View Full Version : Lego ANT!

2003-05-05, 09:42 PM

:lol: :rofl: :lol:

Note: This was made 2 1/2 years ago by a guy named Proxus :eek:

2003-05-05, 09:46 PM
Squeeky, stop lying.

First is that you did not perform anything to the quote database to make eMa's quote appear over and over(click here for more info!) (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7831), and now that Proxus made this?

Soon you'll be telling us that you did not have a sexual relationship with that woman...no, please, where are you taking me? Help! Not the gas chambers!

*2 large men in suits take Aztec to a cattle car bound for a town called Auschwitz*

2003-05-05, 09:49 PM

2003-05-05, 09:58 PM
Heil Squeeky!

*nazi salute*

2003-05-05, 10:28 PM

2003-05-06, 12:17 AM
that might work if you were a moderator

too bad :p

2003-05-06, 12:29 AM
I did have a shot of a ANT with skeeter wings, but I had to wipe my PC, :( so I can't show it, but it was hella funny, it was a VS ANT with a NC skeeter like inside of it, it was on the Vpad, happened 3 times on the same pad,

2003-05-06, 12:59 AM
I fail to see the significants here.

Someone explain the greatness of a lego truck/ant.

2003-05-06, 01:17 AM
Squeeky could never have sexual relations with a woman as he is a:

2003-05-06, 03:03 AM
Yeah i'm still waiting to see that in his sig. :D

2003-05-06, 06:26 AM
Well, i was actually thinking of doing models of PS vehicles in LEGO if i could get the parts.

2003-05-06, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by �io
Yeah i'm still waiting to see that in his sig. :D

Funny thing is, I got airlift working on one with that scheme as we speak :lol: