View Full Version : Movement Speeds?
2003-05-05, 12:56 AM
Don't have access to Beta yet, but I've been planning out my character concepts this entire time. The reinforced soldier type, carrying an anti-vehicular payload and an assault weapon, the infiltrator like Sam Fisher(Splinter Cell) or Solid Snake(Metal Gear).
I know each armor has different carrying capacities, with the infiltration suit being able to carry a small amount, the Reinforced armor being able to carry 'most'(Do MAX have inventory?)
I'm basically interested in trying to get some armor stats, if I could. Is the Agile suit 'faster' in movement than the Infiltration suit? Are they all the same? What major differences are there, or what specifications can you give me for future planning?(e.g.- How many 'inventory' slots does a grenade take? A Medical kit? Which moves faster than what, what are the armor ratings, etc?)
2003-05-05, 01:04 AM
Infiltrators move the fastest, Reinforced the slowest. The differences aren't major until you start comparing infiltration armor to Reinforced, as opposed to, say, Agile to Reinforced. In most combat situations, the speed differences are neglible though. Once someone draws their weapon, they're slowed down enough that they all move comparatively slowly.
2003-05-05, 01:18 AM
The Max runs fastest in run mode and he has the biggest inv.. but his ammo is bigger then the other suits
2003-05-05, 01:24 AM
I'll just keep using this thread, since it's mine anyway, for some of the questions I have. :D BTW, I appreciate the response Warborn.
One of my 'ideals' is to get alot of driver certs, for AMS, ANT, some gunships, assault buggies, etc. I was curious, with ships like the Galaxy, or any other 'big ones' intended for cargo transport, including personnel, how is this handled? Is there a large 'hollowed out' interior on the models, where soldiers actually stand around, or do they have a forced camera switch to watch from Pilot or 3rd person's view? I'm just curious, if 10 people are riding in a galaxy, can they walk around in the cargo bay, or are they 'locked' until they drop? When a carrier mentions being able to hold an additional vehicle, like AMS/ANT/Tank, can they carry only one 'preprogrammed' vehicle structure, or can you drive things in until you run out of space?(e.g.- an ANT is about 5x the size of a wraith, if not more. I don't have beta, I'm not sure about specifications.. but could you, with some nice driving, load in 5 wraiths instead of 1 ANT?)
While there is interior space alloted for everything that a Galaxy carries, you do not get to view this space while you are travelling. The only time you see it is when you are jumping in. You're pretty much locked in your chair. The Galaxy can hold only one vehicle of any type in its cargo bay.
2003-05-05, 02:07 AM
Ya the galaxy is all automated mounting, hell you cant even put a normal person in one fo the MAX spots, even though you have room, and only one vehical, lightning sized and down.
As for run speeds, you wont notice any slowness unless you use reinforced (which I do) and if you DO use reinforced, I highly suggest you get the basic medic cert, or else you will never get the full use out of that armor, unless you have a medic following you ALL the time. The only other grest thing about reinforced is the ability to carry 2 rifle sized weapons on your back, and 2 pistol devices on your belt. My Character has advanced med, and basic engineering. I have a Medical device and a command device on my belt, with a BANK and REK in my inventory if I need it, the rest of the space goes to ammo, and the Nano dispencer if I decide to take it.
The great thing about my setup is that I am completely self contained, and as soon as the battle stops I can completely fix any damages in my health or armor, with plenty of ammo. And even if I run out of ammo, after battles there is ALWAYS stuff lying around, SOMEONE has to have your ammo type hehe.
The downside, is that I use alot of my certs for battle, and Have only 2, maybey 3 in the end, vehicals, and even then, I have to get out of my reinforced armor to get itno anything but my buggy. And although it is simple to change armor, it gets annoying when you have to bail form a damaged vehical, then only have agile armor/equipment.
I like my setup though, It's incredible how many times I have literly taken down a base with just me and my friend, since we can just completely fix anything wrong. When you get in the game, look at some other peoples inventories, good God, some of these people, I wonder how they stay alive, wearing agile armor, no meds, no BANK, nothing. I just love seeing people that I kill then loot, and its ALL ammo in their pack.
Ok this is getting long, in conclusion, get at least the basic med cert, healing yourself is fast and armor absorbs just as much as it always does no matter how much you have, so you only run out if you hit 0, which you NEVER will, if you dont get the medical cert. You will die with like 40 armor left, that armor did nothing. But if you heal yourself everychance you have a break in battle, your main health is all that matters and if possible you ALWAYS want to be at 0 armor when you die.:) That way you know you used every last bit of yourself in battle. Also just a quick add-on, plasma nades usualy burn striaght to your health if you get hit hard, so if you can get a break and you have the medical device, you can just about nullify plasma hits as soon as you get a chanc to breathe.;)
Hope this gave you some info you needed, hell I hope anyone gets good use out of it.:) GL out there!
2003-05-05, 03:16 AM
Then being carried around in a transport is quite boring, usually reserved for 'chat times' when everyone can just get the pre-combat jitters out, a-la Armageddon Now(and multiple other classic war movies)?
