View Full Version : New Vehicle Idea
2003-05-02, 01:30 PM
Well ok I have an Idea for a new vehicle. I've spent alot of time on it, and I believe I've got it down. It's got two modes, toggled by change mode button: 1) Combat, and 2) High-Speed I'll elaborate when (and if) I get the picture up (I'm at school now)
Type: Flying
Function: High-Speed Transport/Combat
Vehicle Armor: Harasser x.5
Speed: 1) 80KPH 2) 300KPH
Weapons: 1)40mm Cannon (RoF 1/sec) Dmg=20mmx2 2) None
Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Like I said its a work in progress and the weapon mode might be gone if you people think its not a good idea. Post your opinions plz
2003-05-02, 02:03 PM
Beginning to sound a lot like those jets in Battletech... You got the jet mode which is fast, and you got mech mode which is like the battle mode.
That or maybe you meant like that jet that can fold its wings back a little (F-15?)
Anyways, you said for the armor: Vehicle Armor: Harasser x.5
That would make it half of a Harraser, did u mean x1.5?
I think it's a neat concept, but... I dunno.
2003-05-02, 02:10 PM
speaking of folding wings.. I wish they would tweak the galaxy to let it folds it's wings up like the f-15's so they could land in more places. I hate landing in the middle of a road and making those drivers go around, it's a big inconveinence to them.
2003-05-02, 04:22 PM
easy to solve that dont land :D alt g like everyone else but then again thats just my opnion
Happy lil Elf
2003-05-02, 04:53 PM
I'd like to see something that is to the Galaxy what the Deliverer is to the Sunder. Something faster than the Galaxy, maybe just a bit slower than a reaver that carries like 4 people+pilot (maybe give it a forward recoiless chaingun and a gunner turret on the belly or something).
2003-05-02, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Shogun
speaking of folding wings.. I wish they would tweak the galaxy to let it folds it's wings up like the f-15's so they could land in more places. I hate landing in the middle of a road and making those drivers go around, it's a big inconveinence to them.
go... around... ???
your on my road, ill just go through!
j/k ;)
2003-05-02, 06:55 PM
Before they add more common pool aircraft I'd like to see empire-specific aircraft.
My ideas:
VS "Scarab" Fast Attack Aircraft
Role: Anti-air, anti-armor.
Between the reaver and mosquito lies this, in armor, size, speed, and firepower.
Crew: Pilot, Gunner (Optional)
Weapon: Twin gatling pulse cannons under nose.
Primary mode is like a 20mm recoilless cannon, but in an energy-weapon form.
Secondary mode is slower firing, much more powerful, and has better armor-piercing abilites. Neither mode has an area of effect/explosion, and both use the standard Vanu energy ammo - 2 shots worth for primary and 10 for the secondary. The GPCs never need to be reloaded - they can fire all available ammo in one continuous stream.
The weapons are fixed (Like the Reaver's) to the pilot but someone in the gunner position can move them in a 120 degree horizontal arc with a 60 degree vertical arc (10 degrees up, 50 down)
Special ability: Instead of afterburners, this craft has a large capacitor - it holds 400 rounds of energy ammo. The GPCs will draw from the capacitor before drawing from trunk ammunition. The capacitor will replenish itself over the course of about one minute but only while landed. Extended operations in enemy territory are quite possible with the Samurai due to this.
NC "Dragon" Heavy Gunship
Role: Anti-armor, with slight anti-infantry capabilities.
Slightly more armored, slower, and larger than the reaver.
Crew: Pilot, gunner.
Weapons: Turreted 100 mm cannon mounted on the belly just forward of center, nose mounted 20mm recoilless cannon (Pilot controlled)
Note: The 100 mm can only point to about 75 degrees down.
Special ability: Instead of afterburners the Dragon has a 2000 damage-point shield. It is activated by the pilot and will drain 10 dp per second while activated regardless of damage taken. The shield will regenerate only while landed. Regeneration takes about 120 seconds.
TR "Bloodhawk" Infantry Supression Craft
Basically same stats as the reaver armor/speed/etc-wise.
Role: Anti-infantry, with slight anti-air capabilites.
Crew: Pilot, gunner
Weapons: 2x nosemounted 12mm chainguns, 2x turreted 12 mm chainguns on the rear belly. The rear turret guns are in the same 'pod' and controlled by the same person - the gunner - and cannot point straight downwards.
