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2002-12-16, 10:32 AM
MAX Armors in Depth. :D
2002-12-16, 10:42 AM
woot first. looks so awesome - before i was afraid that maxes would be cheap as shit but tihs cleared up so much. nice info makes me wanna play even more ;)
2002-12-16, 10:51 AM
heh, more i see the MAX's the more i wanna change to TR =p I like the idea of quantiy of fire over damage =p but still does nice damage hehe
2002-12-16, 10:55 AM
heh if you've ever played TFC (half-life mod) then youd know that rate is NOT as good as damage, see the HW guy used to have rate and dmg but once they cut damage they're terrible. TR are commies anyway. :p its all about the NC
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 11:37 AM
Concept: If they can't hurt you, you can kill them at your leisure.
2002-12-16, 11:41 AM
Can the MAX's carry regular weapons along with the mounted ones? I've tried to just find this info on the various PS sites but it seems that everyone skirts around the issue and never give a difinitive answer. Thbought maybe you would know since this is the most in depth MAX coverage I've found thus far.
well that clears something up for me....So the Vanu Max is the only max with jumpjets....interesting.
Looks like those weapons are going to be devistating. Especialy the anti air.
Messiah, the answer is no.
2002-12-16, 12:27 PM
Thanks man.
You wouldn't happen to know what equipment items a MAX can carry would you? Best I've found is that they can't carry most :)
From what i gathered MAXs can carry pretty much anything in their "trunks" but can't use them. Like you can shove a rifle in there but it will be for your buddy tagging along not yourself.
I'm kinda disapointed in the VS MAX's ability. Seems to me a small boost to hop over something with no mid-air correction does not = extra shielding or 2xRoF. :ugh:
2002-12-16, 04:02 PM
No, it could still be pretty useful. Also, remember that the VS MAX is faster and more manuverable than the other two. That could give you guys some interesting advantages as far as the uses you can put your MAXes to.
2002-12-16, 04:04 PM
Don't fall into the balance-by-concept trap, Dio. You said yourself (in another thread) that there is no way to know without playing it.
2002-12-16, 04:26 PM
Agreed :eek:
2002-12-16, 07:25 PM
The VS MAX will own :p I'll probly rarely use it tho.
2002-12-16, 09:10 PM
Freakin' sweeeeeeeet article!
Really nice, in depth answers, nice work dude..
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 09:56 PM
The VS MAX will own I'll probly rarely use it tho.
Umm... no, no it won't.
2002-12-16, 10:33 PM
Like the shield will really help :rolleyes: The Vanu MAX could easily outmaneuver the NC MAX and wear down the shield, then kill it :p
2002-12-16, 10:59 PM
Just wondering... If Vanu MAX was equipped with surge and he started running at full speed and did a jump jet... how far do you think he could fly?
2002-12-16, 11:41 PM
beats me.. I dont see why not
2002-12-16, 11:45 PM
Wish a dev could test it out and tell me :( Hamma you should have played as a Vanu so you could tell me all these things! :mad: :rawr:
2002-12-17, 12:33 AM
The gamespot people played as the Vanu, you can see em in the scrrenshots :)
2002-12-17, 12:38 AM
Well maybe SmokeJumper will drop by and see this thread :D
Originally posted by Airlift
Don't fall into the balance-by-concept trap, Dio. You said yourself (in another thread) that there is no way to know without playing it.
True, hence why i said "seems to me". I agree nothing is proven but it just "seems to me" :p that the limited jumpjet does not = shileding or 2xRoF. And yeah we have better mobility jumpjet aside but for that extra mobility NC and TR get armor and firepower. The only way i see right now that the VS is equal to other MAXs is either it's much much more agile and quick(unlikely) or the weapons are almost as powerful as NC and TRs(again unlikely).
Anyway, only time will tell i guess. :ugh:
2002-12-17, 08:54 AM
did u see the vanu max in the new vids. it was seriously owning, got in trouble, jump jetted up and fired down, looked like it was a force to reckon with,
i think Vanu maxes withh be good in attacks of bases, if nothing else a few maxes juping over a wall would cause the defenders to bring troops up to deal with them, making defense in other areas more stretched....
as with anything we discuss, we will have to wait to play to know for sure.... I WANT IT NOW :(
2002-12-17, 09:15 AM
what I want to know is, do the MAX armors come up as vehicles if ur using an anti-vehicle weapon, so will that weapon lock onto them, or are u stuck with trying to kill them using anti-infantry weapons?:confused:
2002-12-17, 10:04 AM
that is also a question i would like to know about....
however even if anti vehicular weapons can't lock-on as such, there will be still 'dumb-fire' modes on most of them anyway and the Phoenix would be able to fire at it and have a form of guidance. So whatever happens a properly prepared squad should be able to deal with a max, if more than one of them appear however then you might have a problem......
edit:so basically what im sayin is that you wont be stuck with anti-personelle weapons against maxes, unless your unprepared.
