View Full Version : Cr5
2003-05-01, 12:33 PM
I wish the CR5s out there would start looking at the bigger picture. On Markov last night there was a drop of over 300 NCs on one base on Osher. Half of them crashed to desktop of course, and the other half effortlessly took the base.
Not a very effective strategy looking at the big picture...
Unfrontunately doing something like that it means that every other continent aside from Osher become severly undermanned. Especially the harder to reach ones like Searhus where I was desperatly trying to find enough people to even put a squad together.
Please ZProtoss, use that power you have right now to its full ability. Learn some new tactics aside from having the whole faction zerg single bases into oblivion. Stop winning the battle and start winning the war.
We need to spread groups to where they are needed to stop locks and finish taking continents. Not take everyone and send them to wherever you happen to be fighting.
Just some creative criticism, not trying to bash you at all as you are of course the only one of us who has reached that CR as of yet.
PS. Friday's "United" effort against the Vanu will be a disaster.
Plan to betray the TR right away because you wont be able to stop the in-fighting for longer then it takes for the HARTs to hit the ground.
2003-05-01, 12:37 PM
I think the united force thing could work out, but it'll have to be done with a coalition of TR and NC outfits I think on a rather remote part of the world. Any random TR and NC characters encountered will probably just start blasting because they won't have any idea of what is going on.
2003-05-01, 12:42 PM
Question...when CR5 broadcasts does it go to every soldier on the continent? What is the reach of the CR5 chat channel? If it's going to every single person then the devs are wasting bandwidth. It should only go to squad leaders. In a real war the grunt soldiers never hear directly from the generals, they get their orders from their team leaders. That is the whole point of a "chain of command".
Also, i agree that the "United effort" against Vanu will fail miserably. Whatever side decides to betray the union first will come out on top, or the Vanu will just sit back while you guys tear each other apart. Then slaughter the beaten victor.
I know that from what i've seen, most of the people in PS who want to be squad leaders are not good stratigists or good leaders. I've "lead" 3 squads in the past week for no other reason than the formal squad leader had no clue what he was doing (course i didn't get any CEP for it, cause i wasn't formally the leader).
I think that the CR5s we have now are just playing with their power to see what they can do. They're trying to make the biggest battle ever, which is worthless. Like you said, one big battle means every other area you were controling is now under maned and vulnerable. Meaning you'll win your big battle but in the time it takes you to win said battle you'll lose many other bases. It's just not a smart thing to do stratagey wise.
2003-05-01, 12:44 PM
The [FC] will be there fighting alongside the TR in this temp alliance. I will issue the standing order that for the duration of this operation no one is to fire upon any TR troops, and to ignore incoming TR fire until the alliance is off.
2003-05-01, 12:48 PM
I'm willing to bet $100 that this is gonna blow up in our faces (literally), but I'm willing to see how far it goes.
2003-05-01, 12:49 PM
^that's what I say. I mean if it flops? oh well, that's fine we'll just go back to doing the same thing we do every other night.
2003-05-01, 12:52 PM
Sorry, I can't resist...
What are we gonna do tommorow night Brain?
What we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world!
2003-05-01, 12:53 PM
rogue ya bastard beat me to it.
too many players are going to see red and open fire. nuff said.
2003-05-01, 01:02 PM
Boy, I ***suuuuure*** hope the Vanu players on that continent that ALL know about this don't character wipe today, and tommorrow all become TR or NC and intentionally pick fights to disrupt the attack - cause I mean, that would just ruin everything.
2003-05-01, 01:03 PM
You touch down from the HART and a TR is standing in front of you. What do you do?
A. Open Fire
B. Hold Fire and hope they dont shoot you in the face
99% of everyone is going to just open fire.
The stealthers and combat engineers will CLEAN UP in this battle.
NC + TR - VS = VS!
I will be surprised if any of the forces can even make it to wherever they are supposed to be attacking. The Vanu will easily dominate this situation and have a good reason to laugh at our precious CR5s.
Its a bad strategy which is BEING ADVERTISED.
Wish I was CR5...
2003-05-01, 01:09 PM
Hell if I wasn't such a stand up guy, I'd get my entire outfit loaded up in lightnings and reavers and just attack everyone from behind. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm XP.
This has horrible execution written all over it. Next time, see if google will host your combat plans on the front page.
Heh i'm glad BOHICA will be playing VS friday.
Dio(scouting in infil): Hey Navarone we've got incoming NC to retake their base, lots of them man!!
Navarone: Shit! Ok guys hold up in the CC, defend at all costs.
Dio: Oh wait nevermind the TR and NC killed themselves. We're cool.
Navarone: Ok guys cap is done, move out.
Repeat until BOHICA acquires 20-30 bases and many BEPs.