Works for me.
I'm going to turn this into one big Q&A session over the next couple of days. ;)
What are the 'sizes' of items in inventory' and how many slots does each armor have? Is a grenade 4x4 on a grid system, or 1, with a certain amount of pre-set slots?(e.g.- Do you have a 'grid pack' like Diablo that meters your item carrying by the size of the item, or like Everquest, where you have '8 slots' without backpacks, that can hold anything from a feather, to a breastplate?)
And I understand the progression of least to most armor goes from Infiltration, Basic, Agile, Reinforced, MAX, how many 'slots' does an Infiltrator get? etc.
I'm trying to get my whole design blue-printed so as soon as I'm 'in-game' the first times, I know the best setup for my playstyle. :D
2003-05-05, 04:20 AM
::Cracks Knuckles::
Infiltration Suit
1 pistol slot
6x6 Inventory
Agile Exosuit
2 Pistol Slots, 1 Rifle Slot
9x9 Inventory
Reinforced Exosuit
2 Pistol Slots, 2 Rifle Slots
9x12 Inventory
Mechanized Armored eXosuit
Weapon Locked by armor selection
12x13 Inventory
Standard Ammo/Pistol/Device/ACE: 3x3
Anti-Vehical Rockets: 4x4
Standard Rifle/Nano Dispenser/Thumper/Rocklet: 3x6
Heavy Weapon/Bolt Driver/Anti-Vehical/Decimator: 3x9
Grenade: 2x2
Health/Nanite Canister: 3x2
And away I go!
2003-05-05, 04:29 AM
Excellent, thank you very much Carbini! ;)
2003-05-05, 05:13 AM
Check this site for information on weapons, armor, vehicles, implants, and equipment. They have good statistics on all the categories including size, rate-of-fire, damage (relative), ammo, range, speed, and other stuff.
Give it a look. Then, if you have any specific questions that arent answered there, come back here :)
2003-05-06, 10:10 PM
Okay, another question, I know MAX is restricted from using any weapons other than those that are mounted on the armor. Obviously due to the uncanny size of your hands, as well as how awkward the fine dexterity for doing things like 'pulling a trigger' would be in a suit the size of a compact car.
But I'm cruious about items.. Can MAX use REK? What about grenades? Do they face any special restrictions outside of just weaponry?
2003-05-06, 11:52 PM
MAXs are weapon locked. They never get to change their weapon unless they change their armor. You can't use grenades, other guns, handheld devices, etc. You can use medkits, but they're ususally a waste of space... Your armor absorbs 100% of the damage and when you lose it you're generally dead anyway.
Of course, with the VS your jumpjets will hurt ya good if you're not careful. Falling damage ignores armor.
I find it very hard to believe that you jump down a flight of stairs and wince in pain, yet leap from a galaxy and splat on the ground only to walk away smiling... I want to use that damnible kinetic dampener all the time dammit! :mad:
2003-05-07, 12:41 AM
ACE reusable? or does it only place down one of the four items per ACE that you're carrying? I.e.- must you carry 1 ACE to place 5 mines and a turret, or would you need 6 ACE devices for that?
2003-05-07, 01:14 AM
Followed by a new question. When playing in Infantry gear.. Agile/Reinforced/Standard, do the weaponry slots take up inventory, or are they 'holstered'? In technical terms, do pistols/rifles not in use take up "Backpack" space, or just carried on the shoulder or hip?
2003-05-07, 02:09 AM
The nice thing about being a max is even though you cannot use all those nifty little tools you can carry them if you've found them or have the certs to buy them. I'm a support character by trade pilot/engy/medic but I do have one max certification for when we're running short on MAX's or when it's just me against the world guarding the CC console. When i'm in my standard agile load out i carry minimal ammo because it's so easy to find and I'm always called upon for my tools. As a MAX i used to always get so cross at engies who didnt have their tools on them, until I realized that droping one box of ammo allowed me to carry anything an engy could ever need. Problem solved and a lesson learned. Although a max without armor and in a powerless base is a little more screwed then an infantry man.
2003-05-07, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Kintas
ACE reusable? or does it only place down one of the four items per ACE that you're carrying? I.e.- must you carry 1 ACE to place 5 mines and a turret, or would you need 6 ACE devices for that?
Originally posted by Kintas
Followed by a new question. When playing in Infantry gear.. Agile/Reinforced/Standard, do the weaponry slots take up inventory, or are they 'holstered'? In technical terms, do pistols/rifles not in use take up "Backpack" space, or just carried on the shoulder or hip?
Your holstered pistol(s) and rifle(s) do not take up inventory space in your backpack. In effect the holsters are extra inventory space with a hotkey (1,2,3,4) for quick drawing of the weapon.
You can carry more than rifles and pistols (including REK, BANK and medical applicator) than your holsters allow but the extras will require you switching around your inventory which is pretty quick but not something you want to have do in combat.
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