View Full Version : Your Charecter Has been saved?
2002-12-18, 12:28 AM
I noticed that in screenshot #3 in the dialog box it says, "Your charecter has been saved". What's that mean? Is this guy just getting done binding or adding a cert or is it just a beta thing? Go ahead and learn me sumfin. :doh:
.....and in pic five, is that the control/command room? Can a squad or battalion leader use it as a blackboard (the glass map)?
just as with all MMO games out there, your character is saved all the time incase you disconnect
2002-12-18, 12:56 AM
ok, i was thinking that you only got saved, when you were entering and exiting buildings, transports etc. I didn't realise it saved every x mins. So what about that glass thing? Is it just cosmetic?
Well i dunno if it saves every X mins. Although for a MMOFPS it would make sense. That or after every single kill but that would mean a lot of saving. :)
As for the glass map i would assume it's purely for the look and feel. :)
2002-12-18, 01:09 AM
in PS, going in and out of buildings requires no loading, AKA it's all you can't save like that...because you aren't loading or stopping for any reason
2002-12-18, 01:12 AM
what I was thinking was that would be a good "trigger" for the save, leaving a AMS or base, or entering another one, ie when you're most likely to bite it.
2002-12-18, 01:16 AM
Binding to a spawn point will most likely save your charecter since the server has to save your location anyway.
2002-12-18, 01:42 AM
Not sure what that character saved means.. probably what afex said. Saving your BEP's and such so you dont lose them.
The only loading is when you go between continents
2002-12-18, 01:56 AM
OK, thanks Hamma. What about that glass structure? Do you know anything about that? Looks like a great place to coordinate a battle. Also, I notice a few people are looking for invites. How difficult is it to a) spawn close to another group of people and b)get invited into a group; say you just jumped in and didn't know anyone. Thanks.
2002-12-18, 07:10 AM
your local computer stores most the games information, and tries to send it to the server every X minutes... it doesnt save after EVERY kill, it records it locally(and on the server as well probably--the guy did die and that's sent to the server anyway).. and every X minutes it sends all updates the server needs to 'restore' your character that the server hasn't kept track of (not sure exactly what, but I dont think it can be a whole lot since they purposely keep things server-side to prevent simply hacking your character file like Diablo is famous for)..
whatever system they use it works well.. EverQuest, Sony's other big Online RPG, hasnt had any major instances of hacking(mostly are jsut abuse of in-game coding to dup items, but items in that game all have unique ID #'s, so the dups pop up when they do Database checks and delete the copies)...
Anyway I trust Planetside wont have too many bad instances of 'hacking' the game, though I'm not sure about Aim-bots, they probably will add in game coding to check for it, and add ti to the Liscense agreement that you must allow the game to check for aimbots--in fact i hope they require it... SOE isnt out to put in spyware and track where you go--they just want a game everyone can enjoy...
2002-12-18, 10:16 AM
its just cosmetic. for atmosphere not use
2002-12-18, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
OK, thanks Hamma. What about that glass structure? Do you know anything about that? Looks like a great place to coordinate a battle. Also, I notice a few people are looking for invites. How difficult is it to a) spawn close to another group of people and b)get invited into a group; say you just jumped in and didn't know anyone. Thanks.
I'd assume your talking about the warp gates? (large domes) You cant fire weapons inside - and they are huge. It would be a good place to gather without interuption.
You spawn in bases and at AMS - chances aer there is always someone around. Getting into a squad or somthing is entirly up to the leader heh
2002-12-18, 10:24 AM
he isnt - he's talking boout something a screenshot. about the warp gate though - they are empire-owned right? and can they be taken somehow? taken as in captured. i dont htink so though because an empire could possibly become a monopoly
also: what he said as in "waiting for invites" - that has worried me a bit. how do you get into an outfit/squad? they ARE clans right with tryout type deals? or are they auto-formed somehow? also, until you join an outfit are you sort of a loner until you get buddies/clan mates and form your own thing? if that's the case how would you go about doing that?
many a question in that one:cool:
2002-12-18, 10:31 AM
You can invite random people and go out on a hunt if you wanted I'm fairly sure...
so what he means by 'waiting for invites' is like.. waiting at a base for a 'group' to form, so you have a nice set of skills to take on a raid to an enemy force(so someone in a vehicle can take air transport with a mechanic medic & some infantry units---instead of trying to charge the enemy solo)....
