View Full Version : elitess and Planetside
Last night my clan (CDL) had a great convorsation about how PS if different from other games and things that we noticed about players, and I thought I would share some of what we talked about with the community.
When players post that they are looking for a squad a lot seem to think BR means something when really in this game it's not that much.
Planetside is built on a team based aspect and being a cowboy has no place in PS nor will you succeed in PS with that attitude/mind set. I would rather have a BR1 player with a great attitude and a willingness to work as a team then a BR20 that thinks he/she is the "shit" and is 1337.
So many strive (as do we) for BR but the MOST important thing is teamwork and friendship. These 2 qualities in a player can only bring success to you and your clan now and in the future.
So just remember that skill can be learned but a great attitude and teamwork will help a clan a lot more the a BR# with an elitess attitude.
2003-05-07, 09:06 AM
*points to edit button*
Fix it, now.
2003-05-07, 09:24 AM
I have a BR level limit when I start a squad: 2 BR's below my current level. I find that this enhances my squads coherency and combat ability greatly. BR does me something, it means someone has played for a certain amount of time, gotten a certain amount of kills (or squaded enough) to obtain that level, which implies that he/she better know at least something about the game.
When I have let my standards fall due to lack of people and recruited anyone into my squad It usually talks 50% longer to get out of Sanct, coordination is alot harder, and we don't cap as many bases. The problem is that while I know there are lots of BR1 and 2's who probably know how to work well in a squad and want to play along, I cannot go sifting through them all during a battle. I need people from the start I can reasonably trust in a fight, and usually that means looking at BR as an indicator.
Originally posted by Sprocket
I have a BR level limit when I start a squad: 2 BR's below my current level.
This is the elitess attitude I was speaking of. I mean no disrespect but that statement makes it sounds as though you have to act as though you are better then the rest because of your BR
When I have let my standards fall due to lack of people and recruited anyone into my squad It usually talks 50% longer to get out of Sanct, coordination is alot harder, and we don't cap as many bases.
This is the squad leaders fault. Clear direction and good planning will prevent this from happening
The problem is that while I know there are lots of BR1 and 2's who probably know how to work well in a squad and want to play along, I cannot go sifting through them all during a battle. I need people from the start I can reasonably trust in a fight, and usually that means looking at BR as an indicator.
This guy could have gone and done VR training to BR4-5 then done ant runs to get to BR10, this is no way means he is a good team player.
Also remember like I said in my first post this is for clan/squads when they recruit. The people looking for a perminent home.
2003-05-07, 10:37 AM
Wow i dont have too much time before i gotta go so i'll keep it short and mark this spot fro further comment.
I have only headed but a few successful pickup squads. And i have not been picky about who i invite. I did it out of the sanctuary and it took forever to get ready and go and finally be there. I think there is only so much that can be done in a pick up squad. I have since started squads in bases that have recently been hacked and usually by me. And i find that these ppl already know enough to get there. So it is easier to get to ppl follow, as they may already be on the same page.
2003-05-07, 10:57 AM
In game VOIP (when it works) and CR3 battle plans really help keep pick up squads organized and fun IMO.
Judging other players on BR is almost pointless because a BR2 grunt can still be packing reinforced and medium assault which makes him just as deadly as about any other player on the field.
2003-05-07, 10:58 AM
you are forming a new squad. havent made one yet or you need more than your your handful of friends and need more friends.
what do you look for? BR or a missing certificaiton that your team does not have.
if you dont know the person how can you judge how well they will do on your team. you want someone with experience. just like in real life. you may end up with a twit with xp or a really good team player who is just starting out.
but if you do a statistical analysis: more squad leaders will pick the guy with the higer BR.
it played very well during beta where the exp came so quick that you could train in everything.
but i would guess that is not the case in the gold product.
i bet it is going to be much harder to be multi-skilled.
it make take many game hours before you can get to level 15 just like in any other role playing game.
