View Full Version : Why is everyone complaining about Darklight?
2003-05-03, 09:10 PM
I play an infiltrator, and I can tell you, Darklight is annoying. When I see that icon above someone's head I can kiss my ass goodbye. But, I have found that very few people leave it on all the time. They only turn it on when they have a hint of your presence. A good infiltrator should never even hint to his presence. THus, if you are good, Darklight should not present much of a threat. They should be dead before they know you are there, not after. If you can do this, than you should barely even fear darklight. In a way I almost like darklight. It forces infiltrators to play with skill and use stealth to their advantage. It is the only advantage we have. Darklight separates the amateur infiltrators from the pros.
2003-05-03, 09:12 PM
Way :p
i agree, theres just too many n00b infiltrators complaining about when they are sprinting right in font of a MAX that the MAX goes, "Oh is that an infiltrator? Here let me turn on my darklight to check...." that they get bullets shoved up their ass. Its annoying. I completley agree.
2003-05-03, 09:27 PM
aye , i dont play a infil , but i can see that wuld be good :D
2003-05-03, 09:29 PM
I agree. But...I have only see nthe Darklight sign about twice.
And never on enemies
2003-05-03, 09:30 PM
dont have darklight yet... but some noob infil.'s make it too easy. they run right into me so i just shoot blindly and they're dead cause they dont move out of my way when they notice im just running up aginst them. i killed like 5 just today because they did that. people that stupid have no right complaining about anything
2003-05-03, 09:36 PM
I dispose of infils by blowing up the ground around them if i notice something... My rocklet works wonders one them pesky things...
Ohh and am i rigth if i say that the icon only shows up on enemies if they actually turn it on? Coz i saw some dude while bieng infil (horrible mistake, will never make it again) who noticed me, then turned on dl, and the icon appered...
And another question... If 1 is wrong, would having the darkligth implant as an infiltrator, give away your position to everybody and his mother?
2003-05-03, 09:40 PM
I used to be a Darklighter, and sometimes I go back to it. Now, I do think they should change this, but I can stand still (next to the CC or something) and have Darklight run without ever draining out. The depletion of stamina is canceled out by my regaining it. I think they should change the depletion rate so that it will eventually deplete your stamina. Otherwise, we'll have a bunch of MAX's standing in front of the CC with Darklight on forever.
2003-05-03, 10:19 PM
One jammer takes care of all that.
2003-05-03, 10:51 PM
For the dumbasses complaining that they can just have Darklight up in the CC forever - what's the point? The door opens, it's not a friendly, you see a shimmer... Hmmm... Maybe a glitch in the Matrix? :p
I mean, I can sit in the CC and I'll immdeately know when an Infil tries to enter. You're not totally invisible when moving, n00bs, and doors still open giving away that obviously something is there.
Like Jaged said, learn how to play an Infiltrator. It may be different than what you're used to compared to those single player games, but it's the same as the Sniper. You can't take out everyone. You're a support class. :D
2003-05-04, 04:43 AM
I wouldn't say Infl is a support class. We don't support the troops. We go out and get kills like most everyone else.
2003-05-04, 05:00 AM
With the recent addition of the DarkLight icon i would have to say that it is balanced :thumbsup:
2003-05-04, 07:18 AM
I still didnt get my question answered though...
It is true that the icon only shows up to enemies when using it rigth?
2003-05-04, 12:38 PM
It only shows up when it's turned on.
It's a good deal more balanced with the icon thingy...I just hate when it's impossible to avoid them (tower assaults, etc). :D
2003-05-04, 01:45 PM
Even if you walk very slow, they can see a teeny bit of you. The best infiltrators will try to use cover as any other soldier would too, to furthur decrease the chance of being seen.
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