2003-05-01, 01:20 PM
It will never work. You might get a couple outfits from different factions working together, but on a global scale it won't work. Most people don't read the websites and won't have a clue whats going on.
I have since turned off CR5 broadcasts. I can understand communication all continent, but the whole world is just dumb.
2003-05-01, 01:20 PM
I hope every Vanu Ditches that continent and locks like 5 others.
2003-05-01, 01:23 PM
Considering I constantly hear people cursing ZProtoss to no end every time he says anything on global, there will be plenty of NC people that are specificly going to ruin his event.
2003-05-01, 01:24 PM
They'll likely just keep the forces seperated. NC takes these continents, TR takes these continents. Not sure how they're going to do Hossin.
Oshur just came under NC control when I logged off at 3:30 AM.
I noticed this too--as NC were fighting over Oshur, the Vanu locked Esamir, which has an nc sanc warpgate. I guess that diverting all of your empire's resources to one location does have it effect.
2003-05-01, 02:20 PM
My Shrike record against ZProtoss:
ZProtoss - 30+
Me: 2
Z you r0x0r at T2, but remember that most of every faction is made of n00bs and they dont care about the big picture. I would love to be up at BR5 planning massive crap like this but I doubt anyone will be able to pull this stuff off till we get a couple of outfits with hundreds of people dedicated to making it work.
Oh and BTW I'm Vanu so I would be planning against you :).
Which server is this supposed to be on anyway?
2003-05-01, 02:25 PM
Actually I'm kind of annoyed at Zprotoss.
My outfit and a few other squads were on last night, and we were 2 bases away from a continent lock, when all of a sudden Zprotoss comes over global chat and says "We're gonna try to take X base on X continent, please head to HARTS and help us!". Right then, more than HALF of the NC forces on Cyssor suicide and spawn at the sanctuary, leaving the TR a 7/8ths locked continent to reclaim. My outfit managed to hold them off for about 30 minutes, but after that we failed miserably.
Z should think about support the forces that are already attacking, rather than calling everyone to one spot for whatever base he feels like taking.
just my .02 cents
2003-05-01, 02:47 PM
This is VERY true, he seems to think on 1 cont at a time level, and I had this exact hting happen to me the other night, We were fighting and moving forward at a good pace when he calls for help, and bam, we lose the cont since half of the poeple take off and go there.... argh... I need to be lvl5 so I can say, no you morons, stay where you are, you 500 people in a place that are doing nothing, you go help, but dont leave a battlefield.... that is just nuts.....
But I am still going to try the alliance, just since it sounds very fun (even though it will prob fall apart very very fast, and should have been done via outfit commanders talking via e-mail etc, and not open info, so they can plan better....)
2003-05-01, 02:52 PM
I think inter-empire alliances are the height of faggotry and I will never go along with one.
This is exactly why gaining CR5 should take 3 months, not 3 weeks. Early cr gains, should be easy to get, but 3, 4 and 5 should take a long time. The fact is, tbh, alot of these commanders aint really gonna have any actual idea what the hell they are doing. Atm, the early CEP rushes were all about cap exploiting etc, trying to maximise the amount you could get by capping as many bases as possible, whilst facing the least resistance.
The old system promoted no actual commanding whatsoever, at least in the new system you have to have SOI wide unique kills to be able to get a substantial amount of CEP from a base cap, which will hopefully promote a bit of actual squad commanding.
Atm, im lingering around CR2, coz im spending all my time with my outfit, perfecting voice comm usage, practicing out of base skirmishes and patrols, and nailing attacking forces. This of course doesnt leave me much room for base capping, but what the hell, i enjoy what i do.
John Matrix
2003-05-01, 03:04 PM
what server is this alliance between TR and NC gonna take place?
2003-05-01, 03:04 PM
yea, we definitly arent organized enough to pull this off, let alone think about it. But maybe ill try...
2003-05-01, 03:05 PM
People cant even help TKing in this game when they are punished for it and this is a situation where betraying your allies can get you a massive amount of exp. As soon as one shot is fired all the alliance talk will come to an end instantly. I bet Vanu locks half the continents tonight and neither NC or TR even manage to take Osher.
Remember, only one of the factions can take a base...
Do you expect the other side to smile and applaud while one side starts a hack for a base which both attacking?
We are on different sides for a reason.
Any NC who see this, I will be working on Searhus tonight, give me a hand if you can.
2003-05-01, 03:17 PM
Makarov is the server
2003-05-01, 03:55 PM
2003-05-01, 04:00 PM
I've only played on the Dalton server so far, but I hope the Vanu give you guys hell. I may switch servers just to help them out.:D
2003-05-01, 04:00 PM
The guy cheated to get there. *NO ONE* likes him. In game, smacktards who have to run to their mom's won't become CR5. He admitted he used an exploit. Trust me, if I see him, I'll wax his ass and post a screenie here for you.
