View Full Version : Maurader Madness pt.2

2003-05-06, 08:25 PM
Some more pics of me and my famous maurader :)

if you missed earlier ones look at squeekys screens a few threads down


Someone else took the shot

story is i dropped to soon and ended up on roof so i said dammit i cant get off here- but noticed i was still in teh air and not on ground .... WTF?

so i decided to hop in gunner seat and got like 30 kills since no one looks UP when they see tank fire :P

then i was outta ammo so i said ill try to see if i can move and to my surprise despite being the air i could move

then i fell - so i just ramped up over the rails as u see in pic 88

afterwards i was pissed i didnt get any pics of it- but i did report it as a bug- but now i know u can email a SS of it to them- anyone know the address for bugs to email too?

anyway im glad someone else got screens of them- like squeeky did b4 :)

anyway srry for long post was funny as like 30 ppl stood around me saying WTF

total tally was

3 MAXes
like 9 infantry men
1 buggy of some sort
2 ants

:) Ants and AMS were just outside of base and i started lobbing shells at a WP that our squad leader set after seeing them

a sniper told me where they hit and incline or not

most of it was slash dmg - but others were firing @ the AMS and ants too- so it wasnt TOTALLY my kills but i did help

EDIT: Total time in air was like 15 min :)

2003-05-06, 08:34 PM
Last time i climb in your maurader! :brow: :lol:

2003-05-06, 08:45 PM
I need to take a driving exam :)

Its funny when you run over people too- i tried running over like 3 maxes and it flipped by maurader over( u know how they get wedged. and ur vehichle raises up? well if their MAX and they push towards u u start to flip lol)

its fun to drive around base and say " pedistrians do not have the right of way" or " your time is not more valuable than mine"

not to be a greifer but im usually in a HURRY. I drive 80kph. I have a maurader, the handeling sucks. IT goes just as fast as the harraser but carries 2 gunners, so its loaded down more, so it turns worse, i cant stop on a dime like it can. If your infantry man, do not run down the center of a bridge or road, get off to the side!!

BTW maurader owns, its the reason i went TR. I like NCs idea of freedom, as the fiction given to us implys. TR is like a military state, killing protesters, reminds me of Bloody Sunday in Irish history in 1972, when british killed 13 peaceful protestors in northern ireland, but anway, NCs philosphy is nicer, freedom :P but TR is trying tokeep control. Vanu are freaks ( imo plz dont flame me heh) they dont like humans and think anything would be better than humans, were imperfect. so ideally if all things were teh same Id be NC, but their MAX sucks. Their "maurader" type buggy sucks.

In VANU the heavy buggy floats, so it can strafe, it has 1 MG type gun
In NC its wheeled like TRs but it has 1 machine gun only!

so the above have 1 passenger each, 1 driver.

Maurader gets 2 gunners, 1 12 MM machine gun, and 1 pounder!

Granded the NC Machine guner is like 20mm recoiless, but i run over infantry, not shoo tthem, the MG is just for air cover- and i can usually outrun a reaver unless they booster, and then i just STOP and they go flying forward, and i just do that a couple of times they give up :) never been killed by a reaver, but i do rarely kill them!

Anyway NC gets NO benefit on their heavy buggy.
VS gets strafing
I get 2 guns :)

ideally id want to control the gun myself but I NEVER SOLO.; I am always in a squad so i dont really care if i get the kills or not - like in squeekys care b4 we squaded i drove him around he was kicking ASS in the maurader pounder like 6 kills in 1 run though the base and barely made it out alive :) if im squaded, i dont care who gets kills, i just want some of the XP and i ALWAYS squad so no biggy

but anway that was a tangent, i like TR weapons, so all else being equal, id be NC but since NC heavy buggy sucks, im TR :)

BTW squeeky u have to agree, i can get us OUT of a bad situation easily :)