Special ability: The Bloodhawk has afterburners. What, you were suspecting some sort of 'anchor in the air to increase rate of fire'?
Anyways, those are my suggestions for empire specific aircraft. TR one could be better, but eh...
2003-05-02, 07:04 PM
All I want is water vehilces and a helocopter.
I mean the helocopter could be just like a reaver with more control and a little faster. And then also a helo transpot just for soldiers, like a blackhawk.
Water vehilces we descussed along time ago and i just reminding for water combat.
Main 5 water vehilces- a ACC/empire only base ship (3 per empire), a transport ship (infantry and vehilces), a mini destroyer (tanklike), a fast gunboat, a raft for infultrators (something like a wraith able to carry 5 or so troops).
2003-05-02, 07:09 PM
Good ideas! I lik0rz them. :D
2003-05-02, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Tieom
Special ability: The Bloodhawk has afterburners. What, you were suspecting some sort of 'anchor in the air to increase rate of fire'?
How about little ropes that shoot down into the ground, then the engine makes its propulsion aimed straight down, thus creatings a tied to the earth machine gunning air flying thingy!
2003-05-02, 09:53 PM
As for water vehicles, I just want a few boats. Like 3, kinda mimiking the aircraft.
1.) Slow moving Heavy troops Transport (compare to Galaxy)
2.) Average Fighting Boat (compare to Reaver)
3.) Light Scout/Fighter Boat (compare to Mosquito)
I think it'd be cool if they could just make even small water battles, like say the boats could only go in the Rivers, and only about 1 km out to sea, before they atomically combust. That would prevent someone from trying and drive to other continents.
2003-05-02, 10:26 PM
for the 10000000th or so time: ;)
Very Slow, med armor (just under Galaxy), 2 people (piolit and bomber), enough ammo for 1-2 runs
NC - Single bomb that does heavy dmg to a small area
TR - carpet bombing that does low dmg to large area
VS - Med bomb, med area, but Bomber has either 2X afterburner of others or does not show up on radar, etc etc etc
1. fast small boat with a torpedo for anti ship
2. Med cruser with longer range weapons (think phoenix range)
3. Empire specific heavy ships (NC - 1 large rail gun, TR - 3 fast fire guns, VS - sub w/med power gun can only use when on surface)
4. Scuba suits that are similar to agile but can swim
5. AdvEng can now lay mines in the water
6. Some sort of light AA boat
2003-05-02, 10:48 PM
10000001th* now
ALL of the vechiles in your opionions seem way overpowered, A superfast heavlily armord aircraft, and the uber empire specific aircraft that like own everything everywhere?
The only realistic thing ive seen is by Mr Vulcan and the bombers.
2003-05-02, 11:08 PM
:brow: thanks ;)
I htink that those bombers would work very well in game, and very much hope to see somehting like that added ;)
2003-05-02, 11:11 PM
*everyone looks at him*
2003-05-03, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by r3d
ALL of the vechiles in your opionions seem way overpowered, A superfast heavlily armord aircraft, and the uber empire specific aircraft that like own everything everywhere?
The only realistic thing ive seen is by Mr Vulcan and the bombers.
I didn't think my things were overpowered... :(
Maybe the recharge times for the vanu/NC abilites should be increased, but none of em are 'pwnage-mobiles'.
On a scale of 1 to 10, if the reaver had armor 10 and speed 1 and the mosquito armor 1 and speed 10, the Scarab would be 4 and 4 - not too great.
The Dragon would get chewed up by anything designed to hit it, most AV weapons do, what, 500 or 600 damage? But the shield is sturdy enough to let a few salvos be launched from the 100mm cannon - which is the PROWLER weapon, NOT the VANGUARD weapon - and the cannon would do squat vs. infantry.
The shield only regenerates while landed, on top of that.
The Bloodhawk would be horrible at range and would have to stay close to its targets to kill them, and it has no anti-vehicle capacity, AND it would run out of ammo quite quickly.
2003-05-03, 11:27 AM
to be honist, I just dont see a major need for those vechs in game? I do see a need for the bombers, and perhaps once we have bombers to change the mos's weapon from a 12mm to a 14mm or 20mm to better be the anti air it was suposed to be.
