View Full Version : newbie/l33t intermixing
2003-05-06, 10:46 PM
will there be any mechanism to encourage the planetside l33t players to invite noobs to thier squad?
one problem with eq and other massive games with rank is that there was no way for the elite of the game to play the game with new players.
I would want to play with a friend but since he was a lvl 50 warlord of doom and i was lvl 3 peon of mud there was only obsticals in allowing us to play together.
luck for the noob there is no lvl 50 monsters to deal with but then again there is no incentive for veteran players to invite new players into a squad.
should veteran players be given more command XP for leading new players in a much command xp can a person really get leading a perfect squad of generals.
i can just see squads of UBER maxes dominatingn the field while green infantry with a suppressors are trying to leech some kills with some hope of getting some xp without getting instantly killed by the UBER l33t MAX squads of doom.
2003-05-06, 10:57 PM
You have earned countless more I-don't-like-you points. Go to the official forums. Go DIRECTLY to the official forums, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
In actual response to your post:
No, there is no actual 'mechanism'.
There is nothing preventing people from being in a squad together, as long as they are on the same empire. Level does not mean very much in this game, it does not equal how much ass you can kick.
There are incentives for veterans to invite new people: They will be meatshields, and do SOME damage at least. They will also learn the ropes (and get XP) faster, meaning they will be of more value to the empire more quickly.
You do not get command XP for just being the leader of a squad, you have to cap a base or be near a base being capped with your squad to get command XP.
MAXs are not uberl33t, and you start out with enough cert points to get decent weapons and armor, or a vehicle, or even a MAX. You will not be completely useless in the beginning of the game.
Actually, an entire squad of MAXs by themselves are pretty useless - they can't get inside bases because the doors are all locked, and even if they did get inside they couldn't hack the base. They can't repair their armor, either.
Everyones a n00b the first time they play
If you cant help out somebody thats new to the game, and you tell them to come some where with all their n00b friends just so you can mow them down.
Even I help out people who dont know what to do in the game you can ask the whole 3 or 4 people ive helped !
But if you really want to keep the br1's from the br20's thats why you just dont invite them, its that simple.
2003-05-06, 11:09 PM
first, Tieom STFU. you are an idiot nuff said.
second, rd3, i would really like to see a system where there is more incentive to mixing lvl 1's with lvl 20's fairly.
in other games there is no incentive for a lvl50 character to just dump that character so they can play with friend who just bought the game. people who make lvl 50 just dont want to have to go though the fustrations of getting to that level again.
the game designers just go and put penalties against lvl 50's mixing with lvl 1's to prevent exploiting power leveling.
Originally posted by d0rian
will there be any mechanism to encourage the planetside l33t players to invite noobs to thier squad?
Currently i'm not aware of anything they are thinking about adding. I do however have an idea, to help commanders want to have more lower level players in their squads.
Think about this: What if everytime a squad member got a Battle Rank, the Commander got a set amount of CEP. Not just the measly "you have been given 100 BEP for using so-and-so weapon for the first time", but a good sum, but not an insane amount, like somewhere around 1000-2000 CEP. Right now you only gain CEP from capturing bases, which now unless you are extremely lucky, you dont get about more than 2000 for it. Although the amount of CEP gained might want to be tweaked until the "perfect" amount is reached, becuase we wouldn't want too many Command Rank 5 commanders, now, would we?
Please, any thought to help improve this idea would be greatly appreciated.
2003-05-06, 11:25 PM
If I can, I invide only outfit members to my squad. It makes things better.....
And SpikeSpiegel, then all commanders would be set for life ;) Just have all your members hop in and get a few ranks *like all of your outfit gets all 4 chars to lvl 6 in a few min* and instant lvl3 CR :p
2003-05-06, 11:25 PM
I take it that you aren't in beta, d0rian??
You're coming at it from the aspect that a low lvl character has nothing to offer a lvl 20, like in role playing games where those characters are weaker.
That is not the case in PlanetSide and the game is designed that way. I personally play on three different servers at the moment, with characters in each empire. Because of this, I don't have any characters past lvl 8 I think it is. But there's nothing in the game that a lvl 20 character can get that I can't.
It's not like an RPG where the lvl 50 char has the AtomicFireballOfDeath spell and the lvl 4 guy has the BadBreathSpellOFCrapiness spell. In PlanetSide the low and high lvl characters have access to all of the same weapons and vehicles.
I've discovered that in beta, most people don't even tell what lvl they are when they are posting that they are looking for a squad. Why?? Because, for the most part, it doesn't matter whether you are lvl 5 or lvl 18.
2003-05-06, 11:30 PM
Quite true, there are no major differences between a lvl3-4 and a lvl 18-20. The only thing that matters is your player skill and what choices you have as certs.
When I look for people to join my squad *outside of outfit* I look for people with specific certs. If I need a max, I look for one, If I need a vanguard, I look for one, etc. Nothing matters if you are low level.
