View Full Version : War Statistics
2003-04-30, 09:49 AM
Will there be some where to go to check whos winning long term and short term.
Giving good graphs on Kill numbers,Bases captured and how long they been held. and any other information they came may have. Im not sure how its actually played and whats the full deal.
But something like this (which may already exist) would be great to see whos really winning the war and where there winning. gives everyone incentive to attack\defend to be the superior team.
Also making the game to have a somewhat end even though it could be short lived.
Even a splash screen before you enter with a short version update on how each team is going.
And if there is already a system in place.
Could you please give us the low down on it?
2003-04-30, 09:52 AM
Im sure SOE will provide something along these lines, Most likely in .xml format :p
2003-04-30, 10:02 AM
that was quick :)
I have no idea what xml is but as long as the data is displayed in an easy to read and most of all very effective and I mean when I see my team down Im not going in for a few kills for my self Im in there for my team and to win.
in a word being inspired.
Thanks this game is gunna rock.
2003-04-30, 10:04 AM
XML in it's raw form is really ugly and hard to read. But the nice thing about XML is it allows web designers, in this case fan sites, to make their own pretty front ends for that data. Now if only there was a Planetside fan site... ;)
2003-04-30, 10:04 AM
.xml is used in lots of games, It displays in game content on webpages.
Also, Dont be surprised if you get a quick response, most threads get reply's within 30 seconds. This forum is very active :)
You sound new, So welcome to the Forums Bud!
2003-04-30, 10:10 AM
thats my first friendly welcome I got made piss on my first. :)
But im just getting use to the environment you have here. It does seem pretty active.
Just a thought imagine if online games didnt require beta dam that would be harder then it already is for the non beta.
thanks again look forward to seeing you on the battle field.
2003-04-30, 10:12 AM
Oh oh does xml do graphs graphs to me means alot more then figures and words.
2003-04-30, 10:18 AM
Take a look at this site... All of the pretty pictures and charts and tables are all generated on the fly with XML:
2003-04-30, 10:27 AM
Hopefully we will be seeing some world stats soon.
2003-04-30, 11:23 AM
Thanks guys and thanks hamma.
Im tribes 2 all the way. So although it was my last Pick BY FAR. I cant do without a Jetpack and I hate smack smack gameplay its too unpredictable. so im going with vanu get my mobility and Jet pack cant ask for much more except a shotgun and assuat rifle but hey cant have everything so I'll run a couple of thousand bolts through ya. :)
2003-04-30, 05:38 PM
You know what would be cool even if it was impossible. If youve played a game of civ 3 then you know about how at the end of a game you could see a movie like mini map basically. It showed your realms expansion and gave indicators where major battles happened. I think it would be pretty cool if you could see this kind of thing in ps ecery 2 weeks or so. Probably wont happen but it'd be sweet if it did.
2003-04-30, 06:30 PM
Welcome to the forums. :thumbsup::)
2003-04-30, 07:11 PM
Stats-wise, I hope they have:
Most teamkills (Empire-specific)
Most Griefpoints earned (Empire--specific)
Then, if people are on the top 10/50/100 their empire will see a visual indication of such. Sort of like... this ( .
But with griefers instead, of course...
Anyways, other stats I hope they have:
Top 100/500/whatever victims and killers. This might be purely clientside to save on server stress but I think it would be interesting, especially if the 'waiting to respawn' bar includes you-were-killed-by-X info eventually.
"You were killed by t0t4lpwn4g3 with the Bolt Driver.
t0t4lpwn4g3 is your #1 killer with 3405 kills on you!
Respawning to sanctuary in 3:46"
Total kills world-wide by weapon type.
"There have been 202 kills by the NC Knife in the last 24 hours."
"There have been 42 reaver-collision kills in the last 24 hours."
How much/long/many times you've used the various implants, or their effects.
"You have had Darklight active a total of 22 h 14 m 5 sec."
"Personal shield has prevented 1398 damage to you so far."
"You have had Surge activated a total of 3 h 43 m 26 sec, and have covered 134.4 km using it."
Other distance stats, possibly in a tree format as so (Periods for spacing):
+Total Distance covered: 1609 km. (Backwards: 9%)
|-+Vehicles: 34% (547 km)
| |-+ Air Vehicles 23% (370 km)
| | |-Galaxy: 19% (305 km)
| | |-Reaver: 4% (xxx km)
| |
| |-+Ground Vehicles: 11% (xxx km)
| .. |-Vanguard: 6% (xxx km)
| .. |-Sunderer: 4% (xxx km)
| .. |-Basilisk: 0.8% (xx km)
| .. |-Marauder: 0.2% (x km)
|-+On Foot: 66% (1062 km)
.. |-Reinforced: 52% (xxx km)
.. |-Agile: 8% (xxx km)
.. |-Standard: 6% (xx km)
You could have 'footslogger' awards every month for whoever covers the most distance on foot. Or 'Proffessional trucker' for most distance in an ANT, etc.
Other things like % of people with X cert, implant, etc.
Comprehensive stats would be good for game balancing, even. If 68% of people are using the regen implant, is it because only 7% have advanced medic?
But that isn't the point. The point is EVERY POSSIBLE STAT IMAGINABLE!
I hope every week or two they give out more stat tracking stuff.
2003-04-30, 07:33 PM
Thats the stufff I want too.
Hope they do do this stuff if not all.
2003-05-01, 12:29 AM
If they put all those stats in, that would rock the proverbial KazBah!!
2003-05-01, 09:09 PM
Heh... just though of something - Devs: imagine the chaos it would cause if after one patch the personal stats page included "Secret Packages Found: 0"
There wouldn't be any packages of course, but there'd be people jumping off bridges to check underwater for them, etc. etc.
Then a couple weeks later, remove it. In the patch notes, write "Because no one found any secret packages, we are removing them. They may be back later."
Repeat as necessary. NEVER write in the patch notes when it is put in again.
Perhaps you could make an account, as Devs, build it up for a while as normal, then on the server-wide "Secret Package Top 100" Put this character as having found 100 of them. Stop playing the character. Everyone else has 0 except for this one guy who hasn't played since about a month ago. Hilarity ensues.
SOE seems like a company that is more likely to jealously guard statistics than release them.
Tieom, that would be funny, but I think players would figure out that they were getting jerked around in fairly short order. ;)
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