View Full Version : Spitfires > *

2003-05-03, 08:36 AM
Since when did the spitfires become so godly? :(

Much like that darned cycler...



2003-05-03, 08:41 AM
w00t! adaeus starting posting here! and nerf spitfires plz, along with lancers ai capabilities, and the cyclers dmg output

2003-05-03, 10:02 AM
rotf spitfires suck
Looks like you guys dont know how to walk and put in AP rounds ;]
They dident up the cycler, they downed the gauss and upped the pulsar, if its to good for you, steal one.

2003-05-03, 10:08 AM
actually they did up the cycler 0.o

And we're not the only people who think the spitfire turrets are sickly overpowered. Btw have you ever tried to crouch and fire ap bullets at one. your chances of surviving vs it are about 1 in a thousand.

2003-05-03, 10:12 AM
It takes like a clip of AP rounds, not even and its down. Its easy to walk point blank to one and just unload on it.

2003-05-03, 10:37 AM
HE they can hit aircraft at 400meters and at least 200 away- I usually can't even see what they are shooting at.

2003-05-03, 11:08 AM
use nades and wait until they shoot at something else then shoot em.

2003-05-03, 11:13 AM
this is a thread discussing how they are overpowered and need a range reduction and that they need to suffer from recoil. Not a thread saying the various ways on howto destroy them

2003-05-03, 11:14 AM
Jammer Grenades are your friend, just replace one of your frags/plasma nades and hug the base walls.

edit: although they do need a bit of a nerf on the range

2003-05-03, 12:44 PM
It's common knowledge that spitfires are currently broken. I just hope they hurry up and fix the damn things.

2003-05-03, 01:04 PM
I *HATE* spitfires now. They seem to suffer no cone of fire expansion, they remember you perfectly if you run behind an obstacle or out of range and then back into range, and their reaction time to being hit is super quick now. And that's just for an infantrly.

For an infil, they're even more ridiculous. It used to be that I would have to avoid running when there were motion sensors around. Now spitfires have BUILT IN MOTION SENSORS. If I'm not crouching when I move near a spitfire, my ass is put down in about 2 seconds of fire.

A friend tried taking one out from really long range with a sniper rifle...it sniped him back and killed him (he didn't figure he'd need cover from it since he was so far away).

2003-05-03, 01:16 PM
I don't think spitfires are more powerful now(they were bugged.... sometimes i would lay a spitfire up someones crotch and it wouldnt fire), i think people have just started using them more.

It used to be a rare thing to enter a base that spitfires were deployed, now bases are freakin carpeted with them things! I think everyone and their dog is a combat engineer now.

2003-05-03, 01:25 PM
you can put a spitfire at the right spot on a mountain and it'll shoot anyone down below who doesnt walk/crouch move...it was shooting from so far my phoenix couldnt reach it...
had to take a 10 minute trek behind the mountain just to kill it. Thats the overpowering element the spitfires have, range!

Also not sure but it seems like some spitfires are shooting through ground/tree's...

Anyhow, having one turret that nobody can see, that never misses, and has insane range, nullifies an entire armies ability...and they cant do crap about it (luckily after the 6th time getting shot at i saw a bullet in the distance, its funny, i think the bullets disappear after a short time, so the people getting shot from really far literally cant see the bullet tracer of whats hitting them, is that fair?).

/rant off


2003-05-03, 01:53 PM
What are you guys doing that you get owned by Spitefires? They're one of the easiest things to take out. A couple of rocklets, grenades or even a few ap rounds get rid of them. I constantly have to replace them. I have no problem taken out enemy Spitefires and replacing them with my own.

Just stop blindly running around, learn to walk occassionaly, use cover, and scan the horizon before you rush in and you'll do fine.

Nothing but a bunch of noob whinning or just plain out stupidity going on here.

2003-05-03, 01:56 PM
They upped them, 2 nite agos about. And they are indeed in need of nerfing, not hugely but they need less dmg or RoF and a decrease in range.


2003-05-03, 03:16 PM
On my sniper spitfires are the devil, it takes only 2 shots to kill the things with a sniper rifle but u never get the chance to get off one shot because the damn things can see u from 200 m away and shoot 2x their sight range, so don't even bother running from it once it starts shooting u, also they're SUPER accurate and down u in 2 seconds flat

2003-05-03, 03:41 PM
The servers are down right now, for stability patching and a fix on spitfire range

2003-05-03, 04:09 PM
"What are you guys doing that you get owned by Spitefires? They're one of the easiest things to take out. A couple of rocklets, grenades or even a few ap rounds get rid of them. I constantly have to replace them. I have no problem taken out enemy Spitefires and replacing them with my own.

