View Full Version : Heres a question. the TR MAX.

2002-12-16, 08:18 AM
Alright, we know that the TR max is capable of anchoring down and unloading lots of bullets at a high ROF.

my question is this, how is anchoring down supposed to help us if we are set up as an anti-vehicle or anti-aircraft MAX?

the whole point of the anchoring down is to do it in an enclosed area where you can force the enemy into a tight spot and lay into em. You have a reduced field of vision when anchored, and you, of course, cant move.

Well you arent likely to find many vehicles or aircraft in an enclosed area, so doesnt anchoring down become rather useless to someone who is anti-vehicle/aircraft?

now, before you say that it increases accuracy or some such and would be useful in any situation..look at it logically. You have a reduced field of vision, so you would only be able to target vehicles or aircraft which move into that field of vision..that isnt a very good idea now is it? also, if you anchor down in an open area..you essentially open yourself up for attacks from any number of directions...

The Vanu Jumpjets and increased mobility could be considered useful, no matter what payload that MAX is sporting..the same for the NC shields.. only the TR seems to have a special ability that would only be useful for anti-infantry.

so..my question(s).. Do the TR MAX have other abilities that would make them useful in multiple situations? or does the TR MAX rock so much that it doesnt need any "special powers" to own vehicles on the same level as the VS and NC MAXes? Or is the TR MAX considered much less versatile and only intended to excel as anti-infantry?

2002-12-16, 10:23 AM
The clamping increases rate of fire.. I would assume it also increases ROF for anti air - etc

2002-12-16, 10:37 AM
actually it all comes down to the time it takes to deploy the anchors and how long it takes to remove them..

If it's wery fast then it's no problem... just anchor when you need a increased ROF and remove them to head for cover or somewhere else if it gets too rough..

now if it takes a long time then it will be more limited in it's usefullness, but from looking at the vid of the TR max it dosn't take long at all

and hehe to me, spitting out more bullets in a shorter timeframe is always usefull =)

2002-12-16, 03:23 PM
Ok i can see the TR max ability not helping against anti-air but how the heck will the other 2 MAXs have and advantage on anti-air?

Jumping won't get you closer and shields are useless if the plane is trying to get away from you.

As for anti-tank TR MAX isn't disadvantage much than the others, just lead the target a bit lock down and shoot as he comes into range.

2002-12-16, 04:52 PM
I see your points, and I havent seen the TR MAX video yet..(is that another gamespot one? or can i find it somewhere?)

My reasoning behind the abilities of the other MAXes being useful in any situation..is that increased mobility and jump jets will help you avoid fire..no matter whats shooting at you. And shields will absorb damage..not matter what is shooting at you. so, their special abilities will be an asset no matter what MAX setup they go with.

2002-12-16, 04:56 PM
The TR max was designed for more of a defensive or support role in mind. The Vanu max is purely an offensive machine which is cool. NC max can do either but not as effectively as it's counterparts.

2002-12-16, 05:06 PM
Anchoring will still be useful against vehicles and aircraft, you'll just have to put your back to a wall first.

2002-12-16, 06:47 PM
Just for the record, acording to the notes on the MAX, the Double fire rate applies to all 3 configureations.

This is just speculateing, but here goes:

The anchoring will help a lot in the AA role because they will have a greater damage outputt in general, and hence you can take out more aircraft faster.

Plus, the mosquitoe is so fast your movement probably wouldn't help you dodge bullets, and the reaver's missles are spash damage anyways. As for tanks and buggys, a couple of AT MAXes could do major damage very quickly.

However, when fighting infantry (infantry is slower than vehichles) your mobility will have more of an effect on how easy it is to hit you.

In conclusion, I think you are compleatly wrong about the anchoring only being useful for infantry fighting, in that mobility will make more of a difference when fighting infantry than vehichles.

2002-12-16, 10:02 PM
I think that the point of the achoring will be quite useful in many situations. If you are defending, lock down with your back against a wall and destroy whatever comes. If you are anti-tank, find out which direction the tanks are coming from, and anchor in their path. For base assault, You can guard the main terminal while your team is hacking it, or you can contain the enemy in the spawn room. The anchoring allows you to declare any area "off limits" to whichever group you want.

2002-12-16, 10:05 PM
Yeah like I said it's more of a defensive/support role MAX. Vanu and sort of NC I guess... are offensive. See a vanu MAX come busting over a wall or something and just light you up. :D

2002-12-16, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
See a vanu MAX come busting over a wall or something and just light you up. :D

ah too awesome. reminds me of something paintball :rock:

2002-12-17, 01:14 AM
Yeah but as i said in another thread i feel the VS MAXs are getting the short end of the boom stick.

Seems to me a small boost in the air with no mid-air course corrections isn't much considering the abilities the other MAXs have and the fact that the VS has the less armor of them all.