I hope he spends the entire day getting tked.
2003-05-01, 04:09 PM
Funny pic Nav....
2003-05-01, 04:18 PM
lol, they should try that on Johari. When i left last night vanu had one continent (back door) had pushed TR and NC back to their sanctuary warpgates on ishundar and hossin (i believe) While coming close to taking 2 other continents. The funny part is the vanu are outnumbered....:rolleyes:
So if any of you TR and NC people feel like doing something useful, come help out your empires on Johari. Trust me, they really need it.
2003-05-01, 04:36 PM
lol... theres no way that will ever work like every1 else said if any1 else sees red .. they are going to fire (both sides matter what commander says) Good luck ..
btw what server do u guys play on
This is what i was afraid of when i heard of CR5. It's also why i think they should take it off, nobody should be able to say stuff to everybody in empire except the GMs. If they don't remove it at least make it so it takes like 400+ caps to go from CR4 to 5.
2003-05-01, 04:56 PM
I know I am restating things... but....
I think that brodcast to everyone in a cont at lvl5 is good enough, world is not needed.....
Also, most of the orginization you can do is just with your own outfit anyway, so I actually dont see any reason why you need more than cont brodcast, if even that. (just glad there is that ignore use :p )
and actually, I see no good reasons (besides the see all enemies) to become a commander other than just to become a commander :lol: It needs to do something for you, not just let people spam the chats :p
If this alliance was just dealing with outfit commanders, I could see it working well enough, esp if they hit diff conts at the same time... but the way it is now just wont work very well.... I am going to try and see how it goes, but I am sure that it will end up in a horrid mess....
2003-05-01, 05:02 PM
Semi-Related question I haven't had time to check yet: If a faction (Say, TR) lock two continents that are linked by a warpgate, does it lock to them-only?
2003-05-01, 05:13 PM
*Fat Panda scrunches up his face like someone trying to make sense out of a republican campaign Promise*
2003-05-01, 05:19 PM
Well looks like I am going to a party tonight so wont be around to see the mayhem of the HART drop. Someone please post the results of that here.
So ZProtoss is why VS had Esamir all but locked last night. GJ. Really. We don't need to win, except on one continent. The one that 45,000 people HART drop on to.
2003-05-01, 05:40 PM
When this game gets going, 300 people will be practically nothing, but for one base? Thats ridiculous.
2003-05-01, 05:51 PM
like every1 else is saying .. why does a commander need the world chat it wont make anything else orgainized .. i say the best thing for a command should get (chat wise) would be sanct and cont chat to commanders only like some1 said ealier thats the point of chain of command
2003-05-01, 07:21 PM
This is what it should be:
CR10 - Private chat channel with all CR10s on world
CR8 - Broadcast chat to all Squad Leaders on continent
CR6 - Private chat channel with all CR6s on continent
CR4 - Broadcast chat to all Squad Leaders in SOI
CR2 - Private chat channel will all CR2s in SOI
The odd level can be the stuff. Waypoints, battleplans, etc...
BUT NEVER should there be a ALL PLAYERS broadcast.
Let the top commanders talk amongst themselves then have each commander tell their troops what to do.
And to really make things neat, they should allow squad leaders to be a member of another squad, but only if they have a lesser CR ranking. Sort of like platoons, but bigger.
A CR10 has 4 CR8s under him. Those 4 CR8s each have 4 CR6s..and so on.
2003-05-01, 07:40 PM
It only goes up to CR6...
2003-05-01, 07:51 PM
Actually, 5 :D
2003-05-01, 07:52 PM
5 is correct, stop feeding the n00bs false information.
2003-05-01, 08:48 PM
Re: CR broadcast -> Squad comms, not everyone!
Umm... That would be "teh suck". AFAIK if you are alone you do not count as a 'squad leader', so all those LFS people who would LOVE to get your CR5 "GET TO HERE NOW" order would NOT get it.
My suggestion:
'Reinforcements Required' waypoints, available to CRs 4 and 5. These would appear at the commanders location on the global map. These would act as artifical hotspots for the purpose of instant action, but would be 'weighted' to bring in larger amounts of people - a CR5 request would count as 10-20 hotspots for purposes of random deployment, a CR4 request would count as 5 hotspots. These would fade automatically after 15 minutes, or when the commander turns it off by himself. RRWPs would only be useable every 15 minutes.
When a commander requests reinforcements, all people on the continent and in the sanctuary recieve the message "Commander (name) needs reinforcements on (continent)!"
This means that those not gearing up to head out or somewhat nearby would not get the message, at least not directly, but it would still give some control over your masses.
UNfortunatly, this would provide no 'grand strategic' control, only summon more bodies to help win whatever fight you're in at the moment. Would be a less extreme summons than what sounds to be happening now, tho.
