View Full Version : Good weapon loadout?

2003-05-05, 11:11 PM
I need to know if my said weapons are going to be useful on the field.

I will be using:
Source:Common Pool
Handling: Pistol
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Medium
Refire Rate: Very Fast

The AMP is designed for close range combat. It is the only fully automatic weapon of its type and can empty a full clip of ammunition very quickly. However, it suffers from poor recoil, causing it to be very inaccurate when fired in full automatic mode.

and a
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Shotgun Pistol
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Short
Refire Rate: Fast

Essentially a handheld shotgun pistol, the Scatter Pistol is primarily designed for close quarters combat. Due to its short barrel design, the Scatter Pistol loses effectiveness beyond a relatively close range.

and a
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Assault Rifle
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Fast

Using magnetic field technology, the Gauss assault rifle combines standard combustion-based ammunition with a magnetic field that boosts the actual projectile speed when fired. This allows the Gauss to use standard ammunition more effectively than other assault rifles.

and of course a
Source: New Conglomerate
Handling: Melee
Damage: Medium
Maximum Range: Very Short
Refire Rate: Not Applicable

The MAG-Cutter is the New Conglomerate's standard issue combat knife. In regular attack mode, it delivers reasonable damage, using a precise cutting edge. When its secondary mode is activated, it delivers greater damage.

Good? Bad? I need opinins!!

2003-05-05, 11:12 PM
Personally I find the Punisher with Plasma Grenades more effective because you don't actually have to get out from behind cover. Can't do that with a rocket or Gauss bullets. Of course, the Gauss does more damage.

2003-05-05, 11:27 PM
Is there any reason to have two pistols? That means that you have to carry another type of ammunition, and that seems like a waste of inventory to me. I would think putting a REK into that slot would be better, or some other piece of support equipment.

Redunancy is only good if you're going to live long enough to use it

2003-05-05, 11:29 PM
Why waste time with the amp. I only us it cuz i have to. And thats usually when i've run out of everything else and an amp is all i can manage to scavenge. The drawback to the mag-scatter is the ammo. But if you're in that empire its not as much of a hassle. But really... i dont have any pistols in my loadouts. I just use when i find em and happen to need one. But i'll destroy if i find any kind of nades.

2003-05-05, 11:38 PM
The AMP and the MAG-Scatter are very different. I learned (from Doom) that having different guns for different situations makes you a most powerful enemy (or ally) while fighting. Plus I'd like to leave the hacking to people who can be sneaky (I suck at that,) and I also wanted to
pilot a:
Source: Common Pool
Type: Light Assault Aircraft
Role: Light Attack & Recon
Primary Weapon: 12mm Rotary Chaingun
Occupants: 1
Handling: Good

The Mosquito is fast, agile, and lightly armored. It carries only a Light Rotary Chaingun (12mm), but it can easily slip past most sensory defenses (it's not visible on radar) and is primarly a scout craft. The Mosquito only carries a single pilot.

I was very good as flying the scout in Tribes (and Tribes 2,) But I can't decide wich land Vehicle to drive.

2003-05-05, 11:55 PM
Well, if Planetside weapons are anything like real life weapons... well ok, if the TYPES of weapons are anything like real life, an assault rifle is going to be far superior to any pistol in existence. Is this the case? I might have to be slightly disappointed if it doesn't work out that way.

Willing to let everybody else run around with pistols if that's what they want :)

2003-05-05, 11:56 PM
Unlike in other games, a pistol won't save you in a close up firefight. You can't circle strafe and cap the guy. AMP's are only useful to stealthers

2003-05-06, 12:02 AM
I see. But what weapons should I get instead?

2003-05-06, 12:07 AM
All you really need (if your a grunt) is a main weapon, in your case Gauss, a REK, and a pistol. If your going reinforced add in another rifle/bolt driver. Maybe even two Gausses. (did that with two Cyclers, worked well)

The pistols are pretty much worthless if you can use assault weapons. The only time ive found different is that ill use the Repeater over loooong distances rather than the Mini-gun.

2003-05-06, 12:08 AM
The loadout sounds ok to me, I would just ditch the AMP and get a support item like a REK, just in case you absolutely have to hack something and nobody else is around to do it for you.

Still itching to take a baseball swing at somebody with an assault rifle

Angry Yeti
2003-05-06, 12:19 AM
The only weapon i use is a knife. along with melee booster and cloak armor. works pretty good for me

2003-05-06, 01:09 AM
If you're using agile, just grab a grenade in one pistol slot, REK or other tool in the other, and your gauss in the rifle slot.