Also, with 4 chars per server, you never know if that lvl 6 there also has 2 lvl 20s and a lvl1 char ;)
2003-05-06, 11:40 PM
However, when looking for squads people advertise their BR ususally. Something like "BR6 ai/av/aa max LFS." Dumb, leet people tend to think the bigger the number, the more better they are (incorrect grammar intentional ;)). The unfortunate thing is people buy into it and I have seen people advertising that they are looking for people over BR10, or the like. :mad:
Numbnuts, I tell you. Don't they realize that if everyone starts doing that the newbs will never learn anything or get any real exp? Bleh. Way to shoot your team in the ass. I personally make it a habbit not to advertise my rank, no matter how uber I become. I also never have any BR requirements if I start a squad. If you're willing to learn and listen, that's good enough for me. :D
2003-05-06, 11:55 PM
Like Mistled said, there's not much in the way of preventing newbs from joining veteran players in their squads. All you have to do is visit some websites, learn the jargon, read the manual to get to know the weapon basics and rules and you will be able to make yourself sound like you've been around longer than a day. Most people don't liket to play with newbs because they ask so many questions and don't know what anything is, means, or does. If you do a little homework before playing, you can avoid all that stuff.
2003-05-07, 12:03 AM
I dont think this game has much of a problem, i mean you can get a tank, or become a max from the get go.!
maybe you want to be a fly boy? get a reaver or pilot a Galaxy, youll be able to do all that as soon as you start a character.
Another thing, its pretty easy to level up at the beginning, so really all you need to do, is, put your Max armour on, hit escape on your keyboard, select Instant action, and start killing (shoot the bad guys please).
With 4 cert points youll be able to fight along and against the best of them.
I would suggest a noob channel though, where new players can ask questions of each other and experienced players can help the new ones, when they are waiting for the galaxy to take off.
2003-05-07, 04:00 AM
*cracks knuckles*
I whould venture to guess that 90% of all squads are formed either by whatever is available or if LFS people are abundant to fill a slot. If your filling a MAX slot (Most squads seem to pick two dedicated max's and anyone elseo who can throw one on for thos eballs to the wall assaults from a tower) then it really doesnt matter what BR you are. (although being BR 6 and having darklight does help I've never seen anyone advertise their implants) SUpport characters it gets a little more important what BR you are, but even those usualy advertise like this:
Doppler (precharacter wipe) Sund/AT Max/Gal pilot+ engineer seeks group of fun loving criminals.
Basicly your could concievably be BR 6 but if the only certs you have are all three flavors of Max's your not really all that more usefull to em then a scattercannon MAX or AVMax BR1.
2003-05-07, 04:03 AM
I dont think i'd ever knowingly join a squad wityh anyone who uses l33tspeak. Usualy tells me their a 14 year old.
2003-05-07, 06:52 AM
I got a better plan. How about we start a global misinformation campaign to convince the n00bs that leaving the sanctuary results in immediate death and deletion of your account. This is a good plan.
2003-05-07, 08:31 AM
With all due respect, it doesent matter what BR you are at. The only advantage it gives you is more weapons and more toys to play with. People who wont invite you based on BR and not specialty are eliteists and you should find another squad.
My 2cents :p
2003-05-07, 08:58 AM
I think VOIP is pretty important to get the l33t to mingle with newbies. In my case, I generally prefer playing with outfit members because TS makes it easy to communicate with them. If the in game VOIP works out, that would be a great help.
2003-05-07, 10:58 AM
People mostly pick members based on what cert is needed in the group. So when you are LFS you just say MAX LFS or AMS/ENG LFS, etc. BR really doesnt matter much, just gives you more flexibility.
2003-05-07, 11:02 AM
BR really doesnt matter much, just gives you more flexibility.
you are correct.
if a squad is looking for a galaxy pilot then they will get a person with a galaxy cert.
unfortunately you dont get xp for piloting a galaxy ship.
just as you dont get xp for healing others. just as you dont get xp for repairing armor.
i wanted to play engineer but i cant get squad for xp unless a squad of combat units invites me in.
Happy lil Elf
2003-05-07, 11:27 AM
I will never, ever, join a squad of people who are not in my outfit or that I do not already know in some way. Pick up groups in EQ are bad enough, I can only imagine what a pick up group in a FPS would be once the game goes live :ugh:
2003-05-07, 11:29 AM
but how do you add new people to your outfit?
i like the PS outfit/squad system.
getting into an outfit was not hard. i just broadcast "hey i want to join an outfit" and i immediatly got an invite.
i wonder if some bonus commander xp can be given to squad leaders to lead lower level members.
2003-05-07, 11:33 AM
Nice way to make yourself look elitest when we aren't even in game there Elf.
I have no problem playing with whoever is around. I'll start off with people from my outfit, but if there aren't enough of us on at a time, we'll just grab whoever is around. If they don't want to actually be in a squad, it becomes obvious fairly quickly and they usually just leave to go do their own thing. I've met a lot of people in beta who are great guys just b/c we happened to invite a stranger into the squad.
2003-05-07, 12:02 PM
well, the high rank player could have his head out of his ass, not be an arrogant piece of shit, and realize that battlerank has absolutely nothing to do with a players skill or ability to work in a team.
This game will not turn out like that. In time, all the retarded eq players (the l337 ones) will be gone and we can all rejoice. The beta is for anyone the pay to play will hopefully be for only the enjoyable!
2003-05-07, 12:31 PM
omfg i r 3lit3
2003-05-07, 12:41 PM
I once saw some idiot /broadcasting that his squad was looking for people 18-24 (as in age). He said something like everyone under 18 was a n00b and everyone over 24 was a geek. :rofl: I figured since I am in my 30's I was way to much of geek for him. :brow:
I ignored it and went on my way and then he invited me into his squad without even knowing my age. I just declined it and took the HART. Guess no one else wanted to join his band of fools.
The idiocy of people really surprises me sometimes.
2003-05-07, 12:45 PM
Well I guess by that logic I have another full year of gaming before I must quit, lest I become a "geek" ono!
2003-05-07, 12:52 PM
I WAS THERE - His name was aids something and he was talking about people being queers and he got pwned by the whole sanctuary - I ran into him later in the day and ran him over with my sunderer - oops.
2003-05-07, 12:59 PM
Yeah, that was the guy Navaron. I remember seeing you there. I don't remember all the crap he was saying but thanks for the turning him into a speedbump! :thumbsup:
Happy lil Elf
2003-05-07, 02:05 PM
Nice way to make yourself look elitest when we aren't even in game there Elf.
What the bloody hell are you talking about? I never said anything about not grouping with people who never got in Beta. My outfit has about 100 people both in and out of Beta. You'll also note the "or in some way" part. That means by Outfit reputation, by having played with them in other games or even by talking ot them on the boards assumming they seem cool.
What I'm talking about is the "5quad going 0v3r to roxxor Cy550r, need MAX and Ga| pilots plz!" type of idiots that abound. That and arrogant pricks. FPSs attract a lot of people who have an overinflated opinion of themselves simply because they think they're good, gets annoying.
My point being there are a lot of idiots out there. FPSs attract more of them that just about any other genre does in my experience with the possible exception of Diablow. I'd rather group with people I know and not some random idiot. Now granted, not everyone I don't know is an idiot, but I prefer the people I know aren't idiots.
2003-05-07, 02:08 PM
havnet seen an age brodcast yet, but I do see a bit of BR14+ etc brodcasts.... oh well, let them think that they are l33t, and let them get owned on the field ;)
2003-05-07, 02:17 PM
Yeah, the only thing I see ppl advertising is CR, cuz if they are CR5, you know they are a l33t commander and NOT a n00b,but not everyone WITHOUT CR is a sucky commander, I know many times where they actual leader of the squad was a n00b , and he wasn't leading anything, so I had to take his place, but he got the CEPS when we capped it , usually, when I advertise , I will say
"Adv hacker/galaxy pilot looking for organized squad, I will get the job done."
or something along those lines, mainly the last part is just to stick out, cuz noone else says anything but the certs, so, yeah, my THREE CENTS! TAKE THAT MR HAMMA POO POO HEAD! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHBWAHAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHFLALALALALALLALALALAALLALALAAZING O! ZINGO! ZINGO! LETS HAVE SOME MOTHERFUCKING PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
2003-05-07, 02:22 PM
2003-05-07, 04:09 PM
I didn;t read all theposts in this thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned.
There IS an incentive to recruit players with low BR.
It can be called "twinking" to EQ vets. Basically, you WANT to group high level BR players with low level BR in the same squad.
To get them BR faster!
It only makes your Empire more versatile faster. More players will be able to get cert ponts faster & implants faster.
That's the incentive.
Does it make them better players? No, that's skill. That comes with practice.
2003-05-07, 04:29 PM
thats an empire benefit. true.
i thought it was called "power leveling"
though it is interesting to hear the word "twink" used in online games once again....thats an OLD term.
but maybe someday there will be a personal benifit added to the game xp system.
2003-05-07, 04:39 PM
You're right, "power leveling" would be a more correct term.
"Twinking" would be outfitting a n00b in the best equipement.
2003-05-07, 04:55 PM
We used to call it 'mentoring'.
2003-05-07, 09:29 PM
I know where twinking came from, :P here's where: In an old game called Everquest, you probably haven't heard of it, in the beginning, pretty much the best armor anything had, was bronze, which was the color of twinking, and higher levels would give their old bronze armor to n00bs, hence, twinking them, yes, I am full of useless game lingo origins and other stupid trivia,
2003-05-07, 09:33 PM
I think twinking came before Everquest. Everquest is just where is became known to a wide audience.
2003-05-07, 09:33 PM
yes but do you know where the term "twink" came from?
an old game called "netrek" that was played on unix x deskops.
it was a term modernly known as a "noob" but with more of a stupid tendency. a noob is just new but a twink was usually a person that somewhat knew the game but was still a stupid player.
often used as "you stupid twink" or "what a twink"
or they would say "twink on sb" where sb was a starbase, a vehicle that should never be maned by a twink.
i think people still play netrek today.
that was truely an awsome perfectly balanced game.
2003-05-07, 10:11 PM
I was about to get into EQ, about 4 years after it first came out, but then i read about how hard it was to catch up from a n00b, and how there is such a gap between n00bs, and lvl whatever the highest level is.
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