View Full Version : Infiltrator advice
2003-04-26, 04:13 AM
I just recently picked up a hacking and Infiltration cert. I enjoy sneaking around behind enemy lines. The only problem is that I have trouble getting kills with an NC scatterpistol. How do you guys get lots of kills in an Infiltration suit?
2003-04-26, 05:32 AM
I'm not in beta, so what I'll say is only speculative.
If you're an advanced ingeneer in addition of an infiltrator, boomers and mines seems to give good results.
If the one you want to kill is lightly armored, put a knife in his ribs (2-3 hits in secondary mode should kill someone in agile armor).
The Scatterpistol has a BIG cone of dispersion. The closer you are to your target, the better.
2003-04-26, 06:39 AM
first, im not in beta but I KNOW one thing. DONT USE THE NC SPECIFIC PISTOL, use the AMP. And exactly wot shadow said, try getting The combat engineer cert if u want to.
Also u can read the "infiltrator guide".
2003-04-26, 06:51 AM
heres the link link to the infil guide. Its long and pretty good, I read it all tho I prolly wont b an infiltrator
2003-04-26, 08:26 AM
Actually the NC pistol does work quite well, point blank.
2003-04-26, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Gerico
Actually the NC pistol does work quite well, point blank.
accually not better than the amp.
2003-04-26, 09:31 AM
Well what is the scatterpistol for?
2003-04-26, 09:46 AM
Its the NC's specific pistol. Its basically a shotgun-pistol, but with an ultra-blunt barrel. Thus, it is only effective at short ranges.
2003-04-26, 10:00 AM
But that's exactally what the Inf. is for killing with....close range
2003-04-26, 03:33 PM
I have read the guide. Illl try using an AMP. Hope that helps. Keep the good ideas comming though.
If the AMP is better than MAG-scatter close range than
1- Something is wrong
2- I'm gonna be unstopable with AMP.
Seriously today i was in a full blown battle and manage to kill at least 10 peeps(most Reinforced) and hack 1 of their AMS before crashing. I'm l33t ninja hax0rz!! :p
2003-04-26, 03:57 PM
Ohhh, I just tried the AMP. It is nice.
2003-04-26, 04:08 PM
I prefer the MAG-Scatter pistol over the AMP. Works a lot better for me. Maybe it's just my style of play. I, for one, can't wait to get to level 6 so I can ditch the pistols entirely and pick up the Melee Booster. That way I can use Boomers and a Knife. ;)
2003-04-26, 06:02 PM
Heck you would need Boomers anyway if you come upon a MAX.
2003-04-26, 06:06 PM
Exactly. That way you could take out most infantry, tanks, and MAXes. You'd be very powerful, and versitile, but you'd have to really plan your battles to be successful.
2003-04-26, 08:48 PM
Hey, wow...I didn't think planetside-universe even put up my guide until I read this thread, and it has over 3k views! :O I feel special! Heh, wrote it like weeks before public beta even came out so there is a ton more I could add. But to address your question, most of my kills are from boomers actually. Today I got about 20 kills alone from boomers and about 10 from the AMP. The reason I chose AMP over the scatter pistol is because it has a high refire rate and does a lot of damage. Example, today two hackers were at a CC in a tower and I crept up right behind them. If I would of had the scatter pistol (6 shots) I would not of been able to kill both but the AMP has enough rounds/speed/damage that I was able to kill both in a matter of seconds. But it's personal preference, try both and see what you like the best. :)
2003-04-26, 08:54 PM
Could you give me some hints on where and how to use boomers?
2003-04-26, 09:14 PM
Sure, in towers on the floor where the two entry doors are, place it in the middle on the doors and crouch cloaked on the top of the stairs with darklight on. That way you can see enemy infantry and spies coming, just detonate it when you see them. This is good for when you are being over-run, I usually have 5 ACE's and after I blow one I just run down and place another. Works like a charm :)
There isn't really a trick to placing them I don't think, take advantage of you being able to stick them on walls and such and place them where the enemy will have to come through (like in the tower they have to get by that spot to hack it). Don't place them on the floor in plain sight if the area isn't under heavy attack because they will tend to notice (even though they still walk on them like idiots, I have yet to find someone who just turns around and leaves). Really, can't tell you enough though, take advantage and place them on walls and such. It hides them perfectly. If I was at home I'd get some screenshots of the area's I usually place but I won't be home until like Monday. If you want though I can round up some shots then and put em up.
2003-04-26, 10:12 PM
The best thing for a hacker/stealther is MELEE BOOSTER, I CANNOT TELL YOU how many ppl I have killed, with it, you can kill ANYTHING but MAXes and vehicles, well... duh... but what I am gonna get once I am high enuf level is this setup
In holster= AMP
Inventory:2 Normal ammo boxes, 1 AP, 1 REK,
Certs:Infiltration suit, Adv hacking, Mosquito/Reaver cert, Combat Engineering
A fun thing to do when in an enemy base, is say there is a MAX, and a reinforced NC soldier in the CC, they don't know you are VS, say thier names are Dumbass and Smacktard, you do this
/tell Smacktard do you have darklight?
[tell] Smacktard yeah
/tell Smacktard ok, dude, there are like 5 cloakers outside in the courtyard, killing eveyrone, could you go out and take them out?
[tell] Smacktard yeah, ill go out there
And when he goes out, sneak in, stab the reinforced, and sit on the LEFT side of the CC panel, they never shoot there, ur squad storms the base, you got it hacked, you take out the nmes, and you just capped a base, works EVERY TIME
2003-04-27, 01:17 AM
Whenever I am fighting a heavily armored force *cough vanu cough* (stupid MAXs :D) I always load up wih an inventory of grenades, it is pretty effective. It takes a good chunk of your inventory to take down a MAX, but it beats a pistol :D. It really helps to have melee booster when you do this, so you have a more discreet way of killing the less armored foes you may come across. I find I go unnoticed more often when using grenades over pistol. Go figure.
Another thing I have noticed: there is NOTHING more noticable then a semi-invisible person. Even when in a large group, it is key that you move slowly and use lots of cover to hide your movements. When I first got my infiltration suit, I figured I would just go in there with my squad and fire away with my pistol. This didn't end well. I have found that if me and a max enter a room and start fireing on an enemy soldier, the enemy soldier will fire at me. They just seem to hate infiltrators. :D
And, of course, an infiltrators #1 friend is patience. I can't tell you how many times there have been quite a number of people trying to flush me out of a room. Just remain calm, be patient, and wait for them to give up and start to leave, as they turn their back, kill them. :D
2003-04-27, 12:25 PM
Takes like 8 grenades to kill a max (frag grenades) while on the other hand its 1-2 boomers. Doesn't seem worth it to me.
2003-04-27, 12:58 PM
The best place to put one is right on the ceiling above the door to enter the CC room. When a bunch enter to protect the hacker, you just hit the Detonate button and watch the names fly up on the chat screen!
Indeed the infil is l33t. It's not for everyone though, don't go thinking we are all invicible or anything. It takes patience, dedication and teh smartness.
I've been trying the AMP for the last 2 days but i haven't gotten any good targets yet. So far though i still like my scatter more. I almost have enough to finally have my "l33t ninja hax0rz"� class. I have infil, wraith and adv hack, now i just need combat engy and voila, mayhem server by yours truly. ;)
2003-04-27, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by �io
I've been trying the AMP for the last 2 days but i haven't gotten any good targets yet. So far though i still like my scatter more.
AMP is THE best non-melee infiltrator weapon. Very fast, very damaging. Sactter pistol can be innacurate at times (Which is very dangerous for an infiltrator attacking, as the point is to finish off your adversary ASAP)
Definately get melee boost or surge as an implant. If you get melee boost, you only need your knife for attacking, which means you can then stock up your inventory with other things. (Like ACE's or grenades)
I have a feeling most of you prefer AMP simply because you don't get close enough to your target. I dunno so far the AMP hasn't blown me away and i don't like it's style. I prefer the short shotgun to an inaccurate uzi. :)
My new pet weapon has infiltrator though is frag nades. Just tried them out today and man they kick ass. I manage to take down 3 infils and 2 or 3 agile in like 20secs tops. And they didn't even find me. :D
2003-04-27, 06:15 PM
I am going to try using grenades. Would you suggest frag or plasma?
2003-04-27, 06:50 PM
Inaccurate yes, but I get right on the people so it's accurate :) which means about 6 bullets to kill them and in less time then a scatter to get off two shots.
I'd suggest frag because well, it does a lot more damage.. Plasma is a crowd buster
2003-04-27, 07:16 PM
Plasma works well against vehicles and MAXes, too.
2003-04-27, 08:07 PM
My infiltration setup is stocked with grenades. They are damaging and more importantly confusing, people generally don't expect an explosion of plasma from a stealther ... and you don't reveal your position as much with a tossed 'nade.
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