View Full Version : Get it? ITS EXPENSIVE!
2003-04-27, 09:15 PM
Author Topic: Get it? ITS EXPENSIVE.
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2002
posted 04-26-2003 06:30 AM user search report post
Here, for all of you trying to explain why pay to play is so dumb, not worth it, or don't get it, a simple example.
24 man server costs on average 120 dollars. You can get them cheaper, but thats the "average" I have found.
Now, multiply the number of players from 24 to 3000 that is 125 times MORE players. Now 125 x 120 = 15,000 for one server. Get the picture? This is an example of WHY a gmae of this magnitutde must be pay-to-play. Simple as that.
This DOES NOT take into account the rest that goes into running an MMO game, its just an example to kinda show hey, it aint cheap.
2003-04-27, 09:17 PM
Yes, $120 if you are renting a server, not running, and i highly doubt SOE will be renting servers...
2003-04-27, 09:25 PM
Lol, i think he forgot the part of what we pay just to get the game... 50$ * 3000 players = 150.000$...
Not that i complain, they do continous work on the game, so they should get paid. But look at blizzard... They support their multiplayer games on there own servers, yet they dont charge pay to play.
IMO its nearly (not exactly i know) as expensive to run servers for WC3 as it would be to run them for Planetside.
Wonder how Blizzard the all that money :p
A company offering official servers for their multiplayer games is not even remotely comparable to running an MMOG.
2003-04-27, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Seer
A company offering official servers for their multiplayer games is not even remotely comparable to running an MMOG.
Uhmm how is that so?
U have servers running games for a few thousand players, and you have servers running games for a few thousand players...
On the one server, they are in the same game, on the other they are in 1000...
More strees yes, but 30.000bucks a month more?
And i didnt say i dont wanna pay to play, coz there are alot of other things involved as well... I would aspect alot of more patching and bug fixing from sony, than from blizzard (untill they come out with WOW anyway)
I'm not sure how many official WCIII servers Blizzard runs, but if they wanted to run WCIII for 3500 people, just one peak time MMOG server, that would be a ludicrous number of official servers. I don't play RTS games, but my impression is that they are run on the host of the game, since they are seldom more than 8 people. They have their meeting service, but that is basically just a cross between IRC and Gamespy. Anyway, how many are they actually running?
Most multiplayer games I have played have had only a handful of official servers--less than 25.
2003-04-27, 10:40 PM
RandoMTerroR, first of all FPS's and RTS's have far lower player numbers even at peak hours than do popular MMORPG's. Secondly, when running an MMORPG server you need to pay moderators to run them, maintain them, moniter them, for a FPS or RTS you do not.
2003-04-27, 10:50 PM
please... last time I checked when playing WCIII (or any game like that) when one person lags, you all lag. Blizzard puts up a chat server and sticks a match making script on it and calls it good. come back and cry to me when they actually have 3000 people playing ON THE ACTUALL SERVER, not just some flashy peer-to-peer connector....
2003-04-27, 11:19 PM
Yeah lots of companies do the same thing blizzard does, like gamespy. It's really cool and all, but it's not comparable since they don't actually host the game like an MMOG company does.
2003-04-27, 11:30 PM
on these sony servers that run games for 3000 people at a time, what kind of system specs to they have?? do they get access to 100ghz processors and 24gigs of rdram or something? i'm curious what kind of computers it takes to have as much power as they do. and i understand that they're not like regular computers, its like a server farm place probly, but what kind of power do they have?
2003-04-27, 11:32 PM
No. I would assume they are linux clusters.
Originally posted by RandoMTerroR
Lol, i think he forgot the part of what we pay just to get the game... 50$ * 3000 players = 150.000$...
Ah so you don't think the programmers, testers, artists and other staff that made the game get paid?
I've seen many ppl say "We're already paying 50$ dammit" or something like that but what they seem to be forgetting is that 50$ is for pre-release expenses not post, it cost a lot of money to actually make the game, it didn't just appear out of thin air.
I still don't understand the complaints anyway, today 10$ is nothing, you go to a movies and you already spent that much at least. So 10$ for a month of video gaming = cheap IMO.
