View Full Version : Medic Insignia

2003-04-27, 08:30 PM
Just wondering if medics...say with the advanced medical cert...have any kind of medic insignia like real soldiers do. Like a white armband with a red cross on it. Or white helmets with a red cross. I think this would be very cool :cool: and would add a little flare to the game.

2003-04-27, 08:42 PM
I don't think they do...but that sounds like a good idea :D

2003-04-27, 08:55 PM
yeah, that would be great, because with the arm bands as well as with the bright yellow nc commanders us snipers now have better targets. :D believe me, this isn't like the national red cross where the medics are supposed to be off limits. If i saw a medic, i would take him out first because then i would be certain to have a better ability to take out the other woundeds in his squad or outfit. so from a personal point of view, I would LOVE a medic badge to be posted on advanced medics if not just normal medics.

2003-04-27, 08:58 PM
lol :D

2003-04-27, 09:34 PM
hahaha i would too. But with the brightly colored uniforms i dont think it would make too much of a diff.
And I'm sure there are a few kind souls out there lol

2003-04-27, 10:05 PM
*reminds self to keep head down if this is implemented*

2003-04-27, 11:21 PM
While we're at it, why don't we get a polygonal attachment for engineers and hackers? Engineers get big metal wrenches on the front of their face. hackers get glowing binary on their chest thats visible even on stealth suits!

no, really. the reason is that all the armors for all the empires stick out fairly equally much. when you look down the field, you see a whole lot of guys in red and black armor. you can't tell which one to kill to give you an advantage. polygonal attachments would only make it difficult if not impossible to get any Noncombat style classes into the field. medics and hackers et blasted as soon as they step out of the APC. engineers get capped before they set up a single turret. hence, the value of the support classes is lost, as they'd have a big 'shoot me first!' symbol on their arm, head, or chest.

2003-04-27, 11:24 PM

Your logic is flawed. Flawed in that commanders already have changed armor, and it's already been said that NC commanders are big yellow targets. Guess what? That's life. There is insignia's on our people in war right now, they don't seem to think what you say will happen, and usually things go smoothly because their people know where they need to be and what to do not to die.

I for one think the idea is GREAT. Someone should go post this in the beta forums.

2003-04-27, 11:34 PM
you missed my point. what i was trying to say is that a medic symbol would make everyone with the little red cross a big target. take out the medic and you remove the healing ability of the squad, excluding medkits. what happens if the person had decided not to bring a med-applicator? they'd still have the badge on the possibility that he'd find a med applicator and use it. still having the badge makes him even more vulnerable than usual, since he can't heal himself effectively. so people with the medic cert would get annoyed with their state as a priority target and unlearn the cert. thus, no more medics.

i'm too tired to debate, so if my logic is flawed, look on it as an attempt at cynical debate.

2003-04-27, 11:36 PM
No sando. Take out the spawn point and choke off their ability to fight back. I would never go for a medic. I'm going for the guy that is actually a threat. BTW, I use a plasma nade launcher. If I hit the guy he's healing, I hit him too. That's my answer to swarms of unsuspecting spawning NC's. I'm like a bear to spawning samon. ph34r

2003-04-27, 11:44 PM
OK. well maybe the big white helmet with a huge red cross is a bad idea lol

But maybe just a small arm band?? on left arm.....
I wouldnt mind gaining a little attention. That would make medics special...no one could just show up and be a medic, they would have to be skilled at "matrix" style dodging of bullets lol

Hmmm just had another idea.
Maybe they could make it where if you were a medic and were not carrying any weapons cept maybe a knife that if you killed the medic with the huge DONT SHOOT ME SYMBOL (i.e. White helmet with large red cross) then you would get grief points or somethin.
Just wishful thinking :) But maybe further on down the road :D

2003-04-27, 11:45 PM
oh and could someone maybe bring this up in the beta forums :eek:

2003-04-27, 11:47 PM
I'll go post your wish real quick.

2003-04-27, 11:54 PM
thnx Angelo :D


2003-04-28, 12:11 AM
Forums are freakin bugged, I can't bump it back up from 2nd page... yeah, it's that hot tonight in the forums...

Someone show some support?

2003-04-28, 12:25 AM
oh well thnx for tryin

So what is all the buzz in the beta forums anywho?

2003-04-28, 12:30 AM
Stupid n00bz that should be banned from beta. Nothing important.

2003-04-28, 03:53 AM
instead of giving a "badge" to anyone with a medic cert why not make it have pre-reqs. like when armor changes color or when a commander gains shinpads etc. after so many ressurects you get a badge. or whatever.

almost like a mini leveling system based on accomplishments.

