View Full Version : Your far
Ok. now that we've (some of us luckier ones anyway) have been in game for a bit, seen a few changes, tried some things and abandoned others....its time
What is your in-game favorite? doesnt matter favorite what....weapons, sides, vehicles, tactics, other endevours, team play, dogfights...etc, etc. Whatever.
What have you found in game that really rocks ya? what niche have you found that suits you to a T? What have you found out "I really thought I'd like XXX, but much to my surprise....instead I really enjoy YYY and ZZZ".
So far for me....I was sooo sure the Mosquitos would be all but useless (no firepower and tin can armor), and that my place was in a Lightning or as a grunt. To the contrary...with the popularity of reavers and the nasty things a decent skeeter pilot can do to them and their egos...I'm truly enjoying having an FPS that includes a real viable aircraft for CAP and air-to-air combat. I'm also really appreciating that there are some pretty decent (as well as pretty shitty) pilots out there and that I can hold my own against them. bout you?
2003-04-29, 06:03 PM
I thought I wanted to be a pilot of some sort, but I've found that being a grunt (Reinforced Exo, Special Assault, Heavy Assault) is much more pleasing to me. I like being flexible and not too specialized.
On a related note, I had a very similiar experience with DAOC. I tried almost every class available (before SI that is) but for some reason I always came back to my Friar. He wasn't the best at anything (in my time, they were actually quite broken for the most part), but he had some skills in a few different areas. Just somethin about him I always liked more than being the best at something.
I really thought I'd like being a Reaver pilot.
It was the first thing I tried in VR, it was the first cert I ever got, and it provided me with my very first kills.
As time went on though, I've found I enjoy being a heavy assault guy and AMS driver.
I've currently got every weapon but the bolt driver, and I love em all :)
The retuned jackhammer tears shit up inside, the grenade launcher is fantastic for dealing heavy damage to multiple targets, and the decimator owns MAXes indoors.
The gauss kicks some serious ass if dont go crazy with it, the rocklet's great at off-balancing the enemy's charge and even for chasing off that pesky reaver, and the phoenix... sucks. Lol :p
The phoenix can make a MAX very unhappy outdoors and still packs a good punch against the MBT's, but is no longer a reliable anti-air weapon. [/mini phoenix whine]
I also love the AMS. Best vehicle in the game! :D
It's also terrific for running people over. The thing's so fucking heavy, it doesnt lose any momentum, even after flattening half a dozen vanoobs lined up on a bridge :evil:
Speaking of which, any Markov/Vanu players here that were at that kvasir battle last night? That was my favorite tower battle :)
That fight was just crazy... went back and forth more times than I can remember. And to see all you purple freaks just flooding out of the tower like that... yikes! :scared:
Power sure runs out fast during a fight like that too... we went through at least 3 ANTs! :eek:
man.. someone with some l33t wr1ting skillz should draw up a battle report about that one lol
2003-04-29, 06:15 PM
For me it's the scope of the game. It's huge. And you get that feeling when you're in a big fight with a couple of hundred other locos all trying to kill each other. Too many great moments and too little time to play. Oh why did I have to go to work today! Oh yea, got to make money so I can upgrade computer. That's why!;)
2003-04-29, 07:26 PM
Well I was on Mark last night, holy mother of god there were some crazy ass battles, best ive seen so far, for such a long time there was a battle between NC and TR that had upwards of 200ppl on it...
2003-04-29, 07:50 PM
I love using the AMS as a battering ram myself. Of course it is NC and TR that wind up splattered against the windshield instead. I love rolling across bridges full of enemy. They got no where to go.:twisted:
2003-04-29, 10:06 PM
When I first started checking out PS, I wanted to be in NC. The gauss sounded cool and my favorite color is blue. Although the gauss really is cool, I started in Vanu. NC was the most popular empire, and I didn't want to start with the bigger empire. Vanu was smallest, so I tried them out.
I have quickly learned to love energy weapons. It is so much quicker to switch to secondary mode than to change ammo clips. Plus I only carry around one type of ammo. So I'm stuck on VS.
I also have enjoyed the Reaver as my mode of transport more than anything. I finally lost a dog fight today. Of course, I was against 3 other reavers and a skeeto... Yeah I flew into an invasion. 3 reavers, skeeto, galaxy(just dropped a squad), vanguard, harasser, more ground troops.... Woops, I was in the wrong place.
2003-04-29, 10:56 PM
I really really like the lancer. I originally got it just becuase THERE ARE SO MANY DAMN MAXS but now its one of my favorite guns. Its so much fun to watch a max come running towards me, realise what gun i have way to late, and die either running or trying to stop long enough to shoot. That, and ANTs go boom good.
I thought i would love sniping, but i honestly cant stand it. With lag, an annoying crosshair and slow reload i just prefer the assualt rifles.
2003-04-30, 02:37 AM
though this is not what I thought I would like at all, I love my sniper max (NC AV Max with zoom implant = sniper max!!!) and my mosquito (downed 8 reavers with it today, 8 reavers!!!, and only lost mine 3 times total!!) ((even had dogfight a few min ago with 7 Vanu reavers at 1 time :lol: that was insane, there were missles everywhere! chaced me from one side of the cont to the other :lol: and still didnt down me! hahahahaha :D ))
Am going to try the jackhammer out tomarrow to see how good it is now, but I like the phoenix now, just wish there were 4 shots per box insted of 3 so I could carry more than 6 shots :p but it is still good.
2003-04-30, 03:01 AM
Don't ever mess with my reaver vulcan. You'll get burned.
2003-04-30, 08:16 AM
I thought i was goig to be Dual cycler all the way, i enter game and im in love with the falcon and comet, trying to decide which ie better for killing both MAX's and infantry.
2003-04-30, 09:21 AM
Favorite Loadout:
Infiltration Armor
4 ACEs
1 Knife
I just love mines and turrets and stuff. :)
My Favorite Fight:
The other day, we had capped Marduk (sp) and had to defend against wave after wave of unwashed VS hordes. It was pretty fun. When all was said and done, I saw so many turrets and mines and motion sensors around that I figured we would never loose the place. Then we ran out of power :(. Do to all the VS zerging us from the local tower, we couldn't get an ANT inside the base. After a while, squads started leaving to go ausalt another base, I put my guy in an infiltration suit and stuck him in a dark corridor of the base (because I had to go get something to eat, and didn't want to sign out). When I logged back in the base had switched, and I began the Boomer madness. It is probably the best moment in-game so far. :D Wish I would have had time to take a screen, it was the best show of defence I have seen in this game to date.
2003-04-30, 09:30 AM
At first, I thought I would end up being a Vanu Soveriegnty Reaver and Galaxy pilot... as of right now, my main character is a New Conglomerate Phoenix/Gauss trooper. Having destroyed several MAX's, 2 Prowlers, a Lightning, 3 or 4 Reavers and a Mosquito with my Phoenix in my first day with it (Well, day and night and most of the next morning), it has become a mainstay in my arsenal. Until recently I found myself constantly going back to a tower for more ammo, then I certified myself in Reinforced armor, which before i hated because it was so slow, the extra carrying space is a real time saver.
2003-04-30, 09:37 AM
Taking care of Terrans with headaches by taking my JackHammer to the side of thier dirty little heads.... then driving across a continent in my enforcer to assault a base in the rain with 100's of others...
2003-04-30, 09:54 AM
Hey, that's where my next cert is going, the Enforcer. Thanks OneManArmy... or maybe... just maybe... the Vangaurd?
Decimator, no question. There's nothing like MAing a VS max and watching him go OMGWTF. Then I fire another shot and woot exp.
2003-04-30, 10:47 AM
Using strikers against VS max and have them start jetting straight up in to the air in some sort of goofy attempt to get away. Here's a tip for VS max in case you didn't know... DON'T DO THAT!! The striker is so picky about getting lock, but if you go straight up, you're only making it easier to get lock.
My other super favorite thing taunting infiltrators and collecting VS lancers and lashers.
2003-04-30, 10:51 AM
Funny, I have a collection in my locker too... of Terran Republic Repeaters and Cyclers, there's one Vanu Lancer in there too.
2003-04-30, 11:05 AM
I ply three very different chars on the servers, each one in a different empire. My vanu is a CE/AMS+SPECA, my NC is an ADVH/Infil, and my Terran is a Reaver+HEAVA.
Among my favorite things (all unexpected), setting up minefields and turret farms, jumping hills in a wraith, running from Vanguards in my AMS. It is also a lot of fun to load up an AA MAX and pick off reavers flying around Gunuku.
Nowhere to be found on my cert lists: Galaxy. Just too many galaxy pilots for my liking.
2003-04-30, 11:13 AM
Grunt all the way here and loving it. Between my striker, rocklet gun, and decimator i fear no armor! Driving an AMS for infinite spawns is also handy, i usually get it setup before the main assault hits the next target.
And for personal transportation i use the harasser, gunner or not that buggy has some moves!
2003-04-30, 11:45 AM
I started out as assault/hacker, but lately I've been playing Galaxy pilot/medium assault. I started with the galaxy because every pilot our squad used was an idiot, and either left half the squad behind or crashed into trees trying to land. I actually like being a pilot, though. Thinking about getting a vehicle cert next.
Airlift's right, there are a lot of Galaxy pilots, but most of them don't really play well with the rest of the squad.
2003-04-30, 12:29 PM
Yeah I think galaxy and hack cert I'm going to avoid for at least the first half of my build. There are plenty of those around for now.
2003-04-30, 12:43 PM
This sounds a little crazy but I love it when someone gets a missle lock on my reaver. "Missile lock? Afterburner and dive! Ooohh, there's a nice valley I can cruise through. I should be safe... TREE!!!!!"
Good thing I'm always getting locks on me. I stay happy :groovy:
2003-04-30, 12:44 PM
I still love being an infiltrator.
During big base assaults, you can be one of THE most important people to your squad by hacking med terminals and equipment terminals. I saved about 5 of our guys on Sunday because I hacked the base's med terminal
2003-04-30, 12:52 PM
I originally wanted to just be infantry of some sort. After 2 days of playing I traded in some cert points and went medic. I really enjoy reviving / healing all the friendlies in a base we just occupied or in the process of occupying.
My second most favorite thing to do, is drive the RV of Death around. Whether it is transporting the squad, or running down the enemy soldier silly enough to crouch and shoot at me on the road. (:lol: I love that) Just too much fun to drive.
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