in power. They seek to maintain that power in the face of treason from all sides. Theirs is the only unique motivation, which is natural since only one empire would benefit by maintaining the status quo. The other two empires are trying to break the status quo and introduce a new regime, one centered around scientific advancement and the other around individual freedoms. But in truth, when you break them all down, each empire is simply trying to break the 'Wheel of Fate/Time/History' wherein an intelligent race evolves, develops civilization, and then destroys itself, only to repeat the cycle. Theoretically, that is the entire goal behind colonization, so that the human race can survive the extinction at the end of the wheel. This game reminds me of Vernor Vinge's novel A Deepness in the Sky, wherein the Emergeants represent TR, the Qeng Ho are NC, and the Spiders play the part of VS (that one is a bit of a stretch, but it more or less fits).
2. The tank is moderately cool looking, but I think the hover-jeep is oh so lame. Still, it makes me want to go play some Renegade Legion: Centurian. The VS hover vehicles remind me of the TOG tanks.
2002-12-16, 04:04 PM
I'm all for Vanu but our vehicles do look a little strange... they aren't bad though so I'm not complaining. :rawr:
2002-12-16, 04:15 PM
If you have an Insect/Lobster fetish the Vanu looks sexy. If you don't you know it looks freaky.
2002-12-16, 04:19 PM
The vanu's armor is by far the best I'm not sure what you all are smoking. When compared to goggle boy (TR) or Sunshine (NC) I think the Vanu look the best. :mad:
Refer to this picture for reasons behind nicknames:
2002-12-16, 04:48 PM
I'm having a difficult choice between TR and VS. For some odd reason, I don't really care about the NC. :p
I'll prolly end up going TR though, since I've been thinking of joining them since nigh the begining. :D
2002-12-16, 04:54 PM
I chose Vanu because it was the underdogs. Alot of people are going to TR but I think that VS will make this game pretty interesting. As for NC... well they're just there... ;)
it seems to me that VS and NC would appeal to younger, less mature people.
The Vanu are purple. I could care less about them afte I saw that.
Yeah, TR people are much more mature :rolleyes:
2002-12-16, 06:57 PM
Aren't we all? :D
2002-12-16, 07:04 PM
Funny how everyone thinks about the Jackhammer when they think of NC weapons.
The Gauss tend to be ignored, even though it will likely be just as good(or better) at ranged attack as the cycler due to the fact that the gauss's bullets do more damage per shot, and you're going to be bursting shots at range anyways.
I will admit our MAX's anti-infantry configuration is kind of lame for ranged combat though. But heck, the bases aren't going to be taken with just long ranged battles.
2002-12-16, 07:06 PM
I have been wondering this for a while, but it seems to me that VS and NC would appeal to younger, less mature people. I know, of course, that there are plenty of teenagers who are trustworthy enough to take orders even if they mean sacrificing a shot at glory. It always seems like the older someone is, the higher the chance they'll work as a team, instead of just trying to capture a base by themselves. I have a feeling as long as I'm NC, I'll get fed up with having fools for teammates. I may join TR afterall... Wow, how long did it take you to think of that? :rolleyes:
2002-12-16, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
I'm undecided atm between vanu and TR... leaning towards vanu atm but to me the choice comes between
lead or laser, lead or laser.. hard choice hehe
Better think quick! cause I'm writing my victim list right now :D
2002-12-16, 07:36 PM
Go kriege go! :rawr:
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 07:48 PM
It's been bugging me ever since I first checked out these forums.
Medicine Man
2002-12-16, 08:12 PM
Ummm not to be the devils advocate but are they all going to equal out in the end more or less. Increased firepower = lower damage per bullet(TR). More damage per bullet = lower firepower(NC). Unlimited bullets = less damage or lower firepower or both. So I don't think anyone group is better I just think everyone is going to be TR because they can't aim and are going to compensate by firing tons of bullets instead. :p
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 09:18 PM
So I don't think anyone group is better I just think everyone is going to be TR because they can't aim and are going to compensate by firing tons of bullets instead.
