2003-05-04, 11:18 PM
I've had it.
Until I get 512 RAM (which will be ordered soon), I am not going to fly. My PS goes batty when entering a large forest, or seeing a base from the top. My 256 RAM and GF3 max out when that happens, making my target (usually some Reaver who I get on the 6 of and launch a hail of 20mm at) get away.
When they launch missiles at me over a forest, it freezes up for precious moments. I must bail out at like 3/4 health or I will not get out in time.
I had trouble getting out a Galaxy taking heavy fire. However I managed to get out, and it was extra cool as the flaming debris fell all around me as I floated down, unharmed.
In the meanwhile, I'm getting my Punisher and Plasma Grenades and becoming an urban warfare specialist. I also love to become gunner on ground vehicles. So if you see old Aztec the hitchhiker, please stop and let him take the turret. I had to try like six times to get on a gunner slot without getting kicked off for not being in a squad.
Until I get 512 RAM (which will be ordered soon), I am not going to fly. My PS goes batty when entering a large forest, or seeing a base from the top. My 256 RAM and GF3 max out when that happens, making my target (usually some Reaver who I get on the 6 of and launch a hail of 20mm at) get away.
When they launch missiles at me over a forest, it freezes up for precious moments. I must bail out at like 3/4 health or I will not get out in time.
I had trouble getting out a Galaxy taking heavy fire. However I managed to get out, and it was extra cool as the flaming debris fell all around me as I floated down, unharmed.
In the meanwhile, I'm getting my Punisher and Plasma Grenades and becoming an urban warfare specialist. I also love to become gunner on ground vehicles. So if you see old Aztec the hitchhiker, please stop and let him take the turret. I had to try like six times to get on a gunner slot without getting kicked off for not being in a squad.