2003-05-03, 04:29 PM
I think adding bombers to the game is a good idea, as long as they do not become to powerful. They need to be vulnerable enough to prevent them from diving into large formations of enemy troops, bomb, and come out alive.
The concept of bombers introduces another problem though - the flight model in PS i based on hovering craft that stay still if you stop going forward. This means that bombers could hover over bases or AMS' and kill anything coming out - IMO they would need to give the bombers a minimum speed or they would stall and crash.
Shinigami :rolleyes:
2003-05-03, 06:00 PM
Would be cool to have small blackhawk like transport the kind you quick rope down :brow:
make the bombers have 3 to 4 bombs and a small chaingun or such on the front and all that with medium armor and speed
2003-05-03, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Shin1gami
I think adding bombers to the game is a good idea, as long as they do not become to powerful. They need to be vulnerable enough to prevent them from diving into large formations of enemy troops, bomb, and come out alive.
The concept of bombers introduces another problem though - the flight model in PS i based on hovering craft that stay still if you stop going forward. This means that bombers could hover over bases or AMS' and kill anything coming out - IMO they would need to give the bombers a minimum speed or they would stall and crash.
Shinigami :rolleyes:
that is why they only have nough ammo for 1 or 2 runs, so that they can only fire 1 or 2 times (cluster bomb is 1 bomb that splits into many little ones, etc) So that they can hover if they want to (prob get shot down) but still only have a couple of bombs and have to go reload....
Originally posted by Spider
Would be cool to have small blackhawk like transport the kind you quick rope down :brow:
make the bombers have 3 to 4 bombs and a small chaingun or such on the front and all that with medium armor and speed
the bombers should not have a chain gun, as I htink that they should be like modern bombers, and will need cover and air supremicy to be used right, insted they need to up the one on the mos slightly for a better anti-inf and AA so that it can take down a bomber w/o a problem... thus the mos is the fighter, the reaver is the gunship and the bomber is well.. the bomber :p Also, since they would be slow and have no defences, they would need armor about that of the galaxy, to 20% less than the galaxy depending....
just my thoughts
2003-05-04, 12:27 AM
bombers should have like 4 gunners, 1 on each side. The bombs/plane i dunno. TR: light and fast, NC: heavy and slow, Vanu: Medium and medium.
I thinkalso there should be artilery. Yea i know, its like apples falling outa the sky, but i think tey should be added. If anyone here played C&C: Red Alert, yall know what the Allies artilery is like, and their shells cant take out a vehicles in 1 hit. Well make it like that.
TR:shells are loaded fast and more acurate but do small damage (its pretty much a nade launcher shooting 2 nades at high speeds)
NC:shells are loaded slow and less acurate but do heavy damage (like a tank shell but a bit harder)
Vanu:meduim( between a TR and NC shell).
Their mobilities i dont know......both are tanklike but vanu is satilite or something....
2003-05-04, 12:06 PM
If artillery is added, I think that it should have to be attached to the ground, and moving it would take some time.
2003-05-04, 12:33 PM
**Note: this is not a flame, in any way shape of form, please do not take it as such, jsut trying to show my thoughts on the matter ;) **
Over the last week I have seen people wanting Artilli, but guys, Artilli will NEVER be added, EVER, no, it still wont be added, nope sill wont, and yet even now it still wont, ever, end of story, move along :p
The devs, progs, art dudes, etc have said many many many many times that there will never be artilli in game.
They are doing this because artilli ends up with too much spaming, it is no fun to keep dying over and over again w/o knowing what hit you, or having a chance to return fire.
The closist thing we will ever ave to artilli is the phoenix, the current tanks, and perhaps a bomber (since it has to be right over you, you have a good chance at shooting it down)
Artilli creates many many problems, and truth be told, the game would become mass mounds of artilli, guard it with short range guys and a couple AA, and pound everything with as much fire as you can.... If artilli gets in game, over night, the majority of the stragity will revolve around artilli, simple as that...
Also, you said C&C RA??? This is nothing like C&C RA, nor should it ever be, that is a very different type of game, a MMOFPS is NOT a Stragity game, things dont work the same way. If you want artilli like how they did it in C&C Ren, where they are nothing but tanks with longer range and weaker armor, why? the tanks now will shoot almost as far as you can see, and you will still have problems returning fire right off if you are a short range inf trooper. Any longer and you will just be spaming people....