I just dont see the experience of player equality in the beta as in the final product. but the small infantry wepons luckly are powerfull enought to make a good stand and we dont have to worry about what our strengh/wisdom/dex ratios are.
2003-05-07, 01:06 PM
A soldier's BR level has little relation to their skill. That BR3 fellow you refused to lower your standards to may be a BR20 CR5 player who wants to take a different cert path or maybe justs wants to fight instead of command. I know not every BR1-3 person knows what he is doing but you never know until you give them a chance.
Originally posted by Jimbo
A soldier's BR level has little relation to their skill. That BR3 fellow you refused to lower your standards to may be a BR20 CR5 player who wants to take a different cert path or maybe justs wants to fight instead of command. I know not every BR1-3 person knows what he is doing but you never know until you give them a chance.
Nice post
2003-05-07, 01:34 PM
BR's aren't like levels in RPG's. They don't make you any better, only more flexible.
2003-05-07, 01:45 PM
As much as I dislike grammar/spelling freaks, for some reason this post is getting to me.
The term is elitist. It can be an adjective or a noun. The title should read "Elitism and Planetside."
Thank you. We now return you to your post.
2003-05-07, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by PR24
This is the elitess attitude I was speaking of. I mean no disrespect but that statement makes it sounds as though you have to act as though you are better then the rest because of your BR.
This is not elitist at all. I do not look down on low BRs or call them names, TK them etc. I only know that as a general rule of thumb a higher BR implies a better player who will work with the squad well[b]
This is the squad leaders fault. Clear direction and good planning will prevent this from happening
[b]You obviously don't lead squads very much. Just because the squad leader has a head on shoulders and does his coordination well does not guaruntee people will follow his direction. If I tell my squad to hot drop, assign three man squads to accomplish specific tasks, and then get 4 tells saying "wtf is hot drop?!!!11" then I'm screwed because I'm working with a bunch of n00bs, not because I can't plan a mission.
This guy could have gone and done VR training to BR4-5 then done ant runs to get to BR10, this is no way means he is a good team player.
He could have but probably didn't. The most you can get form VR is BR 3, and im sorry but most players I've met deplore ANT runs (I do them for my squad usually, AS the leader). Like I said before, my personal squad rules are made because of general trends I have observed, I understand there are exception but the way I run my squads generally results in good caps and a fun time for me and my squad members. That is what this game is about IMO.
2003-05-07, 02:39 PM
For nearly all of my pickup squads I've gone to the hotspot and announced LFS and usually get invited fast. Even better if you get in a vehicle and shout xxxx driver LFS and gunner.
I hopes yous dont minde me im just lerning to spel.
2003-05-07, 02:50 PM
Watch it, the incoming-Led warning light is flashing. As long as no-one says 'gernades'... aw, (insert expletive here).
Originally posted by PR24
Last night my clan (CDL) had a great convorsation about how PS if different from other games and things that we noticed about players, and I thought I would share some of what we talked about with the community.
When players post that they are looking for a squad a lot seem to think BR means something when really in this game it's not that much.
Planetside is built on a team based aspect and being a cowboy has no place in PS nor will you succeed in PS with that attitude/mind set. I would rather have a BR1 player with a great attitude and a willingness to work as a team then a BR20 that thinks he/she is the "shit" and is 1337.
So many strive (as do we) for BR but the MOST important thing is teamwork and friendship. These 2 qualities in a player can only bring success to you and your clan now and in the future.
So just remember that skill can be learned but a great attitude and teamwork will help a clan a lot more the a BR# with an elitess attitude.
Lets stay on topic. Here was the original post.
2003-05-07, 03:08 PM
*ducks for Led's attack that will be sure to arvie soon due to Tieom's miss spelling of "grenades"*
And I find that and runs are very agraviting and it is very hard to get people to do them, esp when you can spend a long time getting the ant there charged and back only to have it die on its way in the base you were going to charge *argh*
2003-05-07, 03:54 PM
Planetside is built on a team based aspect and being a cowboy has no place in PS nor will you succeed in PS with that attitude/mind set. I would rather have a BR1 player with a great attitude and a willingness to work as a team then a BR20 that thinks he/she is the "shit" and is 1337.
