View Full Version : 19 May too soon?
2003-05-03, 09:44 PM
I am "concerned" that the 19May03 release date is too soon to launch the game. The CTD issues, the lag (when it hits is atrocious) and a number of other issues are... well to be honest, scaring me. The devs are doing a HELLVA job trying to meet this deadline, but thats just what it is, a DEADline, launch it too soon, and the game will hit the shelves DOA. I have faith they can do a lot, but if the issues still on hand are not solidly put to bed by early next week...... There will be no time to shut down beta (as they have in teh past stated they would prior to launch) go gold and have thoroughly tested the fixes.
Having been bitten by that game known as "anarchy online" at its launch, and being scared off by WWIIOL's atrocious launch, I am... leery of deadlines. I say push the launch back to 01, or better 15June03 and FIX IT before going live. Perhaps I am over cautious. Perhaps I am over reacting, but I really really have high hopes for this game, and I don't want to see a rushed launch, nor the perception of the launch being rushed mar its opening month.
Before anyone goes off on me for "being negative" Stop. This is called constructive critisim and voicing my fears. I understand the amount of work SJ and the team have done, but I also realize that there are people higher up then they that might just shove PS out the door too soon thinking "We'll just patch it" And it is specifically THAT attitude, so prevalant it seems in the Gameing industry, that has me worried.
2003-05-03, 09:53 PM
i think they can get through all this. really right now the only thing the shouldbe working on is lag, or else the minimum requirements are gona have to be high. I dont care if i got my vehilce flipping through to sky, as long as its not lagging while flipping, i'm happy.
2003-05-03, 09:58 PM
I hear what ur sayin I thought about that too but sony wont fo anything stupid im confident if they think it wont be rdy by then then they will surely push it back
2003-05-03, 10:04 PM
wait, when is their due date? Since retail is 19, the cd's still will have to be made and put into boxes, plus be shipped to the stores. So instead of may 19, itll be like may 13th or something right?
if so.....well, i guess its time to start praying.
2003-05-03, 10:05 PM
Yeah lag and ctds are what they should be working on now. They can playbalance later.
2003-05-03, 10:05 PM
If we lock the coders up in a room, keep them awake 24/7, give them two meals a day, and a fifteen sectiond stretching break every four hours, then yes, they will make May 19.
2003-05-03, 10:06 PM
Try like the 5th. SJ replied to my post about it, and in the notes they said that ALL they are going to work on next week is that. I have my doubts - just cause it's such a big job, but we'll see.
2003-05-03, 10:14 PM
Three words: Crash to windows.
I still crash to windows all the time. During one playing session, I can crash as much as 5 times. During Beta, that's okay. I can live with that fine. If I'm paying for it? Hell no.
I don't know if what we say will have any affect on what the release date is, though. For every other MMO released the first few weeks were really just Beta Plus. There were horrible issues that still needed trouble shooting. I know AO was like that. I ended up not playing it because I would crash, things would go wrong in game (bugs), and the like. Many people say they like AO now, but they lost me permantly due to their inability to pull it together at release.
I sincerely hope the higher ups aren't pushing the devs too hard... There are still issues that need to be fixed. If they need to push it back a month to iron out everything so it's nice n' clean, they should. Then, they'd be able to get the covetted title as teh first MMO to launch without major problems. Wouldn't that be worth it?
2003-05-03, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Zarparchior
Three words: Crash to windows.
What are your specs?
I have not had 1 crash in several days now 0_o
2003-05-03, 10:24 PM
they better release it or im not going to ever buy the game!!!111
2003-05-03, 10:41 PM
I have a brand new rig - it's bad ass and I ctd every few mins sometimes but at least 2 times an hour.
2003-05-03, 10:41 PM
AMD Athlon XP 1700 (1.4GHz)
1,024 MB of RAM
GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128 MB)
Soundblaster Live! (for Soundcard)
nForce Motherboard
Not incredibly uber, but I'd call it higher end. And yes, I do have the latest drivers for both Soundcard and Videocard. What are your specs?
**edit: Oh yeah, my connection is Cable Modem. The speed is kinda variable, but is pretty damn fast most of the time. Most large downloads only take a matter of minutes. And I'm only asking your specs for comparative reasons to see if I can pinpoint the problem being my hardware. You probably have better than me. :p
2003-05-03, 10:46 PM
I've got-
amd 2700+ on a asus a7n8x w/ 1 gig pc 2700 and a radeon 9700 pro.
edit- I've got dsl - not great for huge patches but steady as a rock.
2003-05-03, 11:27 PM
hmmm..... I dont know then....
Just for referance:
P4 2.4 ghz
512 DDR
G4 4600
Intel Motherboard (built in sound)
Tied into a T1*or so they tell me* (but I get about 56-64k)
(2-3 min patch took me 4 hours to dl)
no lag, no issues, nothing....
