View Full Version : GameSpy Interviews Devs

2003-05-02, 08:18 AM
Gamespy recently interviewed three Devs from the Planetside Dev team. Peter Chang, Terrence Yee, and Dave Kuykendall answered a barrage of questions from, "What's Planetside like?" to "What's your favorite movie?". Here's one question and the responses:GameSpy: What factors (tactics, aesthetics, technology, etc.) influence your design decisions? How?

Peter Chang: A lot of factors influence a design decision, but I would say, personally, the most important factor has been to design a world that accommodates players with different playing styles.

Terrence Yee: At this point, feedback from the beta pool (internal and external) is of great use to the team. From this, we're able to see what works, what needs to be fixed slightly, and what needs a total overhaul.

Dave Kuykendall: Fortunately, we are blessed with a very powerful engine, so we have few hard limits on what we can do. Therefore, it comes down to mainly looks and design. Most of the land areas of the maps are made with visuals in mind. It is only near the bases and other important points where we really looked hard at cover placement, hills, gullies, etc.
You can find the full interview here (http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/april03/planetsidepc/). On a side note, Peter Chang and Dave Kuykendall are both game designers, and Terrence Yee is an associate game designer.

2003-05-02, 08:29 AM
GameSpy: Which of the three PlanetSide empires would you join? Why?

Dave Kuykendall: I would have to say the NC. They are the Rebel Alliance while the TR is the Evil Empire. VS? Well, they are just a bunch of tree-huggers.

GameSpy: What ancillary markets (such as motion pictures or animated series) do you see as being best suited for PlanetSide's game fiction?

Terrence Yee: I think a PlanetSide cereal could be cool. "Wake up to a hot bowl of Vanu Flakes!" �

:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: NS Terrence & Dave!


2003-05-02, 08:38 AM
lol, Vanu Treehuggers, thats classic

2003-05-02, 09:22 AM
I'd pay money for frosted vanu flakes.

2003-05-02, 11:50 AM
Really cool . Vanu treehugghers , lmao .

2003-05-02, 01:22 PM
On a side note, Peter Chang and Dave Kuykendall are both game designers, and Terrence Yee is an associate game designer.

Just a little tidbit for those of you who do not know, Dave Kuykendall and Peter Chang are world designers. They put the maps together to create the battle continents. Terrence Yee works closely with Kevin McCann on gameplay mechanics, such as combat systems, equipment and vehicle properties, etc.

- Spork

2003-05-02, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by SporkfirePS
Just a little tidbit for those of you who do not know, Dave Kuykendall and Peter Chang are world designers. They put the maps together to create the battle continents. Terrence Yee works closely with Kevin McCann on gameplay mechanics, such as combat systems, equipment and vehicle properties, etc.

- Spork

Thank you for sharing that with us SporkFire! Your presence on the PSU Forum is valued greatly. Thank's for visiting :)

2003-05-02, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
Thank you for sharing that with us SporkFire! Your presence on the PSU Forum is valued greatly. Thank's for visiting :)
now would be a perfect time for me to hold post up the "indeed" smiley of yours squeek :)