View Full Version : VANU stands for........... Very Anal Nerds Unite and other such trivialites
2002-12-16, 04:55 PM
Author Topic:
Station Member
Registered: Dec 2002 posted 12-15-2002 03:14 PM user search report post
Very Anal Nerds Unite!!! Look at 'em, it's true. It's up to us non-goobers to beat them like a dog that ate your beta disc.
NC UNITE!!!!!!!!! HOOAH!!!!!
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 12-16-2002 10:46 AM user search report post
Ease down, folks. No problem playing up the Empires, but take notice of what you're posting before you hit the submit button. Thanks, everyone.
2002-12-16, 04:56 PM
Author Topic: Negative Post Replies?!
Station Member
Registered: Jul 2002 posted 12-15-2002 01:16 PM user search report post
Just wondering, cause this board has at least one negative reply to the topic or to someone who replied to the topic in every thread. Why? Is this what the game is going to be like? People yelling at other people on global chat? Please say it isn't so, that would get quite annoying...
** DEV RPLY ****************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 12-16-2002 10:41 AM user search report post
Well, Karandras, I don't see a negative reply in this thread yet But negative comments are welcome in any discussion, as long as its contstructive and doesn't take cheap shots (this goes both ways actually). Oh, and in-game, at least you'll be able to control the amount of "noise" you receive over your chat channels.
2002-12-16, 04:58 PM
Author Topic: The Jackhammer (Only look if bored and like grammer jokes)
Station Member
Registered: Jun 1999 posted 12-15-2002 06:32 PM user search report post
From the offical sites weapons page.
"With good ammunition capacity and a reasonable rate of fire, the Jackhammer is the New Conglomerate's primary heavy assault multi-barreled shotgun. "
The passage to be discussed:
"the Jackhammer is the New Conglomerate's primary heavy assault multi-barreled shotgun."
This mean that the NC was a secondary heavy assault multi-barrels shotgun...
Anyway noticed that a while back and just felt like saying it.
* DEV SMACK TO THE HEAD **************************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 12-16-2002 10:34 AM user search report post
Stick, but you spelled the word grammar wrong in the topic name. How much of an authority are you?
2002-12-16, 05:03 PM
I think that has to be one of the single most retarded things I've ever seen posted. NC come up with some of the most idiotic things to post. NC= biggest bunch of damn hippies I've ever seen. It's no wonder that many people don't want to join them or who thought about joining them are now thinking about other empires.
2002-12-16, 05:10 PM
You should troll the boards there. There are the n00bs, that I have pity for, not everyone is as savvy as we are :P. Then there are the holier then thou jerks that brown nose the devs so bad it hurts to read.. you know these guys pray everynight to the god of beta selection to ge in.. they would sell thier souls to get in..
Then there is the dweeb like the first poster here... bah.
2002-12-16, 05:13 PM
Careful with your propoganda there, alienist. The dirty hippy angle just makes the best of us want to join NC.
2002-12-16, 05:13 PM
It's not the NC as a whole. Just a few bad apples.
That's why we try to keep all of our empire related banter friendly around these parts. I don't want any flame wars over something as stupid as what empire people are going to play for.
I want to save the flame wars for something important like hating Canada.
j/k aboot that if any Canadians are reading this.
2002-12-16, 05:13 PM
I'm trying to work on not trolling on forums too much. Tends to get me in trouble. I like posting on here because the atmosphere or (forumsphere) is pretty good.
2002-12-16, 05:15 PM
I am REALLY OFFENDED Unregistered, how could you joke bout joking about canada? After what their premier columnist said about america... its war man WAR I tell ya.
2002-12-16, 05:17 PM
Un it's quite a few of them not just a few bad apples. If one half isn't being retarded then the other half is preaching the background story of PS like it's gospel. NC= Everquest players gone FPS. Some of them are cool but it's overshadowed by the NC fanatics.
2002-12-16, 05:18 PM
Blue, the same could be said about the VS. Fact of the matter is, the same could be said for all of the empires. Actually, you can probably extend that assessment to the entire internet.
And for the record, I :love: Canada
2002-12-16, 05:26 PM
Someone target Airlift with a SAM and you may fire at will :P
2002-12-16, 05:32 PM
Canadians can train Frenchmen to play Hockey, and that's mpore then any other civilized country has been able to teach the french so I respect Canada for that.
