View Full Version : BRAINSTORM - Solution To Nearly Every Gameplay Issue. MUST READ.

2003-05-04, 04:05 AM
*This is an exact copy from my post on the beta forums* I post it here just to get more feedback because the beta forum is spammed so much that many many threads are not read by most people.

What is this game lacking and what are the current problems with the gameplay right now? Let me start out with addressing the problems and then I will present a solid solution.
Right now this game lacks depth and content to keep people playing for a long time. Sure it's pretty and there are lots of weapons and vehicles to chose from but the game gets too repetitive TOO fast.

There are no rewards or a real reason to cap a base and hold it. Musical chairs with bases still exists for the most part because people cap a base and move on. People need goals and accomplishment to feel like they have achieved something when they log off or to have a reason to log on other than to shoot at people. If I just wanted to shoot at people I would buy a game with no monthly fee. But this is an MMO and for it to be worth my money I need content and accomplishments. I need REWARDS.

Here is my "brainstorm" that I just came up with in another thread I started about an hour ago. I wanted to start a new thread because this idea did not exist when I started my old one.

Solution to nearly every gameplay issue

Every continent would now have a Stronghold in the center of the continent. This stronghold would be a large base (the mother of all bases on the continent). The empire that owns this base will have the reward of being able to spawn a unique vehicle across all continents. The first idea I came up with would be a reaver that carried small fire-and-forget cluster bombs instead of rockets. Now in order to be able to hack this base you must own a base that is adjacent to the uber base AND own a specific amount of bases on this continent (depending on the size of the continent). So here we have a lattice connecting the stronghold to it's adjacent bases. Outside this small lattice however, there is no need to have a full lattice system and I will go into detail on why not later.

EXAMPLE Scenario:

Location: Searhus - Here we have a large continent and in the center of this large continent on top of a high plateau we have a very large stronghold base. It is the mother of all bases on Searhus. There are 3 bases linked to this stronghold and VS currently owns the large base. Because VS owns this base they have the ability to spawn reavers that carry cluster bombs across all continents. Now in order for TR or NC to hack this base they MUST own one of the 3 bases connected to this stronghold AND they must own 5 bases total on Searhus (out of the 14). CAN YOU IMAGINE THE ACTION? Here we have VS scrambling to defend hacks all over the continent and to keep NC and TR in check so that they cannot launch an assault on the stronghold. BUT WAIT, NC has just capped their 5th base and they are loading their galaxys and preparing for a large hot drop over the stronghold at any moment. VS is now racing back to their stronghold to defend against the invaders dropping in all around them! VS is outnumberred and with enemies dropping in on all sides of the base and after a long struggle NC comes out on top and now NC is racing to secure their stronghold by launching a new assault on the adjacent bases. While NC and VS were going at it at the stronghold, TR took advantage of the situation and starting racing to cap their 5 bases.

Can you IMAGINE the action taking place on each continent? Can you imagine the planning and strategy involved in every attack and the requirement to DEFEND the bases you just capped? This is why no lattice system would be needed for every base on the continent. The only lattice needed would be the stronghold and it's adjacent bases. Now you HAVE to defend the bases you capped because you need a specific amount of bases in order to launch an assault on the continent's stronghold. The teamwork and squad/outfit coordination would really shine and I believe this game would be epic with this system in place!

Nearly every gameplay issue is resolved with this scenario: We have a REAL reason to defend the base we just capped. We have a GOAL to achieve and REWARDS for our success. We have real strategy and teamwork!

Please take the time to think about how well this would work before you reply. And if you agree, by all means, support this thread!

*Here's the link to the actual thread on the beta forums, if you support this idea then please support the actual thread so the devs may read (if you have access anyways).

2003-05-04, 04:39 AM
Thats genious! :thumbsup:

Mr Patate
2003-05-04, 05:08 AM

i'll add a little thing to this genious plan.
when a squad of a specific outfit hack a base and defend it why not changing the colors of the base to the colors of the outfit defending it. This could add some fame to outfits defending important bases or strongholds.

2003-05-04, 08:36 AM
Wow this is a great idea!

oh yeah and Outfits can have thier own colors?

2003-05-04, 09:01 AM
so pretty much when we get this "mother base" that faction will have a different ammo on the reaver, not really sure what that ammo would do, but i would like for it to home in on people, max, vechs and that sort of things, mabye even turrets. although what else you are saying is give that empire an addvantage so teh otehr empires try and take it, so if any other empire besides vanu got it we would be even more screwed then before with tr's homing missle, and NC's gided missle, but o WAIT we have the lancer takes about 1 sec to shoot and it does not have any homing thing what so ever,!!

but i do like your idea and with some twinking i would defend that base or take it for that

PS: and mabye the other bases could give you other rewards or take other things from the otehr empires

EDIT: alright i am a Veteran WOOT

2003-05-04, 09:20 AM
Ooooh, wow, nice idea. Another idea would be to make it so there is another continent that has 3 warp gates to it. That continent would have almost an entire sancutary on it. Only one warp gate would be activated depending on which empire owns the most bases mentioned in the first post. The warp gate leading to this new continent would be located at each of the empires sanctuaries. From this base, there are multiple HART stations that can launch you anywhere. This could would be even more of an incentive to keep bases in your possesion. This would cause some of the continenets that hardly have any action on them be of use, and not a waste of space. In this second sancutary, there would be everything a normal sacntuary would have. This would give a great tactical advantage to whoever ownd the most continent bases. Hope you guys like and add on to these ideas!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

2003-05-04, 12:12 PM
Yeah, that seems like an okay idea, but it won't be implemented before release 99% for sure.
If it is ever used, though, it would be good if the 'required for assault' number was more than half the bases on the continent.

