View Full Version : Servers Down

2003-05-01, 12:18 PM
GOD DAMN! they were down allday yesterday and i just tryed and they are down again today :( they always seem to pach servers between 5 and midnight GMT and that makes it completely unplayable for me :(

2003-05-01, 12:22 PM
Yes, it is frustrating but as you know, it is in beta test. They take the servers down during the day to do their fixes and usually have them up by the evening when generally people come home from work or school. On the whole, it isn't unreasonable but people who work nights (like me) and those in Europe lose out but that's just the way it is.

I would rather they keep the servers down often now than have problems when I am actually paying for the service.

2003-05-01, 12:29 PM
Can't do hardware work while the servers are on :eek:

2003-05-01, 12:42 PM
Still, dont understand why they need to shut down all the planets (servers) during the day.

The servers are identical, so they could leave a couple up while they test using the other, and when patch is ready they shut down the servers for an hour. They have done this before.

The two servers they leave up, wouldnt get that full because there are less players during the day.

They should at least activate that "training" option, and put in targets for vehicle training so we can practice with different weapons and vehicles.

I do applaud their efforts though. The devs are working hard and the daily patches show this. The game was a lot more stable last night. didnt get one CTD thats a good sign. but had one "leaving world".

2003-05-01, 01:02 PM

They should do sever fixes 1 by 1 or at least keep 1 open fix other 2 than open those 2 and fix the other one.

2003-05-01, 01:03 PM
I'm just happy I was able to play this morning when I got up. I got my first kill, an infiltrator, woohoo :)

2003-05-01, 01:07 PM
3 weeks guys - then you can play all you want and your lives can atrophy like regular gamers. Until then, enjoy being able to freely go to the bathroom and get more that 20 minutes of sleep a night.

2003-05-01, 01:18 PM

Damn man you're lazy! I usually get 10-12mins tops, if i sleep in for more than 14 mins i feel like i'm lazy and just lost half my day.


2003-05-01, 02:55 PM
hmmm sleep.... what is this sleep you speek of... I know I have seen this term somewhere before... but .... Im not sure what it is....


2003-05-01, 03:11 PM
Sleep is wasted on the young.
My almost one year old daughter sleeps 14 hors a DAY! God that must be nice.
Now that I am inthe Planetside beta, I get very little, if any.

My wife hates me.

I don't care.