2003-04-28, 01:15 AM
10 bucks can get you 2-3 meals at McDonalds or a month of gaming....
either McDonalds is high priced food:rolleyes: or perhaps we're not paying enough for our monthly gaming....
2003-04-28, 01:27 AM
I would love someday to get a tour of the massive server farm that hosts Everquest
2003-04-28, 01:56 AM
you guys are spending more money on fast food each week than you will this game.
2003-04-28, 02:22 AM
I'm gonna pay, thats cool with me. It is only 10$.
But, I think it is unfair to charge for the game AND to play it,
especially if you don't like it. They make you pay for the
game, and they give you a free month, in case you don't
like it, but you still spent 50$.
I think it should be one or the other, not both. Like, give
away the software for download, but charge money each
month, or at least lower the price of the software to..
say.. 20$ or 20$. I think that would be fair enough.
2003-04-28, 02:54 AM
well said Jollygiant! :p
I paid $50 for Unreal Tournament and I didn't like it. It didn't matter that the online play was free, since I didn't like it and I was out of the money either way. You get a free month to appraise whether you like planetside or not, and I think that is plenty of time for your money. People regularly pay $50 dollars for much less than one month of gaming. If you want to continue, though, that is when you have to start paying for the resources you are consuming.
2003-04-28, 03:59 AM
It is actually a lot less expensive than people make it out to be.
Everquest runs me something in the area of $150 per year. Most normal games that you buy, cost about $45, and give maybe a few weeks of enjoyable playtime. Then you need to go get another. By paying to play everquest, instead of getting a shiny new box 1-3 times per month, I'm actually saving myself in the area of $400-1000 per year. Exact amount varies substantially depending on just how hard-core of a gamer you are, of course.
2003-04-29, 01:55 PM
Do you guys have any idea how much the bandwidth costs to host this many people. look it up before you post. Its incredable
2003-04-29, 10:04 PM
Christ, you guys are worried about 12 bucks a month. Cant wait to see when you get cars, or a mortgage. Average monthly payment for a beginning driver (under 25) is $150 a month. I can almost guarantee that those who dont really worry about the monthly cost have similar payments, while those who complain are still living off their parents.
2003-04-29, 10:12 PM
Yea, so if ya got car payments, plus electric, phone, gas, all that other shit, ya dont really wana pay just for enjoyment when all your monthly bills are just for keeepin a roof over your head. 12 bucks for gaming is criticle if ya got bunch of other payments sitting over your head....
Tho i run money off my i dont care:D . $12.95 is a easy charge.
2003-04-29, 10:19 PM
Lol, if youve only got 12 bucks after bills you dont belong on your computer.
And if anyone still has problems paying the monthly rate, take alook outside. Its spring. And with spring comes garden work. I know you all have neighbors who are to lazy to do it themselves, so why dont you do it for them. Simple, yet effective way to get the money you need, and more, for your monthly gaming.
2003-04-29, 10:25 PM
Tell that to my mom.........dont guess where she gets her money (*cough*parents still*cough*).....thats also why we dont got DSL.....and my mom wants to buy a new tv..... (GOD DAMNIT WE ONLY GET 10 FUCKING CHANNELS!!!!!!!!!)...........make it even better....she would get Direct tv, but no, they both cost the same damn money (altho we get more channels with Dtv, she could d/l all here american idol crap really fast with dsl)........:o its sad how this household works.
And my neighbors are nearly 2 mile away from me.....(me on mts.)
2003-04-29, 10:45 PM
Lol, get cable. Still get alot of channles, plus for just alittle bit extra you get a BB connection. 2 miles really isnt far, thats about 5 minutes biking or 20 minutes jogging/walking. Most likely youll only do it twice a month, and it would be well worth it (Extra money could go towards Cable modem)
2003-04-29, 11:00 PM
well......when i mean 2 miles from me neigbors....i also mean 2 miles from cable.......
we dont get cable all the way up satilight would be like the only conection we could get other than dsl.....well also thats why we dont got Dtv....damn trees..... I'd save money for dsl......or hope that the cable dudes, or extend the line to up here.....
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