Very true. This may give an advantage to those with poor twitch skills.
2002-12-16, 11:41 PM
I got a question. If the Terran Republic does conquer the NC and VS. what do you think they will do to traitors? umm.. what any country will do in our society on Earth... exterminate them.
The Terran Republic is like the Holy Roman Church and the Vanu is like the Protestants... and what happened to the Protestants? oooh they got slaughtered for their beliefs...
Every human either wants power or love. The Terrans want Power and the Vanu wants Love.
I choose the Vanu...
We've come this far... now there's no turning back.
:nazi: :nazi: :nazi:
2002-12-16, 11:44 PM
According to the background stories... going to try to phrase this so it doesn't seem like I am a hippy story fanatic... I read that the Vanu don't neccesarily want "love" they just want the human race to evolve. They want them to embrace technology. They think TR is holding them back. At least that's what I gathered from the whole thing. Frankly I could care less about the story I just want to kill something possibly with the front end of my galaxy... :D
2002-12-16, 11:52 PM
I think if I didn't know the background story, I would definately go with the TR. They look the coolest, and they can sling the most heat so.... Question, do they get redder or blacker as they go up in rank? or do they remain the same scheme? If they got blacker, then that would be a real advantage at night.... Flame away boyz I got my nomex on. :flamemad:
2002-12-17, 12:27 AM
Redder. And we're not very flame-happy here.
2002-12-17, 12:35 AM
Airlift, youre going NC right? What kinda games do you play now? I wonder what kind of players we will get, it seems to lean itself to older more tactic oriented guys. I'm hoping we can form some swat assault teams for those roof top landings. I wonder if those turrets will lock onto a transport dropping straight down ontop of a base? What's their turning radius?
2002-12-17, 12:37 AM
I believe the turning radius is 60 degrees both ways.
2002-12-17, 12:39 AM
Its very close to that, not sure exactly what it is tho
2002-12-17, 12:45 AM
60 degrees spin, or elevation. A 60 degree elevation is brutal, they might as well be AA guns.
2002-12-17, 12:45 AM
I like all the empires. I don't think I'll go Vanu, but I might. The story people did a good job of making all three have appealing and unappealing aspects. I talk up the NC on these boards because they have the least vocal support. My sig is an NC galaxy because there still haven't been any good pictures of the other empires'.
[edit: oops, Hamma already did]
2002-12-17, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
60 degrees spin, or elevation. A 60 degree elevation is brutal, they might as well be AA guns.
Pretty sure its just spin (We are talking about the TR max right? hehe)
2002-12-17, 12:48 AM
I thought it was the turn radius of the turrets. 360?
[edit: or maybe the turning speed of a galaxy?]
2002-12-17, 12:53 AM
doh, haha.. I am not sure on turrets.
I dont see how it woudl relate to the galaxy.. the glaxy is pretty much a bus in the sky :p
2002-12-17, 12:59 AM
My speculation was that the turrets are 360 rotational and would track on a galaxy coming straight down, (provided the whole amp deal)
Look at my sig and you will see the light!:nod:
Seriously, how many of you said, "I wish we were more advanced technologicly" while watching Star Wars, Star Treck, Starship Troopers...etc. Technology is the way to go for improvement.
I'm all for technology and progress, which is exactly what VS is.
Atleast the Vanu's aren't affraid to evolve.
Stay in your cave if you want, as for me I want to go in Space!:D
I don't mind that people don't like VS, in fact all the better.(although would be cool if Hamma or another PSU staff was VS :D) I love being the underdog, more challenge and more targets = more fun. :thumbsup:
The only thing i really wish would stop is the 13 year old "VS sucks, they wear gay purple" or "gay energy weapon" insults. :(
Originally posted by Dio
The only thing i really wish would stop is the 13 year old "VS sucks, they wear gay purple" or "gay energy weapon" insults. :(
Exactly. We have the best armors of them all IMO.
If the Terran Republic does conquer the NC and VS. One empire can't totally defeat any other empire. An empire's sanctuary can never be taken over. Or at least thats how I understand it.
