View Full Version : For Those On Johari

2003-05-04, 08:19 PM
All i need is a few more blocks before i can get to BR13 which means i will once again have a REAVER (gave it up for the benifet of my outfit at BR10)!

Im looking forward to commanding a few airforce squads and to showing all of the non-belivers that i do "OWN THE SKIEZ!" If your on johari and want to battle, weather ur on my team or the enemy, hit me up (DarkDragon00), ill be ready to bring it.

One side note, if im commanding my outfit ill prob not be able to fight if ur a freind. If ur an ememy, send ur infantry and other peeps away and i will send mine away so we can really test our skillz as a pilot. If u want a war then invite ur peeps and ill bring mine, we can have a war!

Hope to see you all in the skiez soon.

TR for Fu(kn' life!