View Full Version : Command Uplink Device

2003-05-05, 09:33 AM
I just hit CR3 yesterday and still have not been able to get this device to do anything. Is there a purpose to carry this around at all right now? Does the CUD provide jamming at CR3 automatically when you carry it or does it happen whether you have it with you or not? Anytime I try and actually USE the device it just says something along the lines of it not being available at this time.

Waypoints and battle plans work fine, but I have not been able to get "View Friendlies" from CR2 to work either, is it disabled or do you need to do something specific?

Could someone post the functions that are CURRENTLY up and working for each CR and some info on their uses?

2003-05-05, 09:39 AM
there needs to be a "kick command" or "slap against wall command" for shit u cant get to work... so many times ive just wanted to kick the tar out of a console for not activating when i want it to

2003-05-05, 09:46 AM
If Terminals dont seem to work or doors dont seem to open or that kind of thing, it is caused by lag. Sometimes it can get so bad it will be 3 or 4 actions behind for you. You can actually play around it if you are lucky.

I have ignored the lag and gone to a console and pressed 'g' then '1' for my inf loadout and had it just appear on me as I made my way out of the base. Or if its too lagged for ACEs to show up I can just place all 4 down and when the game catches up they all sudddenly appear.


Where the hell did all those spitfires come from!?

2003-05-05, 10:22 AM
Yeah, the features were diabaled yesterday. On saturday they worked just fine!

2003-05-05, 10:23 AM
The 'CUD' show all friendlys ability works just fine. You have to use the first 'fire mode' on the device to activate it, then wait about 10-20 seconds and press M to see your map. All friendlys will then be visible on the continent.

Hope this helps.

2003-05-05, 10:56 AM
Only one word accurately describes what it's like to use "View All Friendlies" for the first time: "WOW!"

It really comes in handy, since you can see if there is anyone going to intercept a hacker at a nearby base [and unhack it]. It's a helluva lot more effective than telling the guy in the Mosquito to go over and check it out.

I :love: teh CUD.

2003-05-05, 11:05 AM
I will have to try that out when the servers go back up. What about the jamming? Need to use or carry CUD for that? I guess there arent lot of CR4s around to JAM yet but still would be usefull. Battle plans are so much fun and practically no one has seen them yet, everyone on my squads always ask what the hell als the lines on their maps are.

2003-05-05, 11:13 AM
battleplans have made organizing my attacks like clockwork, i absolutely love them :D

2003-05-05, 12:22 PM
I can't wait till I can use the CUD. I'm 80% to CR2 :-\. Waypoints rock enough as it is, I'm gonna be digging the battleplans. Oh and don't forget those shiny armor add-ons :) I want my second leg guard.

They need to put in a free look in third person mode so we can spin the cam around and look at our chars from the front :P.

2003-05-05, 12:26 PM
Battleplans is CR3, CR2 gives you the ability to view all friendlies.