Unlimited bullets = less damage or lower firepower or both. Assuming you're refering to VS in your comparison here... they have 'bullets' just like everyone else. Energy weapons != no ammo.
Edit: Cool sig Laus! :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Laus
Exactly. We have the best armors of them all IMO.
Yeah i agree. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Ex70
Edit: Cool sig Laus! :thumbsup:
2002-12-17, 02:07 AM
Down with TR!
<div align=center><font size=+1>Fight For You Future!
Technology Equals MIGHT!
Join the Perfection!
<img src= border=0>
<font size=+1>Fight For You Future!
Technology Equals MIGHT!
Join the Perfection!
2002-12-17, 02:09 AM
Dunno why I went TR, just read all the info on Planetside that I could find and after only a few day or so decided to go with the Republic **shrugs**
2002-12-17, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by Medicine Man
Ummm not to be the devils advocate but are they all going to equal out in the end more or less. Increased firepower = lower damage per bullet(TR). More damage per bullet = lower firepower(NC). Unlimited bullets = less damage or lower firepower or both. So I don't think anyone group is better I just think everyone is going to be TR because they can't aim and are going to compensate by firing tons of bullets instead. :p
TR = For those who can spray and pray
VS = Those with more precise aiming
NC = For those who like to point and click everywhere
2002-12-17, 03:39 AM
In the end, the Vanu have what very well may be the most important attribute- mobility. It has been said many times under the tactics sections of these forums that it will be critical to be able to attack your opponent's base before he is able to attack yours, so that you gain initiative. Furthermore, if the Vanu are attacked, we will be able to respond to the threat far faster than our counterparts. it has been said that we will be at a disadvantage on open ground, but I think that will be one of out stronger points. The bulk of the other group's weapons are low accuracy, high rate of fire weapons, whereas the majority of the vanu weapons have littly recoil, allowing for longer and more accurate sustained fire while moving, and the ability to allow our troops to open fire before the other targets are able to. Combined with our superior speed, we should be able to have a major advantage.
2002-12-17, 05:44 AM
Hmmm... I'm just extremely curious of how it will be, we're all just speculating really. But I get the feeling TR will be at disadvantage in some respects and as Archonxvi said here, VS will be very mobile giving them the edge in many situations. Heck I like a good fight... I remember someone saying "everytime I encountered a vanu I was fighting for my life". ;) I kinda like that... for me it's a challenge, VS may very well dominate in some respects but they must have weaknesses too that we can take advantage of somehow. And remember that no matter how many people are in each Empire, each faction will have a continent somewhere where they are outnumbered, so it's up to you if you want to go with the pack players or fight outnumbered against a larger enemy force.
2002-12-17, 05:33 PM
Of course they have weaknesses- first off, if you ambush them, they all virtually instantly die. They have weaker armor, and close in they are not nearly as effective. Secondly, I do not think they will do as well indoors as the other groups, as it is far harder to maneuver indoors than it is outdoors, and the opponents will be able to brace themselves for you attack, making surprise virtually impossible.
2002-12-17, 05:35 PM
All of the Vanu will have to rely on my god like use of the force blade. No other choice :D
2002-12-17, 05:44 PM
i think VS will do nicely indoors...
Our laser weapons have the 'splash' damage, so you shoot an orb down a hallway, they cant dodge all the damage....
small little things that help.. evern though we have to be more precise to hit the target, fully, we still have that 'range' in which it'll hurt anyone, so it lessens how 'perfect' we have to be to at least hurt them...
Need to see how many weapons have that orb/splash damage though, would need it on more then 1-2 weapons for it to be a good 'ability'
2002-12-17, 05:46 PM
I think a combo of a plasma grenade/lasher will work well indoors.
2002-12-17, 05:50 PM
I think.........NC kicks ass!:D
In conclusion, all the empires are pretty much equal. :D
I just hope the VS MAX doesn't have that much less armor/firepower than the other 2 MAXs or they allow mid-air course corrections or it will suck compared to the others.
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