2002-12-17, 11:25 AM
Looks like the VS MAX will have the edge outdoors, but be at a distinct disadvantage indoors. The NC MAX definitely has the best special ability, but I'll still probably go with the Vanu! Guided shots... thats gotta kick some tail.
2002-12-17, 02:33 PM
NC MAX best special ability? I'd say the abilites all have great advantages and disadvantages.
2002-12-17, 05:45 PM
Don't want to oversay this but the MAXs are better at different things. They are situational armors. No one MAX is better than the other at everything. There may be a better MAX for the type of situations that you (yourself) might encounter the most, like if you played defense (NC, or TR would be your best bets) If you were an offensive base storming type of person Vanu would be the way to go. Completely depends on how you plan to use it.
*mold wonders if you can use hacking while you are in a max....*
if the vanu max is the ONLY thing that can hop a wall, aside from a large aircraft, i think they would be the best suited for hacking a base. Sure they are plainly viasable but, unlike stealths, they can defend themselves much beter. I supose a good tactic to hack an enemy base would be to sneak in with a stealth, and then as soon as he starts hacking, jump the back wall with a small squad of anti personel vanu max's to hold the room, meanwhile the rest of the army would be making a standard assult on the front gate to keep the preasure on, and defending from reinforcments.
2002-12-17, 06:04 PM
Or you could have the MAXs go in first and clear the people out and then have the stealth run in close behind so he's still more or less guarded by the MAXs. Then he can hack and they can hold the room.
2002-12-18, 07:33 AM
Just replying to m4yh3m in his earlier post-from what the devs have posted, you will be able to lock onto MAXes as vehicles (at least according to what they said about the Striker). Just on a side note, I'm really excited about the anti-infantry version of the NC MAX. That looks like one badass weapon they're gonna have mounted on that thing. But that's just my opinion.
So the NC MAX unit will have rocket launchers AND gigantic shotguns?
Damn this game for tempting me away from wanting to be a pilot :D
2002-12-18, 04:05 PM
Hehe, MAX will definatly be a powerhouse on the ground, but piloting will be hugely fun too, I havent decided what class i want to be. The only thing i know is, i want to try it all :D
I am going to have to try ramming MAX units with my galaxy :rawr:. But then again, I wonder what would happen if I rammed a locked down TR MAX.
I am hoping, however, that ramming will damage your vehicle. Getting repeatedly shrike rammed in T2 was bad enough, but spending a half hour getting somewhere only to have some l33t fool run me down without any risk is just awful :(. Of course, the pilot could just land and repair somewhere, but at least it would prevent mosquito pilots from taking runs through entire infantry squads at once :P~
2002-12-18, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Led
So the NC MAX unit will have rocket launchers AND gigantic shotguns?
Not "and"... "OR". SmokeJumper mentioned over on the official boards something about experimenting with making each weapon suite a seperate cert.
2002-12-18, 06:22 PM
Well, realistically if you rammed a fighter plane into something the size and weight of a heavy in tribes 2, you'd be plastered all over your cockpit.. He'd be dead, but so would you. Scout ramming was Uber, Uber ghey.... Hopefully they take that into consideration with PS.
2002-12-18, 10:54 PM
Mosquito ramming and other aircraft ramming still should exist but if you ram a MAX it shouldn't kill them it should just hurt them a bit. Lights and what not should probably get plastered. Still need to make this fun for the pilots to :D
2002-12-18, 11:30 PM
Yeah, but the ship should also take a little damage too.
2002-12-18, 11:53 PM
Depends on what you hit and what you hit it with. If a bus hits a person it's not going to take much damage. Same should go for a galaxy hitting a light.
2002-12-19, 02:58 AM
Agreed. But if you ram a fighter into a fatty? Come on. :) It'd be like flying an Ultralite into a garbage truck.
2002-12-19, 05:19 AM
I have flown an ultralight, I love those things, except landing is scary as shit. Hey I am only 16. Heh.
2002-12-19, 04:20 PM
If a bus hits a person it's not going to take much damage. You said it yourself Zero :p I'm not saying that there should be a shitload of damage, but there should be damage no matter what you hit.
2002-12-19, 04:42 PM
If you can fly the Galaxy low enough to the ground at high speeds to smear a light armor and not crash in the process, you deserve to be able to do that. :p
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