**I do have some very minor lag (1-2 sec when I hit a very busy spot) when I am flying through trees, etc at max burn in the mos, but then again, that is expected due to the speed you are rendering things :p
Im not sure what to tell you guys..... just hope they get it working for ya
2003-05-03, 11:50 PM
<looks at watch> hmmmm 5/03/03, so...thats like 10 days till gold.
Its close. Most balance issues have been resolved, the game looks really nice, the bugs are dropping like flys (wait...that was just as corny as "heres a taste of the toast") and lag issues are becoming a thing of the past. The only thing that would keep me from paying for this game as is, would be they bring the servers down to often for to long. I only get good game time at like 11:00pm-2:00am when the devs are asleep and i really should be. They might push back the date to june, but then again they might not.
And i havnt crashed to desktop for about a week now. Disconnected randomly, but no CTD. My friends computer did reset on him just now, but ill blame the cat.
2003-05-04, 12:06 AM
Athlon AMD XP 1700 (running @ 1800)
256 RAM <-- Major Problem
G3 Ti <--Minor Problem
Soyo motherboard
It doesn't crash to Windows XP Pro, but it's choppy in game. It pauses before opening doors.
2003-05-04, 12:09 AM
You never know what a cat may do.....
And for the crashing and stuff, besides specs, who was the comptuer built by (not including upgrades)
2003-05-04, 12:12 AM
I'm fairly certain it's not my Comp, as it more than meets min Req, that keeps causing these CTDs. i get one every 10 minutes or less. that explains my mere BR8 and CR0. i cant stay on the server long enough to leave the Sanct.
2003-05-04, 12:30 AM
HA im still at BR3 and CR0
i lag constantly even if im in a room by myself and im the only guy on that side of the continent
ill post my system specs later
2003-05-04, 12:34 AM
We have two weeks to launch. This is cutting it very close - the dev team is supremely dedicated (daily patches are rare in general, folks, and big changes like the ones we keep seeing in these are even rarer) but they're not superhuman. I think a week or two of push-back would not be a bad thing at all. (Besides, after Shadowbane, AO, WW2OL and the upcoming disaster that will be the EVE launch, the MMOG community in general needs a clean launch to maintain some level of integrity.)
That said, I have a line on a few of the CTD issues I've been having, at least. Check the "Stability Issues" forums on the beta website if you want more info.
2003-05-04, 12:57 AM
as th gameday comes near, 2 weeks start tomarow. less than 1 week they will have to either close the gate or open the box alittle more.
2003-05-04, 09:06 AM
LOL, i hope they don't push back the release date. I had a copy reserved at EB games way back in June last year, when they said it was coming out in April. It would have been a perfect birthday present........................................... .................................................. ............................................... but oh well. If the dev team needs more time, then i I say we let 'em have it. I'm not in beta yet, so i have no clue how bad (or good) things are, but i do know one thing. THIS GAMES GONNA BE KICK ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
2003-05-04, 01:54 PM
I am truly hoping that they would concentrate on reducing lag right now. As I have a 56k, I may still not get cable for months, or even a year. (it took me over 5 years to convince my parents to get a new computer, and they think a 56k is fast. X.X; )
I really hope that this game will be playable with a 56k, of course not the major battles, but small squirmishes (<15 people) If there really good, perhaps they could make it so us 56kers could actively participate in big battles, possibly not in direct combat but perhaps reinforcing roles. I doubt 56kers will be able to participate in major battles, but I just want to be able to participate in some action.
The game is pretty balanced right now (except for all those Vanu and NC: "the cycler is too overpowered!!!" They can deal with it, though I don't think it is, if they want one, steal one, but expect me to try and get it back.
2003-05-04, 02:01 PM
If they like american idol, say they can d/l stuff really fast from AI with a cable modem!:D
But my mom just cant afford a dsl modem (we can't get cable up here), but thats what she says. As she says she can afford a new tv and/or Direct TV, but not dsl.....simply a really big tree is int he way of te dtv sat. so theres no use of getting a new tv (WE...ONLY...GOT...10...FUCKING...CHANNELS). So she says we cant afford dsl? wtf?
2003-05-04, 02:09 PM
It's not too soon. Those of us that have been in beta since the first weeks have seen what kind of progress this team is capable of. Just sit back and enjoy the ride :p
2003-05-04, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
It's not too soon. Those of us that have been in beta since the first weeks have seen what kind of progress this team is capable of. Just sit back and enjoy the ride :p
:hitit: :hitit: :hitit:
2003-05-04, 03:17 PM
I think it's too late . J/K
I live in spain and it will come available at 25th May and 2 days to they take it to my home so i will have it aprox. at 28th so consider yourselves lucky !!
Really , i don't know how are they doing , working on SWG and PS at the same time ... The first months of playing will be really annoying :(
2003-05-04, 03:30 PM
If the servers are good enough (hope so) then I reckon 56k'ers will easily be able to participate in the larger battles, no problem.
I know its not the same, but on 56k I could play Counterstrike on a server thousands of miles away (Im in UK the server was in California) on a 32 player server :eek: I had pings of 300ms but good stability.
If the game becomes a litle more streamlined then I reckon people with modems will be able to participate
i really dont think it will be a problem at all....there are still a few things that need some fine tuneing but yesterday i lagged mabye once or twice in the sanctuary and that was it, played a total of 4 hours and it almost had no lag. Im running the gasme on a p3 1.6 comp with 256 pc ram and a ti4200
i was in a few battles with nearly 70 people not including the vehicle. Games gonna totally rock when its released and there no way its gonna end up like anarchy online
2003-05-04, 04:03 PM
lag has nothing to do with your processor/ram/video card....
2003-05-04, 04:21 PM
.....jan of 2003? maybe u say that date because u in beta...but think of people that cant get in beta! like myself! been following the game for a long time but no beta for me! cuz im from south america.... and i really want to play this game...and that date is just right cuz im going to US in june :p
2003-05-04, 04:43 PM
One thing that is amazing about this game is the netcode. Most of the time I'm running butter smooth and so is everyone around me - but say the doors won't open and the chat won't work- that is the only way you even know lag has got you.
SJ did say *ALL* they are going to work on next week is lag and connectivity. If any team can do it, it's this team. But damn it's a big bite.
2003-05-04, 08:23 PM
I think everything will be fine if they release it on may 19th i dont really have any problems .. i may be wrong but wont they just put the main info on the cds and patch all the fixes when the release date comes out thats what most games do
2003-05-04, 08:32 PM
I'd personally prefer that the patches that come after release deal with game balance issues and not with game crashes. I know that I stopped playing Anarchy Online because the initial release of it had some extremely bad crash bugs. Well, that and it wouldn't play on my laptop properly, so I had to play it on my less powerful desktop. That last part won't be an issue for Planetside, as I have a brand new desktop system, but the first is still a concern. For now, I have faith in the dev team after having seen all the changes they've made in a very short amount of time recently.:thumbsup:
2003-05-04, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
SJ did say *ALL* they are going to work on next week is lag and connectivity. If any team can do it, it's this team. But damn it's a big bite. Suddenly i think of Armageddon....
lets change the words alittle...
"whatever man couldn't code, this guy coded it."
"The bug needs to destruct before it hits zero barrier. Now if it hits after zero barier, total chaos."
"Youve all seen broken vid cards. " "not after 2 seconds" "i've never seen one" "well now you have"
"the bug doesn't like us." thats because it knows we're here to kill it"
"The code musta been damaged in the bug storm."
"We're gona have to remote click it"
"Click it SJ!"
Ah, Armageddon PlanetSide style.:D
2003-05-04, 09:26 PM
I don't think PS will make the May 19th estimate. i mean, i encounter a CTD every 10 minutes of playtime on average. theres one where you just fall straight out of the game, one where everyone but you stops moving about 1 minute before CTD, and one where you CTD between continents.
2003-05-04, 09:28 PM
It WILL make it the devs know what they are doing ...there working as we speak calm lucky u have the beta key ppl like me would give a left nut(Lmao) to have 1 day of play...
Give me my preciousssss!!!! You will not delay my precioussssssssssssss. Sorry I've been drinking to many bawls...pun is NOT intended.
2003-05-04, 09:35 PM
I'd give my toe...cause i dont need my toe....atleast not the small toe....
2003-05-04, 09:41 PM
Actually, the small toe is a pretty important one. :) I might give a kidney though, I only really need one...
Tired of play UT2003 when Planetside offers so much more
2003-05-04, 09:44 PM
I hear ya Ive played UT2003 only the demo version and seeing those lasers shoot reminds me of planetside....then I realize how bad planetside make UT look
2003-05-04, 09:44 PM
k...i'll donate sperm....
2003-05-05, 01:52 AM
i think any1 will do that .. :D
I'd much rather have them release the game all fixed up than with a bunch of bugs haunting the gameplay of the 100's of players online. I wouldn't mind a push back on the release date.
2003-05-06, 04:23 PM
/agree :nod:
2003-05-06, 05:37 PM
I would love a pushback-- more free play time!!
2003-05-06, 05:50 PM
I'd personally put money on it coming out the 20th. When they set or announce a date, they really, really hate missing it for PR reasons.
Still, I did notice that the ads in this months computer magazines all say "Summer 2003", and very smartly don't list a specific date - so the PR hit for pushing the release back would only be with the crowd that's closely following it, where you are preaching to the choir anyway.
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