View Full Version : PS Competative Game play

2003-05-05, 12:46 PM
I do understand that PS is still very much in its beta phase. But what type, if any, competative gameplay will come about like most other FPS. How will PS go to a competative level?
Do you think SOE is going to allow persons/webhosts, host their own servers and allow competition gaming? Or will SOE have the only servers?
Capture and Hold and Seige type games will probably be the only way to go (due to the optimization of the tower/AMS's) and overrunning the base. Obviously theres no flag to capture. Squads are 10, but how would a squad of 10 defend a whole base, or attack one at that. And have a time limit. How big could the teams be. Where would the battles be located?
How would this all work out, whats your thoughts?

PS. Yea, so this might be a bit early for this type of post, but HOW would SOE make this game more "attractive" and gripping. Keep people interested longer?

2003-05-05, 01:29 PM
LOL I think you need to read the FAQ a bit more there buddy. This isn't your normal server FPS thats why is a FPSMMO game :D READ THE FAQ!

2003-05-05, 02:31 PM
yes, you need to read the FAQ ;)

But here is some info:

This not a normal game, it is a MMO (thus there is only 1 set of wervers run by SOE, like ALL MMOs out there), not just your squad of 10, but several thousand fellow soldiers fighting ON 1 MAP! It never ends, the dozens and dozens of bases, and towers are taken not just by 10 people (unless your in the middle of nowhere), but by 40-50 in the 1st wave alone.

There is no time limit, no end game, this is a war that rages across a map that you could never walk across (take a few days)... You have air battles, dropships, tanks, buggies, armor suits(maxs), and swarms of inf everywhere.

You have over a 1000 people on your teem at any given time.

Battles are EVERYWHERE!, from the beaches to the forests, to the center of a volcano to the middle of deserts, ice wastelands, you name it! There will be fights there.

Please read the FAQ for more of the basic information, thanks ;)

2003-05-05, 03:02 PM
I realize people are concerned. It might seem like another FPS. There is some thread on sony complaining about how you can't have your own LAN planetside.

You guys are missing the point of the game. Remember its a new concept. Just wait till release.:eek: