View Full Version : Please go hear

2003-05-04, 03:10 PM
Please go to this website for me, all you have to do is go to it, and thats it!!!!! Thats it, just click on it, and I'll be happy. It affects you in no way, but it helps me. I hope no one considerd this spamming............... so please go to

[link removed by Admin] We'd prefer not to get a bunch of Outwar links going in here. This is not the place for it. Please refrain from this.

- Admin

2003-05-04, 03:13 PM
I'm sorry you spelled here wrong. you have lost your chance to recruit me for some dumb ass web game. have a good day. :)

2003-05-04, 03:15 PM
Even though this is the Lounge, And pretty much anything goes, This is not cool. Dont post outwar links or any other web based recruiting games please.

2003-05-04, 03:16 PM
Trying to increase your hit count?

2003-05-04, 03:19 PM
Sorry guys, new to this board. Some boards let you do that kinda stuff. Also, you dont have to join the site, you only have to go to it. I dont realy care if you don't want to join. Sorry again.

me---> :( :whip: "BAD PERSON, BAD!!!!!!!!!"