2002-12-18, 10:33 AM
ah thats cool. id like to see the game limit on that. u could form a giant temp squad and tear stuff up :D
2002-12-18, 10:34 AM
You can form squads on the fly..
as for warp gates, they cannot be captured or used as choke points.. they are huge
2002-12-18, 10:36 AM
from my EverQuest experience...
You sit at BaseA, where a lotta other people hang out, and in a general chat(not broadcast), say "Hey, anyone wanna go raid EnemyBaseB? Need a transport pilot, a MAX dude or 2, and anything else =)"... then people who, like you, are sitting there, join up in a temporary(that day) squad, one of them might happen to be a member of a Guild/Clan/Outfit, and go kill Enemies around BaseB....
Later, you log online and see Person A/B/C are online, and you liked em, so you send a private message to them asking if they are up to anything, if you can join one of them, or form your own group(at your own desire)...
Or Person F, who you grouped with earlier--the outfit member-- asks you "Hey, you're pritty good, you wanna join my outfit?".. at this point i suggest you investigate the outfit throughly(website & such), see if you like the group, then agree to join if you think you will have a fun time with them(if you want to do large 60+ person raids on an enemy base, dont join an outfit of 20 people--at this point we dont know how larger guilds will react to smaller guilds 'hitching' on a raid)...
Anyway any more questions?
2002-12-18, 11:40 AM
Thanks for all the info DiosT, very helpful. What I was talking about was this - - on the left side of the screen. There is a large glass structure with the continent map on it. I am wondering if a commander can "log" into that map, and put up little marks to show what squads should envelope, go head first, provide support etc. It also looks like it could just show where the hotspots are, like with little flashing lights, so the passer by can asses the situation, ok my guys are here....and we're about to own those vanu here.....ok thats were I'm going. And catch up with a squad on the fly. That glass structure looks very similar to the command maps used in the military. Anyway, I was curious (becasue that would be soooo firkking cool).
2002-12-18, 11:46 AM
ahh. That I dont know.. as far as I noticed they were just for show. But we didnt see any command features
2002-12-18, 12:09 PM
Holy Crap :eek: do you ever sleep HAMMA??? Is this your Full time job? I sure hope you get a raise, you're *always* here!!!:lol:
2002-12-18, 12:18 PM
hey I'm always here too =p
2002-12-18, 12:18 PM
and hamma checks in from work too ;-P if you were on IRC you'd see his Hamma||Work screen name =p
2002-12-18, 12:56 PM
Hamma I noticed you are 22 years old, do you still go to school or what? What do you do for a living?
2002-12-18, 01:04 PM
Yea i am at work right now, I whore from here as well as at home :p
I am the Computer Repair Tech at a High School.
2002-12-18, 01:28 PM
So you do all of this for love of the game. Holy cow. You are very dedicated (and now get my vote for coolness). Thanks alot man.
2002-12-18, 03:00 PM
they will be able to set waypoint assignments, priority "hot zones" for the rest of your Empire to see
somthing like what Nav was talking about. Everyone can see them so it would give lone wolfs and newbies a place to go.
I am also wondering about the way the game reports your damage, in this pic it seems that it reports it in one of your windows:
but they way they do it seems like if u were in the heat of things even small amounts of damage would spam up that entire window and block death msg's and other crucial info.
2002-12-18, 03:07 PM
The little Hud in the upper right corner is your Health/????/Stamina
2002-12-18, 03:25 PM
Appears so, but im not sure. What im talking about is the lower left hand corner window, this pic shows it best:
damage continually spams the window, atleast the those dmg reports are separate from text.
2002-12-18, 04:21 PM
I'm too lazy to read all those posts so if it was answered already then TOO BAD!!! BWHAA!!!!
when it says that it means its saving all of your character's stats...You DAOCers ought to be familiar with this, I believe it does it in DAOC...but it simply means its saving your BEPs, certs, etc...kinda like updating the status of all the players...
Originally posted by Unregistered
The little Hud in the upper right corner is your Health/????/Stamina
i think its health/stamina/armor
b/c one of the new pics is from the perspective of a max and the bars are like 100/100/a bajillion
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