Yes but see the thing is the lonewolf won't get it agreed but there are VERY VERY few guys who are always lonewolf. Everybody forms a squad every once in a while so eventually in say 10months after release there will still be many many many CR5s no matter what. They could totally suck as a leader but with enough time still get enough CEPs to spam and cause havoc.
Which is why i think removing it would be best, or at the very least making it insanely hard to get.
2003-05-01, 11:19 PM
The biggest problem with CR5s is that they are self centered. They should not be saying things like "we're going to take base X on continent Y. They should say things like "If you are currently in the sanctuary please bring your squad to continent X". Or "If your squad is looking for action we need more people on continent Y". This keeps half the damn empire from going to one continent.
Really i think CR5 should only be able to do global chat to other CR5s and continent chat to outfit and squad leaders only.
2003-05-02, 12:41 AM
cr5 world wide chat is good. the only problem is zprotoss sucks a monkeys balls.
instead of saying, "We need help at Oshur to get the continent lock down."
he should be saying "outfit and/or squad leaders send me tells so I can get reinfocements to you from the sanc if you need it."
in my view, the cr5 would be more of a general type. not a come help me get more base caps type. he should be able to get people where people are needed.
2003-05-02, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Feign
It only goes up to CR6...
They could change that...wouldnt be hard
Originally posted by Airlift
I think inter-empire alliances are the height of faggotry and I will never go along with one.
Originally posted by kidriot
cr5 world wide chat is good. the only problem is zprotoss sucks a monkeys balls.
And you think he is the only one?
This is what i'm trying to say, right now maybe it's only Zprotoss or whoever it is being a jerk/idiot, but in a few months there won't just be a few CR5s there will be many, even if you suck and are an idiot you can still cap at least 1 base by day or 2 so eventually there WILL be many losers/idiots/jerks who are CR5.
2003-05-02, 11:42 AM
Eventually. But to keep lone wolves from getting it, how about a severe CEP divider based on # of people in squad. Since it's experience in commanding, would make sense, no?
2003-05-02, 03:29 PM
If and when Global chat becomes a problem Im sure SOE will handle it. How did the drop turn out last night? Did it even happen?
Happy lil Elf
2003-05-02, 04:00 PM
Unless given a really good reason not to, IV shoots ZProtoss on sight. I got a beautiful sniper shot on him last night. He didn't even move after the first shot hit :evil: Forgot to get a screenshot though :(
2003-05-02, 10:31 PM
I haven't yet been able to play the game, but with all this talk about Command Ranks, it has gotten me to thinking. I don't want to be spammed by somebody who only got to high CR because they play all the time but have no talent. I'd hate to have to ignore people, I managed to get through 3 years of Everquest without ignoring anybody. I'd like to see something along the lines of CEP "expiring", that is to say, I want to see people get demoted if they stop earning CEP. That would at the least encourage people to continue trying to earn them, and would hopefully allow players to effectively vote out bad commanders. I don't know about you, but in Everquest there were quite a few people that I would never follow on a raid because they had no talent for it. So there are my two cents, enjoy or not as suits your tastes.
2003-05-02, 11:00 PM
What empire is ZProtoss (Can you tell that I don't play on that server much?)?? If he's half the asshat that it sounds like he is, I'm confident that the members of {BOHICA} will also be shooting him on sight.
2003-05-03, 01:32 AM
Ok, first off CR5 should take a while to get to. Before lattice it was easy to get CEP, but post lattice it is much harder (as i understand). I believe that global chat is a mistake as coordinating world wide tactics for one person is ridiculous. However a dedicated CR5 chat channel with CR5 having the power of continent wide chat works amazingly well. CR5's should be rare enough that one per continent would work well enough.
Secondly while CR5 might get a few "lamers", there are some amazing leaders out there. Again I refer to Jerrith. He manages resources, merely suggests next targets, and is very polite. When Jerrith takes up the leaders position (global spam and all) the continent lock isnt far behind.
2003-05-03, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by vawlk
It will never work. You might get a couple outfits from different factions working together, but on a global scale it won't work. Most people don't read the websites and won't have a clue whats going on.
I have since turned off CR5 broadcasts. I can understand communication all continent, but the whole world is just dumb.
couple of outfits is all u need, I dotn understand why u need to make it global.
ya CR5 BC should only work at the continent ur at.
A couple of outfits formed together against an empire should work if the outfit leaders tell everyone in their outfit that the
y should NOT shoot the enemy they are workin together with, that shouldent be to hard when ur IN an outfit.
I think the devs should open a chat where only CR5 commanders in the same empire should b able 2 chat, then the best commanders of the whole auraxis world could get together and form alliances with another empire and team up. Then they could plan assaults and come up with tactics, I think that would be great and would work.
Hope some outfits could do that anyway.
2003-05-03, 01:41 PM
Yes, i applaud Jerrith for being a 1337 CR5
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