View Full Version : voice comms
2002-12-17, 08:36 PM
this is sort of an extension of the post by uhh (vicchio or something). anyway, voice comms concern me because if you're going to use RW how can you talk to your whole squad? ah there's so much i want to know. like.. even in the beginning of the game how do you join an outfit/squad? will there be recruiting? and how will you do the whole RW deal? the whole outfit get into a RW channel or individual squads? how would you know who's who? ahhh :mad:
2002-12-17, 08:42 PM
Nothing againt RW - it was the mainstay of many teams for a long time - but this is where TeamSpeak2 shines. It allows the use of channels and sub-channels, and things like channel commanders which are specifically designed for this type of game. Also expect outfits would set up their own voice comms, so for squads that form on the fly, the voice binds would have to do.
2002-12-17, 08:59 PM
Aye, Teamspeak2 is what we will use.
Channels, subchannels, channel switching via hotkey, whispering to players/commanders, voice recognition, gamevoice hardware integration . . .
Teamspeak2 has everything anybody could ever dream of. You just need a server which can support enough people (10-20 can be handled via DSL but I suggest using a dedicated server with broadband connection for this)
2002-12-17, 09:03 PM
ah sounds cool. well what about the squad/outfit deal? you talk to them using a message service then go into the teamspeak channel, then go from there? sound interesting but would be kinda hard to get used to it seems.
2002-12-17, 09:10 PM
I dont understand fully what you are asking . . .
A normal outfit will gather in IRC I think, and then everybody will join the teamspeak server (headset and microphone on of course)
Every Squad will have his own channel (because more then 10 people in a channel generates too much voice traffic to understand)
Squad commanders will have a hotkey to talk to the Platoon commander, so he, though he is in his own squad channel can get updates from the other squad commanders.
The Platoon commander needs 2 hotkeys to talk to the commanders (normally he is talking to his own squad)
Of course everybody can switch channels via hotkeys, but that is not recommended, for you get easily lost . . .
NOTE: Teamspeak is running while you play planetside. It uses very little bandwidth (about 1Kbit/s)
I hope I answered all the questions.
2002-12-17, 09:34 PM
2002-12-17, 09:37 PM
wow serb. thanks so much for that haha - helped tons :love:
2002-12-19, 06:48 PM
I would really enjoy having voice communications in game. I'm hoping that PS Devs will decide to put some kind of chat program into the game, but I somewhat doubt that they will.
I find being able to just speak when you need to alot better than having to type in commands and even with hot keys it can become somewhat bothersome. Voice comm also puts me more into the game somewhat being able to hear the guy next to me is just awesome and being able to instantly decide something with words instead of typing it is much better.
It also helps to get past the learning curve for those casual gamer who may not be so chat savy knowing all those acronyms and such. Or even having to test someones literacy. Voice comm has it's pluses but like any good thing there's always something bad about it.
Like vulgar language. Which I know I would use in some cases and even on those truely sad occasions racial slurs and such like that. Things like that don't happen all the time in games with voice comm but they do happen.
I.E: SOCOM, Counter- Strike.
I can't count the numerous times I've heard some racial slur on SOCOM or have heard some immature little boy or girl singing into their mics at full blast on Counter-Strike. BAH!! Nothings ever perfect........ well except for me..
2002-12-19, 06:50 PM
There will be a "chat" program, you can speak to your other empire groupies.
2002-12-20, 03:55 PM
Voice chat would make this game so much better than it already is (if thats possible)
2002-12-20, 04:13 PM
That's the glory of P2P chat programs - administrators that are real people, as opposed to SOE. If SOE ran the voice servers, the admins would be able to do nothing but act as an extension of some ill-conceived, we're-afraid-to-offend-anybody, kid-friendly, unforgiving, unverisally-applicable doctrine that the suits decided on.
I know I'll be running a voice com server whether there's a program packaged with the game or not, simply because I have a sickeningly high amount of bandwidth and I may as well put it to use for the good of my squad/outfit/platoon.
But I can tell you right now that I'd be quite the unforgiving admin. I swear like a drunken sailor, sometimes, and I'm about as politically correct as a KKK member at a gay pride parade, but I have absolutely ZERO tolerance for those people that scream into the mic, go out of their way to be a nuisance, are completely devoid of wit (yet still believe they're funny), or insist upon showing the entire voice channel how utterly stupid, uneducated, and lacking in rhetorical skill they are by referring to everything they don't like as "gay."
I guess my point through all the rambling is that P2P voice com should add another element of comraderie to the game, and if it's run through P2P, we'll have to deal with neither some draconian SOE policy OR something that's a lamer's haven like CS.
2002-12-21, 01:02 AM
We will be using Microsoft Gamevoice(what we use now). As far as people yelling, you can always block/ban the idiot screaming in the mic, besides, if he/she is in your outfit and on a voice program, he/she should know better!!;)
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