2003-05-04, 12:18 PM
I think they solved the problem when they linked the bases together and forces people to take the bases that are next to theirs. This means that you don't have to defend ALL bases, and consentrates the action. If you have to defend all bases your empire currently own, the action would be thinned out and there would be very hard to defend anything. Even harder if you have to have people on offence to. I know that 5000+ people is much, but if you spread them over 10 continents, with each having about 12 bases, that is 40 per base. Devided into empires, that is aprox a squad per base, whith is to few. And that is not counting all folks travelling somewhere.

As it is now we have frontlines, which I think is really cool. You can se your progress much better when the frontline is moving back and forth (<- spelling?).

I agree though, that there should be more empire bonuses for having, say, a continent, most % of total bases/continents etc. You have a good idea there, but I think it needs to be refined so that the masses are not thinned, to get more action.

2003-05-04, 12:19 PM
I like the idea, the battles would be much larger all over the place. However even if my "you still have a 56k you idiot" part says "NO! small battles that i can withstand!" I'd go for it. I'll be getting cable soon anyways hopefully. :D

2003-05-04, 01:16 PM
free coffee, gameplay problems solved.... next issue...

2003-05-04, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by OneManArmy
free coffee, gameplay problems solved.... next issue...



John Reinger
2003-05-04, 01:31 PM
Drex, I kinda am confused about the main base thing.
So, if you hold the Main Base, you can spawn Reavers on ALL continents?
Now, if there is a main base on ALL continents, then even if you held 9 bases, someone with 1 base could do the exact same thing? So, is this incentive to defend all continents (Makes Sense) or just one?
Or do Different Vehicles spawn with each continent Base?

2003-05-04, 01:41 PM
Different vehicles spawn with each stronghold. The reaver with clusters was just 1 idea. I'm sure it would be easy to come up with new vehicles for each other stronghold owned. The rewards arent huge and definately would not give any empire much of an edge over other empires. But at least they are unique rewards and something to work for.

2003-05-04, 01:43 PM
I dont know. I like the latice system, i think it solves quite abit of the problems. I wouldnt mind a stronghold, but the rewards would have to be a hell of alot better then "a new reaver". How about the center of the stronghold contains a large peice of vanu machinery that would allow the controlling empire the ability to spawn at any facility currently in that contients lactice. I think the stronghold could replace the dropship center, and allow for the spawning of all vehicals on maybe 3 different pads.

Also each stronghold should be different. Inspired by each location. Maybe one could be build into a volcano, one could be an Ice palace, one could be built into the trees, built into a swamp. The should be about the size of the dropship center, but look older and vanu built.

2003-05-05, 07:58 AM
I had a simuler idea bitching my way threw IRC the other day. to what you ar saying.only insteed of a uber lame vehicle.that every one ells"the other empier playing ppl" whould just have a bitching contest on the beta forum about.every continent whould have a base"big ass mofu base"the owners whould need to have 5 of 5 bases directly linkd to the mofu base.and about 70% of all bases on the map.the bonus whould depend on the continent.like eks: cyssor.you ar TR and you have capt the mofu base ,the 5 out of 5 directly linkd bases and controle 70% of the continent.the bonus chould be something like 5min reduction time on the hart arrival time.

what i mean is that if its ither the TR or the vanu that has thise bases.they whould get that bonu's visa versa the NC whould get thise bonus if they controld one of the Vanu or TR controled continents.all other continents whould have bunu's like 30% exstra HP,30% exstra shield,30%exstra stamina.stuff like that.so calld Relics"mofu base";)

2003-05-05, 09:40 AM
Sounds pretty cool, just so long as all the rewards aren't just vehichles. Some of us still walk you know. :) If this gets into the game (wich I hope it will) I hope that the bases will look different and sufficently cool.

2003-05-05, 09:56 AM
... that continental lock would be the reward for defending bases and towers. Once all of them are under the control of one empire and the continent is locked then there is only a limited route of attack for the enemy.

Still though, I totally agree that there needs to be some reward or some reason to NOT hop from place to place. 6 hours of fighting for the TR lastnight on Dalton - Cyessor and 10 mins before server down we had continental lock in sight. Personally I feel we could have locked Cy down an hour or two beforehand if people would have captured a base or tower and just stood guard. 8 outta 10 times we would take a base or tower and shortly after it would go back to the NC because everyone but me and maby 1 or 2 other guys would take off to the next battle site. If this kind of play continues and the dev's dont get around to implementing something to help this depressing situation out then I will most likely go back to non pay per month games.


Mr Patate
2003-05-05, 01:11 PM
just 'cause

2003-05-05, 01:16 PM
Don't know,

seems that this would just cause a gunuku type battle on every continent... and some of us avoid the great gunuku zerg rush...

I think making the benefits of base control more palpable with the current bases in game is better then some new super base... but that's just my opinion.

I think a better motive would be allowing an outfit to take ownership of a base... and have a motive for keeping it defended, and fueled... I don't know!



2003-05-05, 04:50 PM
This is a pretty good idea, and for the running folk you could give advantages like a special spitfire turret, or special gun, or decrased hack time, etc. Each continent would have its own "special" for owning the main base. increasing the varity in the game and giving a slight advantage to a faction that could hold them. A very good idea-- kind of king of the hill on a world wide basis.