2003-05-06, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Robot
Unlike in other games, a pistol won't save you in a close up firefight. You can't circle strafe and cap the guy. AMP's are only useful to stealthers

Okay, I'm not in beta so this may be a stupid question, but why can't you get away with a skilled pistol kill every now and again. Sure overall, an assault rifle is hands down better than a pistol even in close combat, but I mean aren't pistols somewhat useful in close combat when you're clip runs out and you need something else quick? I know that changing weapons is slower in this game than say Counter-Strike, but how slow is it?!? In CS a good gamer with experience and just a pistol is easily more dangerous than the n00b running around with an AK. Sure, it's not CS, but enlighten me on how different it is. :confused:


2003-05-06, 04:32 AM
Pistol slots are better used for equipment if you're a grunt. For example, a repair tool and a REK or medical tool are much more productive uses of a pistol slot. As you get your CR up you'll really begin to appreciate the fact that you don't have some dead weight pistol taking up room either, as you're likely going to run out of pistol slots, and will need to sacrifice ammo to hold other pistol-sized tools.

2003-05-06, 04:46 AM
First I am not in beta so I could be wrong but I would think balance would be the issue here personly wot I would have is.


Jackhammer/phoenix (witch ever you have the cert for)

REK (The Most Usfull tool from wot I have head)

Grenades (From My Experiance with other games its always good to have nades)

And a Mag Cutter just incase :D


2003-05-06, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Spyd0r
Okay, I'm not in beta so this may be a stupid question, but why can't you get away with a skilled pistol kill every now and again. Sure overall, an assault rifle is hands down better than a pistol even in close combat, but I mean aren't pistols somewhat useful in close combat when you're clip runs out and you need something else quick? I know that changing weapons is slower in this game than say Counter-Strike, but how slow is it?!? In CS a good gamer with experience and just a pistol is easily more dangerous than the n00b running around with an AK. Sure, it's not CS, but enlighten me on how different it is. :confused:

the absolute biggest thing why pistols dont have a chance in this game is wot I think no headshots, pistols has better accuracy and therefor easier to make headshots with.
CS has headshots, almost any game out there has, which means easier to make headshots with than in PS.
Also in PS it seems to take allot more shots to kill someone, since pistols usually has smaller shots in each clip u have 2 reload allot often, rifles has bigger clips which means u dont have 2 reload as often as u need with a pistol.
Also a rifle does make more damage and shoots faster than a pistol (I think, anyway the shoot faster shooting part).
That is some reasons why pistols isnt as good as rifles.
Pistols isnt good at short range, better at long I would guess if you dont like wasting ammo. Atleast that is wot ive heard.
Im not in beta so parts of this is just guessing.

2003-05-06, 08:49 AM
My loadout will prolly be
Medical Applicator
Shotgun for indoor battles
3 health canisters
3 cycler AP clips
3 cycler normal clips
2 shotgun normal clips
2 shotgun AP clips
it will change a lot

2003-05-06, 09:17 AM
My current Load out is

1. Repeater
2. Rek
3. Cycler - 3 boxes of normal 1 box of AP
4. Striker - 3 boxes of spare missiles
5. 3 Medkits.

I last long on the battle field, I can hack a terminal if forced too. I've got enough fire power on my to take down 3 reavers/Maxs and enough ammo to handle most infantry on an assault.

Plus when need be, i can loot for more ammo (which i've had to do).

The only thing I wish I had, was room for some grenades.

2003-05-06, 01:49 PM
As a terran sniper, many, many times my repeater sidearm has saved me from people using ARs at close ranges. Just the other day I only had two bullets left in my repeater, and that proved to be the death of a closeby enemy infantryman.

It's entirely possible to kill someone with an AR using only a pistol if you're quicker on the draw.

2003-05-06, 03:42 PM
I always have a pistol with me, but I almost never use it.

In reinforced armor, I use:
190-200 standard bullets (30 in the rifle, some on the pistol and 150 in inventory)
Phoenix Launcher
10 missiles (1 loaded and 9 in inventory)
2 Medikits

2003-05-06, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Seer
As a terran sniper, many, many times my repeater sidearm has saved me from people using ARs at close ranges. Just the other day I only had two bullets left in my repeater, and that proved to be the death of a closeby enemy infantryman.

It's entirely possible to kill someone with an AR using only a pistol if you're quicker on the draw.

Okay, good to hear that some skill plays into the game rather than just the weapon. I guess I've always been a fan of games that have more realistic damage to human life, CS and DoD. I could never really stand games like Team Fortress where you have to pump round after round into people. Games like Unreal Tournment weren't that great either cause the guy with the best hardware and the fastest muscletwitch fibers wins the fragfests. This game isn't like either of those is it?