View Full Version : BLackbird enlightens us on running into things.. people, vehicles.. the ground...

2002-12-17, 05:02 PM
Author Topic: Quick Q
Station Member
Registered: May 2001 posted 12-16-2002 09:55 PM user search report post
I dont remember it on any of the faqs and what not... How is collision damage going to work? Will the mosquito be able to kamakazi into a formation of troops? Or can I power slide over a few light troops
What about ramming a buggie with a tank.. or tank with a galaxy

How is this stuff going to work?

Obviously death, destruction, and mayhem are the prefered answers... but Well I just like the concept of a destruction derby with enemy veichals

Not to mention the tactical advantage of flipping a veichal on its side/roof.

**** DEV RPLY *********************************

Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 12-17-2002 11:16 AM user search report post
Vehicles can damage foot soldiers based on velocity, and likewise can be damaged by hitting more solid objects. And if you decide to careen your Mosquito into the ground, then prepare to get hurt