Unless you count the Germans teaching them to Roll Over, but I'm not suer it's politically correct to laugh at the french for that.
Oh what the hell :lol: @ the French.
2002-12-16, 05:34 PM
French are fair game when laughing at anything. :D
BTW airlift the same cannot be said to about the empires. NC take insanity to a new level. If you look at all those PS story fanatics most of them are NC. :eek: <-- airlift
2002-12-16, 05:40 PM
As long as everyone understands this is in good fun :P
Here is a litle story.. bah should go on the othe board but oh well..
My ship was in france. Me and a few shipmates were in a bar, this french guy sits next to me and says "US Navy is SHiet" (pronounced sheet) Anyway, I look at the guy and say "If the US Navy is such Sheit, why aren't you speaking german?" He didn't have a damn thing to say after that. Stupid arrogant ungrateful SOB's
2002-12-16, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by MrVicchio
As long as everyone understands this is in good fun :P
Here is a litle story.. bah should go on the othe board but oh well..
My ship was in france. Me and a few shipmates were in a bar, this french guy sits next to me and says "US Navy is SHiet" (pronounced sheet) Anyway, I look at the guy and say "If the US Navy is such Sheit, why aren't you speaking german?" He didn't have a damn thing to say after that. Stupid arrogant ungrateful SOB's
^^ :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
2002-12-16, 05:50 PM
If they ever add an NPC race to Planetside that we all have to fight it better be the french. Besides terrorists, they seem to be the only people we can all love to hate.
2002-12-16, 05:51 PM
TR > All
(Hearing of this revelation, France surrenders)
2002-12-16, 06:08 PM
Blue Zero, prepayer four teh pwnij:
Exhibit ZZ (
Exhibit A (
Exhibit B (
Exhibit C (
Exhibit D (
Tobias has around 900 posts on these forums, and of those, approximately 1273 of them are about how uber the Vanu are. Our Dear sYn pHrEAk makes Vanu pr0n, and every day new people sign up to take a tour of the mother ship.
With all the Vanu loonies, I think it's just a good thing Hale-Bopp has already come thru ;)
2002-12-16, 06:11 PM
i swear.. nc is the only empire that has a just cause. its "freedom" versus: reunification so we can be total commies towards everyone and lets worship technology to make robo-people. besides i dunno NC is just so great. brute force > everything
2002-12-16, 06:26 PM
Why is the word Vanu yellow in all the posts in that first thread you linked to? Has Hamma been messing with the forums and I just now noticed it?
2002-12-16, 06:26 PM
You all have your equations messed up royally.
French < Everyone else
2002-12-16, 07:39 PM
because &highlight=vanu is in the URL. You can throw that on any thread with any word and it will highlight for ya.
2002-12-16, 07:41 PM
yea Airlift is correct, you can highlight words in any thread with the right code on the end of the URL
and those posts are funny :lol:
Blackbird = win
2002-12-16, 08:38 PM
Never said we didn't have any. Tobias is an exception therefore doesn't count. He's some uber forum whore vanu fanatic. Still is 1 person compared to NC's 900 although he may post as much as 900 it's still 1 person. BTW the comments I was talking about happen alot on official forums. This forum is a little better at containing those types of threads.
2002-12-16, 08:47 PM
So you're going to insult the whole of my outfit, the whole of New Dawn, and HMK as well?
Just because some people do something it dosen't reflect on everyone else; I would expect someone like you to realise that ;x
If you don't like the official boards just ignore. Not a hard thing to do.
2002-12-16, 08:50 PM
I believe that noone said anything about your outfit.
2002-12-16, 08:53 PM
I called NC a bunch of hippies. Unfortunately alot of you are but I'm not saying all of you are retarded. Like I said there are some cool ones but you are overshadowed by NC story fanatics. No big deal have to have something to do while you're waiting for the game to come out. :D
2002-12-16, 08:56 PM
The eye sees shadow where the mind can't comprehend :D
2002-12-16, 09:04 PM
Hard to comprehend the talk of a bunch of hippies. The problem with NC acting like that, not saying Vanu or TR doesn't as well but NC are a big part of the story fanatic threads, is that new players who come on and see the forums and see a bunch of people from a certain empire acting like everquest reincarnates they tend not to want to join that empire.
