View Full Version : New info on Lattice CEP.

2003-04-26, 05:01 PM
The system works exactly like BEP awards, but there's a modifier based on your size of squad.

Basically, take the amount of xp that would be received using the BEP system described above. Now multiply the CEP gained by a percentage based on the number of folks in your squad. A two-person squad gets 10% of the max CEP for its leader, whereas a squad leader with 8+ members gets 100% of the max CEP. (Scaled proportionally in between those numbers).

Therefore, large squads net max CEP for their commander. Small squads net less.

NOTE: There is no limitation to the number of commanders that can gain CEP in a single SOI. It's only limited by their squad size.

ALSO NOTE: Capture xp now has *NOTHING* to do with who hacked the building. There is no reason to kill friendly hackers.

LAST NOTE: You, or at least one of your squad, MUST be in the SOI of the building AT THE TIME OF CAPTURE (or resecure) in order to gain BEP or CEP.

Right off the News page.


2003-04-26, 05:20 PM
As much as i agree with the change and the prevention of tking hackers not in your group, this is gonna cause some problems. I imagine a month after release theres gonna plenty of high lvl commanders using continent wide broadcast and orbital strikes being called all over the place.


2003-04-26, 05:35 PM
That's not so bad. People who are the true commanders shouldn't have to play for months on end in order to become effective. Although CR shouldn't come incredibly easy as well.

You should be able to get CR1 in a night of play. Those waypoints are great for organizing even basic maneuvers. Although CR5 should take some time to reach.

2003-04-26, 05:38 PM
Too bad everyone I've played with has yet to receive any cep.

2003-04-26, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Too bad everyone I've played with has yet to receive any cep.

If I'm not mistaken, these changes are coming in the next (today's?) patch.

2003-04-26, 05:50 PM
The obvious solution to everyone in the game being CR5 after a month of release, is to VASTLY upgrade the number of base caps you need. I'm pretty sure that is what they will be doing, too.