Artilli is the death of FPS games, and I am glad that the people at SOE agree
2003-05-04, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Shogun
speaking of folding wings.. I wish they would tweak the galaxy to let it folds it's wings up like the f-15's so they could land in more places. I hate landing in the middle of a road and making those drivers go around, it's a big inconveinence to them.
The F-15 Eagle does not have folding wings, Being that it doesnt need them there is no reason to model the wings to fold. The F-15 eagle is not an aircraft that can land or takeoff from an Aircraft carrier. All fixed wing aircraft on an aircraft carrier do indeed have the ability to "fold" there wings. I.E. F-18 Hornet, And the F-14 Tomcat.
2003-05-04, 01:01 PM
Well C&C was the only thing i could compare it to with nice ammounts of land and a artilery tank (and is the only C&C i know alot about)....
But what about mods? I'm sure that mods will come in over the years, and one mod will think about making new vehilces. Mods may make it, and they'll put u a server just for their mod which may have a artilery tank.
bombers could server the same problem. Put them high and in the clouds, drop one, if falls on some1s head, they go wtf. bombers are as a big as threat as artilery, once its made most and all pilots will be swarming to the bomber seats and the only thing you'll get outa the sky is a shit load of bombs. And may i say that bombers are more of a threat than artilery is. In real life artilery fires a shell and has a slow reload time, bombers just click a botton a couple of times and there goes hell's rain. I see no reason to add bombers over artilery.
And dont get me wrong, i want bombers; but if bombers get in so should some artilery.
2003-05-04, 01:34 PM
I highly doubt MODS will come to Planetside. Expansions yes, MODS, no.
btw, whats artilli?
2003-05-04, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
I highly doubt MODS will come to Planetside. Expansions yes, MODS, no.
btw, whats artilli?
Mod's for an MMO are not possible, Unless the company were to accept the mod and distribute it which would be....unlikely
2003-05-04, 01:43 PM
gah!! dont make fun of my spelling errors!:mad:
2003-05-04, 02:07 PM
I wasn't making fun of your spelling errors.
I was making fun of MrVulcans spelling errors. :p
2003-05-04, 02:10 PM
oh.....make fun of his spelling errors!:mad:
2003-05-04, 02:39 PM
2003-05-04, 03:06 PM
I saw some things ubber :p .
But , i like a lot the idea of a bomber , for destroying towers or inmovile targets :)
2003-05-04, 03:39 PM
Since I know you did that on purpose, I hereby declare you an idiot.
2003-05-04, 06:41 PM
In my opinion, bombers would be pretty cool. As for a ground transport, I think they should make a transport with a larger capacity then a galaxy. As it stands, I don't see ground vehichles used half as much as air. I think if they made one that could hold a platoon (yeah, I know, it would have to be huge) then we would see alot more ground vehichles. Just my opinion :D.
EDIT: :( my sig was removed. :( I figured it was too big. Oh well, back to the drawing boards. :)
2003-05-04, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
In my opinion, bombers would be pretty cool. As for a ground transport, I think they should make a transport with a larger capacity then a galaxy. As it stands, I don't see ground vehichles used half as much as air. I think if they made one that could hold a platoon (yeah, I know, it would have to be huge) then we would see alot more ground vehichles. Just my opinion :D.
EDIT: :( my sig was removed. :( I figured it was too big. Oh well, back to the drawing boards. :)
I dont think that that would work.... I think that they just need to increase the tank's armor by 5% and firepower by 7% they would be much better (besides, how often do you even see full sunders?)
Air is used a lot, but all that we need is more AA on the field and they will go away....
Dest: I know you know this, but
artilli = artilery, I just say artilery like artilli ;) and mos = skeeter ;)
2003-05-04, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by MrVulcan
Dest: I know you know this, but
artilli = artilery, I just say artilery like artilli ;) and mos = skeeter ;)
Only to annoying Mr. Vulcan. :D
Also, I intend to have an AA MAX as one of my watch out all you pilots. :D
2003-05-04, 09:12 PM
Good. someone to cover my ass.
2003-05-04, 09:25 PM
Are you Terran? If not then you, I will be covering your ass, with bullets.
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