Right now no one has anything to really base their empire choice off of except 1) Colors (which most people are doing), 2) The way the empire acts (in forums, chat, whatever). When I was new I saw the forums and right away decided that I didn't want anything to do with NC because they sounded like a bunch of idiots who were taking the background of the story to heart. It was crazy and disturbing at the same time. My point in all of this is that you're only hurting yourselves by posting the things you do. (Think before you post)
Camping Carl
2002-12-16, 09:12 PM
The NC is supported by many n00bs from the official forums. The type of people who ask if planetside is an rpg. It's just plain embarassing...
2002-12-16, 09:14 PM
The problem lies in going to the official forums at all. Mr Vicchio filters out all the noise and reports dev posts here and you won't find anyone acting stupid about any of the empires, except in fun. But don't tell anybody else tho ;)
2002-12-16, 09:16 PM
Unfortunately the official forums is where alot of the newer people go. They should just send them here first. We'll desensitize them with our nonsense and then we send them on their way to the official forums and they won't even care. :D
2002-12-16, 09:50 PM
Just dont start empire flame threads. I will lock them :p
2002-12-16, 09:55 PM
I'm not flaming NC and I don't plan on it. I'm just saying that it's hurting their chances to get new people by posting things they do. I chose Vanu over the others but it doesn't mean I hate them. I don't like some of the childish things they post but hey it's the internet not like it's going to do any good to complain. :doh:
2002-12-16, 10:00 PM
I was just saying in general. :p
2002-12-16, 10:02 PM
That's why people should start here for forums. You'll actually lock the empire flame threads. Actually they should just be deleted but at least you lock them. Hell the official forums admins dont bother to lock anything hence the large amounts of empire flames. :huh:
2002-12-16, 10:22 PM
you know.. we need an empire war board. it would be great - i'm NC - at least i'm telling myself that - and i want to well.. friendily argue about the empires ya know? im sure its alot of work and won't go through but it would be neat-o and topics would get even more heated as the betas and finally full game comes (as well as subsequent expansions and patches)
2002-12-16, 10:25 PM
As good as that might sound, imagine how the flame wars could escalate.
2002-12-16, 10:27 PM
true true.. it's a shame.
2002-12-16, 10:29 PM
It really is a shame. Luckily these boards are somewhat civilized ;)
2002-12-16, 10:45 PM
Well there have been plenty of "flames" between the empires here. I mean we have the whole TR=Old People, NC=Hippies, VS=Tin Foil hats thing going for us.
But the friendly banter we have and posting "VANU ANAL RAPES YOUR MOTHER AQND DRY HUMPS YOUR DOG" are two totaly diffrent things. Just use your better judgement when talking about other empires, and don't make it personal is all Hamma is saying.
Flame the empires all you want. Just don't flame each other (over an empire).
2002-12-16, 10:51 PM
Yeah that's what I was trying to get at. That's why I like this forum better than the official. There is friendly banter here but there it's just all out flames towards everyone. This is one of the better forums to post on even if the head admin is a TR NAZI!!! ;)
2002-12-16, 10:56 PM
... well .. gah we should start a FRIENDLY! empire thread i guess. would be intersting where it takes us, if it ever happened it would go to hell though
2002-12-16, 10:57 PM
It would most likely turn into an empire flame thread or get hijacked by ninja monkeys.
2002-12-16, 11:00 PM
yep. btw what is the Vanu's fort� ? (oo fancy mark)
i read something like "firepower over damage" but what does that mean?
2002-12-16, 11:02 PM
Mobility and Rate of fire isn't it?
2002-12-16, 11:03 PM
ROF is terran. brute force is NC. uhh..fancy..weapons is vanu
2002-12-16, 11:08 PM
What a load of bunk. I get home from class just now, and I start to swing through these different PS forums, and I notice I'm getting slammed on a forum, I've yet to post on, by a guy who I share common ideas about. Totaly weak, he goes and cuts and pastes a thread of mine with a rubuke from a dev, to another guy. NOT EVEN ME. I was telling someguy to lighten up in that thread. Man. I go and have some fun, if you *read* that thread, every post almost is humourous. I'm not a noob. I've been following this game for a little while, maybe 6 mos or so. Whats this Vicchio guys problem? Is he just an ass, or a baby who cries alot? Thats not cool. I don't like getting slammed behind my back. Ms. Vicchio, if you got a problem with me or one of my threads, post it to me, not to your little l33t g33xz. Man. You piss and moan about holier than thou people on that thread then come over here and start up a pus fest. That guys grammer joke thread, says don't read unless bored. Go get a life maybe you won't be so bored. And just for posterity, I flamed Canada and France just afew days ago. Also, I have a hard time believing your Navy story. What ship, port, what was/is your rank, Cmmd officer's name, whats your enlistment, and what's your current detail. I'm just saying, leave people alone who are just having fun, no matter what forum. If you're so cool, act like it.
2002-12-16, 11:10 PM
That last post was a little hot. I apologize. ***Wheres my fire extinguisher???***:O_O:
2002-12-16, 11:12 PM
isn't it 'memento mori' ?
2002-12-16, 11:15 PM
I don't think we were really bashing your thread so much as bashing the threads that are like it that are quite abundant on that forum. Even if that was a joke all you're doing is trolling for flames. It's fine if it was all in good fun but seeing the same type of thread over and over just gets boring, retarded and pointless. :(
2002-12-16, 11:33 PM
Maybe, but you don't have to read 'em. I was just trying to get a little faction rivalry going, a few hotheads got steamed but they get steamed at anything. Everyone else was having a good time. You can't not have fun cause of people like that. It *is* supposed to be lower case, how'd you know that?
I just was back at that thread, theres some really creative name games, you should check it out. Rypht is really good. AHAHAA good times.
2002-12-16, 11:41 PM
Well the only reason I actually read the post was because MrVic posted it in here. It's no big deal if it was all in fun but those types of threads tend to excite the flames on forums. They are funny to see sometimes but they tend to get old after awhile. That's just my take on those threads but whatever. :)
To the French haters...
me you
2002-12-17, 12:35 AM
All make you foutre (for those which said evil of France). I you emmerde band of dirty racist!
Brotherhood of the Wolf was good.
2002-12-17, 12:40 AM
Yeah that movie was awesome. Laus, I love your sig it's so incredibly kickass.
Originally posted by Sandtaco
Yeah that movie was awesome. Laus, I love your sig it's so incredibly kickass.
2002-12-17, 01:12 AM
Yea it is really sweet, very origional. I'm gettting mine hosted right now, I use Paint Shop Pro, what did you use?
Originally posted by Myhouse43
Yea it is really sweet, very origional. I'm gettting mine hosted right now, I use Paint Shop Pro, what did you use?
Thanks! I use Photoshop!:cool2:
Can't we all just get along??
2002-12-17, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
What a load of bunk. I get home from class just now, and I start to swing through these different PS forums, and I notice I'm getting slammed on a forum, I've yet to post on, by a guy who I share common ideas about. Totaly weak, he goes and cuts and pastes a thread of mine with a rubuke from a dev, to another guy. NOT EVEN ME. I was telling someguy to lighten up in that thread. Man. I go and have some fun, if you *read* that thread, every post almost is humourous. I'm not a noob. I've been following this game for a little while, maybe 6 mos or so. Whats this Vicchio guys problem? Is he just an ass, or a baby who cries alot? Thats not cool. I don't like getting slammed behind my back. Ms. Vicchio, if you got a problem with me or one of my threads, post it to me, not to your little l33t g33xz. Man. You piss and moan about holier than thou people on that thread then come over here and start up a pus fest. That guys grammer joke thread, says don't read unless bored. Go get a life maybe you won't be so bored. And just for posterity, I flamed Canada and France just afew days ago. Also, I have a hard time believing your Navy story. What ship, port, what was/is your rank, Cmmd officer's name, whats your enlistment, and what's your current detail. I'm just saying, leave people alone who are just having fun, no matter what forum. If you're so cool, act like it.
My job here unofficially, until Hamma gives me the job out right, is to provide for the forum hounds of the PSU website dev replies to Official Forum posts. I did not single you out, nor did I slam you in the least. Your post obiuosly made in fun, and I in turn had fun with it. If you are going to post on the offical PS forums, and a dev replies, then YOUR post shall be brought here. That is my job. If you have a problem with this, I suggest you consider what you post, otherwise I will find it, and bring it here.
It is not my fault you chose such a cheesy and childish (no matter the intention) post that actually recieved a response. I will not attack you, will not defame you, you have done enough of that on your own. I will await an appology from you for your... rash choice of words. And I expect this to be a public, on its own thread in the lounge here on the PSU forums, appology. Until then, take care what you post, it might come back at you.
Mister Vicchio,
Your Friendly (un)Officcial Forum Hound
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