View Full Version : My Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice won't work.

2003-05-04, 03:59 PM
I Picked up a new Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice instead of another, cheaper, mic because it had a few more features. One of the most enticing ones was the ability to control the game via voice recognition. One of the commands I set was "cloak" to have the comp press "k". Here is what happens:

I start up the game and say "cloak" at the password box just to test it. A "k" appears. I get in-game, and say "cloak". Nothing happens. I try a few more times. Again, nothing. I go to the in game chat box and say "cloak". A "k" appears. How do I get Planetside to respond to my this software?

2003-05-04, 04:04 PM
Oops, I thought I was in the lounge. Could someone move this?

TGF NightHawk
2003-05-04, 07:53 PM
Since it isn't oficially out in stores, it may not be fully compatible with PS. Not sure tho, just a thought. Our outfit uses GV, but we don't use it for commands such as "cloak".