2003-04-29, 01:54 PM

I am sure you would not specifically target medics but a whole lot of people would. I have to agree with Sando by marking medics and engineers you would make them stand out more as targets. From what numbers I have seen in polls and on these forums, something like 13% of players in the beta are specializing in the support roles. With the addition of arm bands or other insignia it would make playing these paticular roles that much more unappealing.
If the devs do decide to implement something like this, spend some time in one of these support roles and then come back and comment on your experience. If after you have spent some time with a red cross on your helmet and were able to survive reasonably well then I say more power to you, but I would be curious to hear your oppinion if you find yourself being killed consistently because of your support role.

2003-04-29, 03:02 PM
correct me if i wring but it seems that 'picking out' targets is simply not going to be an issue. the factnis hat if you are close enough to get a proper confirmed kill with a powerfull weapon then they are goin to know you sre there away. and all these ' l337 phantom sniper haxxors' who are gonna go around 'just killing medics cus i is well'ard innit!' are totally stewpid cus in the heat of battle with maybe even hundreds of people in it you are going to take the first shot you can and kill as manty as you can, not just be slective.

2003-04-29, 04:01 PM
I like playing the role of Combat Engineer and I wouldn't mind it in the least if they gave me something that allowed others to know it. Maybe my team mates would stop for a second and let me repair their vehicles and armor if they knew I had the ability to. In the middle of a fight if the enemy wants to pick on me, so be it. At least they won't be shooting at the rest of my squad who in turn will be doing what they need to be doing. When not deploying items and fixing things, I usually try to provide fire support and distract the enemy anyways. Bring on some cool engineering outfits. I'm game.:cool:

2003-04-29, 04:02 PM
Maybe instead of a polygon on the armor that could be viewable by all, a symbol could be represented at the end of the name (or beginning, or next to outfit) that represents the certs someone has. Not saying a long list, but distinguish a medic from grunt from a flyboy. Then make that visible only by members of the same faction. That would reduce the targetting by opposing factions snipers.

Sound like a plan?


2003-04-29, 04:11 PM
I think it's a good idea Agencyman. I'd still like some cool armor to wear with it.:D

2003-04-29, 04:48 PM
wow lots of great ideas!
I really like Kidriots idea :D haveing a certain amount of people to ressurect would be very cool

And I have to agree with gonnagetyou on distracting the enemies

2003-04-29, 05:23 PM
I like Agencys plan

Happy lil Elf
2003-04-29, 07:11 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but who said anything about polygons? Other than the cynical ass who was so against the idea? I believe what was originally stated was white helmets or armbands, both of which would most likely be texture modifications, not polygons. Also, I'm sure it would be very difficult to simply not put the texture on someone who wasn't carrying engy/medic equipment. No, wait, it wouldn't :rolleyes:

Now then, the "Everyone would kill Engy/medics first" argument. False. They might try too, but while LeetMedicSlayer_001 is looking for the medic in the back of a pack of incoming, the two MAXs up front turn him into hamburger. Point being it would effect overall gameplay in a very minor way, if any.

Oh and Angelos? My Vanguard>Your plasma 'nade launcher :D

2003-04-29, 07:24 PM
So far I like agencysman's plan. If you are a medic or engineer your empire needs to know it:p. Remember Return to Castle Wolfenstein? Now that great for being a medic.:)

2003-04-29, 09:21 PM
Medics were done really well in RTCW.

If Advanced Medics had the choice of, for example, making their helmet white with a red cross on either side, that'd make things easier. I wouldn't automatically release if I saw a guy with that kind of a helmet running around.

2003-04-29, 09:31 PM
The people saying they would pick out the medics and engineers definatly werent on Ishundar tonight. There were so many tracers and pulses and rockets flying around my graphics card almost leap from my case to strangle me. In the heat of battle, no one will bother with the medic if faced with two-three infantry. Hell, im taking out the guy shooting at me before i kill the medic.

I play an engineer, i wouldnt mind a patch or something on my arm. Or maybe an Emote that puts a large wrench over my head that friendlies could see. Medics could have a large cross. Maybe this would last 30 seconds? Anyway, a way to get the attention of those not in my squad that im here to heal you so for the love of god stand still.

2003-04-29, 09:58 PM
Yeah I'm going to kill the guy that can kill me. So unless the medic is packing a big gun, I won't be worried.

2003-04-29, 11:00 PM
would a suppressor be considered a big gun?:lol: