View Full Version : New Patch
2003-04-30, 05:45 PM
1) Users that have Darklight Vision will now display an icon next to their name when the implant is active. This can provide warning to Infiltration Suit users and helps to make Darklight from being 100% effective all the time because stealthers *can* get a bit of warning. Currently, you'll be able to see that icon when within 40m of the implant user. That range may be tweaked after further playtests.
2) Ground vehicles get more "time to be disabled" when underwater. Also, there is no "instant disable" because the water is too deep. You'll always at least get a *chance* to get matter how slim.
3) Galaxies can now carry Lightnings.
4) The secondary fire modes on Decimators and Strikers now have the same sized CoF as the primary modes.
5) Revive has been reduced to a cost of 25 units instead of 50 (for reload purposes). Additionally, the revived person now comes back to life at 100 health (although stamina and armor are still reduced). NOTE: This is just a small bump-up for the Medics. It's not all the attention we intend to give them.
6) Respawn timers have changed. If you respawn at a Facility, it takes 20 seconds. At an AMS is 30 seconds. At a Tower is 40 seconds. These timers are drastic. This was done intentionally. The numbers will be adjusted after watching gameflow tonight. Your constructive feedback is appreciated on the forums.
7) Found a few server issues that *may* increase zone stability significantly tonight.
8) The following maps were updated with fixes. Those fixes range from things you *will* notice (like a couple Towers that had basements underwater) and things you probably *won't* notice (like a tree interpenetrating another tree, or a floating rock grounded down properly). The maps involved are Solsar, Ishundar, Searhus, Amerish, and all three Sanctuaries.
Taken from the Sation Launcher news bit
2003-04-30, 05:57 PM
2.) Although, I am confused with the water and vehicles thing... I never bothered going by water, so anyone explain this better to me?
3.) ooooooh, I like the lightning on galaxies! Bout time...
6.) I like the change, it seemed like too many kept pouring out of nearby towers of a base and storming in, hopefully this would slow it down. I like battles that tend to take their time to finish.
2003-04-30, 06:09 PM
if you where to drive a vehicle into water it would be stuck and you cant drive it out now i think they give you a time limit to get out of it
2003-04-30, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Trebor95
1) Users that have Darklight Vision will now display an icon next to their name when the implant is active. This can provide warning to Infiltration Suit users and helps to make Darklight from being 100% effective all the time because stealthers *can* get a bit of warning. Currently, you'll be able to see that icon when within 40m of the implant user. That range may be tweaked after further playtests.
3) Galaxies can now carry Lightnings.
6) Respawn timers have changed. If you respawn at a Facility, it takes 20 seconds. At an AMS is 30 seconds. At a Tower is 40 seconds. These timers are drastic. This was done intentionally. The numbers will be adjusted after watching gameflow tonight. Your constructive feedback is appreciated on the forums.
1.) Thats a start, we'll see how that works out
3.) Sweet, might consider getting a lighting cert now
6.) Might be good, might be bad, I hope its great. :D
The vehicle/water change should be great. I accidently slid my AMS into 2 1/2 feet of water in hossin my first time there... it was like hitting a brick wall. The thing just came to a stop and wouldnt move an inch. I also died the instant I opened the door :huh:
I like how galaxies can carry lightnings now too. I thought they were supposed to, originally... I was surprised when I found that wasnt the case.
I just dont like the darklight change. I always loved stumbling around a cloaked guy like I didnt see him... just slowly getting closer and closer, then suddenly sticking my shotgun in his face :p
Oh well, it's for the best I'm sure :(
2003-04-30, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Vash
I just dont like the darklight change. I always loved stumbling around a cloaked guy like I didnt see him... just slowly getting closer and closer, then suddenly sticking my shotgun in his face :p
Oh well, it's for the best I'm sure :(
That was you?!?!?!?! :mad:
j/k :D But that has happened to me before.
2003-04-30, 06:24 PM
lol i know when i see a stealther i make it look like i dont see him like i was in a CC room with darklight on and a VS stealther came in looking right at me i didint do nothing for 30 sec or so he just was siting there then am like fuck it 2 shots with shotgun and he was gone
2003-04-30, 06:27 PM
:lol: I don't like them putting in voice IP, partly because I just chat with my clan on TS2, and it caused a ton of bugs.
2003-04-30, 06:29 PM
I joined a group, and when it did it asked me if I wanted to join a voice group thing. I said ok and NEVER heard a peep. Oh well, didn't really wanna hear em anyways :D
2003-04-30, 06:33 PM
Galaxies can now carry Lightnings.
who knows, perhaps they can actually have a real use :p
Though the enforcer #s will prob drop some...
Guardian AngeL
2003-04-30, 06:35 PM
Number six is great, I always thought the respawn times should be longer, but I still think they should be like 1 to 2 minutes.
WTF?! Wow... for #1 and #5 i say to the devs ....
Glad the infils now have a fighting chance and that the medics are now more useful and from the looks of it will be upped even more in the futur. :)
2003-04-30, 06:46 PM
Silly Lightning, Galaxies are for ANTs.
Contrary to popular belief, the respawn timer change was not implemented to change gameplay, but rather to keep gamers from developing ruptured bladders and/or dying of starvation.
Damnit Dio, dont bring cookies to the forum if you didnt bring enough for everyone. :nono:
2003-04-30, 06:55 PM
Glad they fixed the Lightning issue :D
2003-04-30, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Silly Lightning, Galaxies are for ANTs.
Contrary to popular belief, the respawn timer change was not implemented to change gameplay, but rather to keep gamers from developing ruptured bladders and/or dying of starvation.
2003-04-30, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Contrary to popular belief, the respawn timer change was not implemented to change gameplay, but rather to keep gamers from developing ruptured bladders and/or dying of starvation.
Are you trying to tell me that you guys don't have your computer set up in your bathroom right next to a mini fridge? And you call yourselves gamers. :nono:
That's a non-issue for me Airlift...
2003-04-30, 07:29 PM
I like the medic change. Can't wait to see what else they'll do for medics. I have an advanced medic on Johari named Sawbones but I stopped playing him because no one would stand still long enough (not even squad members) and no one would give me a chance to revive them. It seemed like a waste to try and be a medic so I shelved him.
2003-04-30, 07:30 PM
I need me one of those!
2003-04-30, 07:52 PM
I'm an engineer with the regeneration implant (2 stamina for 1 health) and it seems to keep my alive pretty well (I can always be at full health and armor). The only concern is ammo, lancer shots run out quickly and the pulsar just plain sucks.
2003-04-30, 07:54 PM
Is that the Windows Pipes screensaver on your desktop?
For shame.
2003-04-30, 07:58 PM
I'll be getting adv medical back as soon as the servers come up :O
2003-04-30, 08:01 PM
I personally felt the darklight was fine the way it is, I had read so many stealthers post in beta forums that they wanted it the way it was since it was the only thing that killed them. These were the ones who were meant to be in the inf suit, the ones who know how to use it.
HOWEVER, I am not against the icon. We will see how it works. Just 2 points;
1. I only foresee the occurence where the person using the implant will activate it during a search, only to find the stealther warned ahead of time and sticking behind the person while he searches the room. How are you supposed to suprise the stealthers now?
2. No one can play with stealthers anymore. Like acting like you don't see them, then surprising them with a big boom.
We'll see in gameplay though, so I won't say I hate it now. But I think careful consideration should be made for point #1.
2003-04-30, 08:06 PM
this DL icon change to me does nothing to change the effectiveness of DL to drop kick infiltrators. It's a lot like the aircraft missile lock warning. It lets you know ahead of time that you're about to get a beat down instead of it being a surprise. Which is kind of lame because yes, toying with infiltrators was the absolute most-fun-thing-to-do-ingame-period. Over all though, I don't see this changing a whole lot.
Although, the one good thing will be all the infiltrators who cried NERF DARK LIGHT will now have a better idea of how many times they actually get killed by people not using dark light just because they suck as infiltrators.
2003-04-30, 08:08 PM
Shade, as far as I'm concerned, all the people who screamed nerf just sucked. Period. They wanted to be uber 1337 i'm-gonna-kill-you-without-you-seein-me n00bz instead of SKILLED PLAYERS. I talked to the stealthers who didn't want any changes, and the ones who did. You see a HUGE difference in the way they talk and play.
2003-04-30, 08:15 PM
I've killed many stealthers without using darklight because they were stupid. I have even killed at least half a dozen from a turret because instead of trying to be stealthy, they ran towards my tower at full speed and I saw their outline. When I stealth, I keep low, move slowly, and hide behind objects as much as possible. The Infiltration Suit helps to be stealthy but it doesn't guarantee it. Do I still die to DL from time to time? Yes, but I'm not about to make it easier for people to find me by running around and making my position obvious for whomever has DL to switch it on and find me.
2003-04-30, 08:18 PM
Exactly! The morons who THINK they are dying to DL are actually dying to their own lack of tactics. Everyone knows you can slightly see moving stealthers. But there's a big difference between one driving in a wraith and one creaping towards you. Not to mention if you are smart and realize you AREN'T an intimidating soldier in the slightest, you'll learn to avoid soldiers, not run at them. That's how you infiltrate.
2003-04-30, 08:18 PM
I liked it the old way, and I will probably like it the new way too. They haven't really implemented many changes that make the game worse in my estimation.
2003-04-30, 08:34 PM
Offline training will be cool, but I just realized, it's not really offline.. If you use the launcher at least, the button doesn't show up until after you login with your Station Name.
'course it's still all speculatory but I noticed that and thought it was worth mentioning :D
2003-04-30, 08:36 PM
I just recently started using Darklight and I was surprised to find it had a short range. It has only really helped me when indoors. That is if I remeber to turn it on.:rolleyes:
I still get the majority of my kills against stealthers when outside and I can see their outlines as they try to run around. It's also fun to watch them run then stop and then you just open up on the spot from where they stop and watch them drop like a limp rag.
2003-04-30, 08:38 PM
there are 2 kinds of infiltrators. The bad who whined about darklight being overpowered and the good who obviously didn't have a problem with darklight. The patch change won't have all that much effect on the game because the people that whined before will continue to get killed by DL, and the good infiltrators will not
2003-04-30, 08:45 PM
Im an INF, and I think adding the icon to the DL is pointless. The Inf suit is already mega powerful in my opinion. I practically never die and spend tons of time in enemy bases and get tons of kills. Now I am going to be able to see the few people who are actually looking for me and it gives me an extra advantage I dont think I need. Will this icon be showing up on a cloaked DL user? What happens then?? There are just too many people out there who have no idea how to use the Infil Armor. If you do it right you can be around 100 enemies and they will be totally clueless, if not everyone will be blowing you away left and right regardless of DL.
2003-04-30, 08:47 PM
Wonder if they fixed the character deletion bug. My friend joined NC on accident and I'm a TR, so now we can't play together until that's fixed. :/
2003-04-30, 08:47 PM
^yep, last patch fixed that up :)
2003-04-30, 08:51 PM
Login with station name is for us beta testers. With the offline training you probably don't connect to login server first.
2003-04-30, 09:14 PM
damn, the darklight fix is bad. I'm the official Infiltrator Knifer for my squad! i would always get out my knife when i saw an infiltrator, turn on secondary mode, turn on darklight if not already on, and then walk up in FRONT of an infiltrator, stand there for a second.....BAM stab his ass. oh it's great to toy with people who think they are invisible
2003-04-30, 09:15 PM
pah, the operation times out when I try to even log in on the launchpad program now. every patch seems to create 3 more bugs...
2003-04-30, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Vash
That's a non-issue for me Airlift... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2003-04-30, 10:51 PM
haha holy shit feign yer so right!:rofl: :rofl:
What happens when an infiltrator is trying to kill an infiltrator and switches on his dl? hahaha who thought this up? is it a joke?
2003-05-01, 01:25 AM
that would be very funny :lol:
2003-05-01, 01:28 AM
Today I ran across an NC inf who apparently thought he was cloaked, but really wasn't. He was slowly creaping down the stairs of the tower I spawned at and when I turned to face him, he crouched and sat still for a few moments. Then he was blasted. I swear this was probably one of those guys who cried about DL on the beta forums.
The new DL icon is a little more drastic than I though being that you can see the icon through walls. It still doesn't make too much of a difference though, it just gives more of a heads up than I had thought it would have given.
2003-05-01, 01:57 AM
OMG the funniest thing is when an inf only thinks he's cloaked and isn't...
2003-05-01, 02:41 AM
I just love the inf being killed by w/o anyone knowing they are there, when you are shooting someone else and they get in the way,I cant count the number I have seen fall in tight hallway battles where they think that they can get past the crossfire and make it to wherever they are going.
Also very funny when they think that they cant be seen when they are hacking or running through the base :lol: I had 1 run right past me thinking I didnt see him, didnt matter since the max behind me did too and got him b4 I could turn around :p
I now fire a few shots into the cc every time I go by one, and sure enough, every once in a while, a inf suit will go down :p
2003-05-01, 08:29 AM
I had a freak encounter with one yesterday, I was walking through a base, by a wall. I turned a corner and my character hit something like an object in the middle of the floor, you know how sometimes if you run into a tree you kinda move around it automatically. Well this happened, and I thought, wtf ... there was nothing there but I was being blocked. So me being me decided to fire a few shots at whatever it was :) turned out to be a stealther
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