Just stop blindly running around, learn to walk occassionaly, use cover, and scan the horizon before you rush in and you'll do fine.

Nothing but a bunch of noob whinning or just plain out stupidity going on here."

did you read what i just said?! lol

they shoot me from farther than my phoenix can travel

the only thing that'll take that out is a bolt driver, not everyone has that.

and they shoot further than their bullet tracers travel

2003-05-03, 04:32 PM
Anyone who thinks the spitfires are ok in their current state is either extremely near sided or hasn't played the game in a week or so. They can take down galaxys at 400 meters. There's no way to stop them from doing that. Aircraft obviously can't just walk past them. Oh, BTW I got killed by two of them in my MAX UNIT. Spitfires should not be able to kill maxes. Their range is too f*cking long and their CoF is too damn small right now. They're so over powered that if you look at the map and zoom in on just about any area you'll see it COVERED in sptifires. They're more over used than reavers.

2003-05-03, 05:08 PM
Guys, I'm sorry if I came across rude.

I just don't see what you guys are seeing and I've been playing everyday for the last 2 weeks. I just don't understand how they can be all that powerful when I only find them to be a nuisance and I see others destroying them left and right with no problem.

I guess it just boils down to individual perspective and tactics.

2003-05-03, 05:11 PM
Go get yourself a max unit. Look at your map and find some turrets (you gotta zoom in pretty far). Then go try to kill those turrets. Maybe then you'll see what we're complaining about.

BTW, devs already said they are bugged and will be fixed in the next patch. So yes, it is an inbalance.

2003-05-03, 05:17 PM
he's probably only played vs regular combat engineers, some have been genius to put them inall sorts of new places...like on the top of a facility, so anyone from miles away heading to the facility gets shot at and dies, or almost dies...

2003-05-03, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by gonnagetyou
Guys, I'm sorry if I came across rude.

I just don't see what you guys are seeing and I've been playing everyday for the last 2 weeks. I just don't understand how they can be all that powerful when I only find them to be a nuisance and I see others destroying them left and right with no problem.

I guess it just boils down to individual perspective and tactics. First off, I've seen them shoot through trees and hills. (yes, that's right, we're on the other side of a hill and we see bullets come through the hill and hit us... complete with holes in the ground where they came through.)

Secondly, the only way to get close enough to one to throw a grenade at it is to crouch the whole time, since if you take even a single step while standing (even from a hundred yards... did this as an infil by accident once, while cloaked and died very quickly), they will light you up. I'm sure you see the difficultly of a bunch of reinforced trying to crouch walk up to a base without the regular defenders killing them as they attempt to take out four turrets.

Third, you can't shoot them with anything except a max. Even a bolt driver only gets off one shot at one before it kills the person firing.

Fourth, a guy I know had a spitfire start shooting at him while he was over a base in a reaver. He put on his afterburners and was still being shot at when he got to the next base. Infinite range once locked on is a little jacked up.

And yeah, it's pretty sad that most of the time when I'm defending a base and a spitfire starts firing, I can't even see what it's shooting at yet (no, my visible range is not turned down).

But as mentioned, they are bugged according to the devs and are being fixed. :)

2003-05-03, 05:55 PM
I've been killed inside the protective umbrella of a warpgate by a spitfire :( I spotted it about 400m away at the edge of the shield, then it opened up :eek: :mad: and killed me

2003-05-03, 06:00 PM
I cant count the number of times ive been killed by Spitfires that were so far away i couldnt even see them. I had to zoom in 4X and get it to start firing at me so i could even SEE the muzzle flash. :mad:

2003-05-03, 09:08 PM
Well, I did some testing while playing today and I definantly saw some of the things you guys were talking about. Especially the shooting thru some terrain features.

I apoligize for jumping the gun but I had never seen some of the things you were mentioning.

So, yea it looks like the Spitefire needs some fixes.:)

2003-05-03, 09:14 PM
i think all they need to change are their range and their reaction time.

2003-05-03, 09:27 PM
I think they nerfed 'em tonight.

2003-05-03, 10:59 PM
Yes, their range has been corrected, thank god.

2003-05-04, 03:15 AM
its quite obvious us 'whiners' were correct since they got nerfed today. Buncha blind fools if you couldnt see they were overpowered.