Though I have no problem being in a squad, even a pickup one, the above statement really irks me. That's an elitist attitude to the Nth degree simply by shunning those who don't play well together.
The lone-wolf or cowboy has it's place in Planetside JUST AS MUCH as a squad, regardless fo BR. I play lone-wolf quite a bit. A NUMBER of times I'm there hacking a lone tower, only to see 1 minute later 50 players spawn through to take a nearby facility.
I walked into a ungaurded facility to down the generator. The rapid succession of enemy vehicle spawn dwindles down to nothing.
My favorite thing to do? Drive an AMS to an unguarded facilty (yet not under attack) when I see that a facility ahead is about to become ours. As soon as I see a faclity change into my Empire's hands, I deploy it at the next enemy base. Literally tons of troops spawn through. Talk about moving the front line.
All this done by myself. No chain of command, no orders. Just me causing general havoc and mischief to my enemies.
2003-05-07, 04:02 PM
I'll take newbies in my squad, but my rule is no helmet, no invite. I don't stop to answer questions that are in the manual and if someone can't keep up with the group then they're kicked.
It doesn't really even matter if you are a skilled combatant. The number one most important thing to me is that you stay with the squad unless executing a specific task that requires you to go off on your own. If I get people who wander a continent or won't stay with the squad, I wish them well and kick them.
I don't require a minimum rank, but I will often advertise for a specific role (hacker, medic, engineer, max, etc. etc.) and take only players who qualify if it is something I need. I don't think I'm an elitist, but I'm not dicking around with people who aren't prepared to play, either.
2003-05-08, 01:16 AM
I agree that BR level doesn't describe skill. However, I *can* see a benefit to displaying your level. Rather than skill, it more accurately represents the number of certs you have. A squad *must* be versatile, and employing a squad with players with lots of certs reinforces this.
2003-05-08, 03:24 AM
Everyone fights, no one quits, you dont do your job Ill kick you out of the squad myself, possibly the gal too over a large body of water.
In all seriousness though I make no qualms about leaving squads that dont have their stuff together. I'm plagued more often by newbish commanders who wont get their stuff together then actual teammate. Believe it or not I can usualy coax a niave teammate into following along, god knows someone did that for me the first day. All that anyone needs to know reguardless of CL BL is that they need to stay with the squad unless directed (or recieve permision) and to communicate.
2003-05-08, 06:26 PM
well said PR.
2003-05-08, 07:11 PM
2 months in and the original post will seem pretty dumb.
In new games you never know what you are playing with(unless you actually know the players before hand). looking at lvl in a new game is all you can do to avoid clueless newbs, but of course you will miss many good players.
2 months in and 2 majors points change.
1 - you actually know people in game.
2 - most people have reasonably high lvls so the so when you see BR4 it will be meaningful(of course the BR4 could be a old player on a new toon, but thats where knowing people helps).
Anyway whining about "lvl discrimination" in a brand new game is kind of dumb.
2003-05-08, 07:19 PM
Here here, PR24. CDL has always been respected by the Fire Ants ( and this thread just reaffirms such respect. Nicely put, indeed. :)
2003-05-08, 08:51 PM
The term n00b, imo, is the worst term/insult/name you could call someone. You dont know their experience at all when you see their BR, first of all, second you cannot call anyone a n00b can expect it to be justified because EVERYONE, yes, everyone, were new to the game (notice I am not using n00b), and BR1 :shudder: , and all at one point could be called n00b or whatever. So if you think your somewhat better cause of your BR, you have it seriously wrong, and the person you called a n00b will most likely pass you later because you are too close-minded to even give someone a chance.
Also, what kind of friends do you make calling people n00bs. This game is based on teamwork and if you think you are losing much calling someone a n00b, let me tell you a story.
I had a friend IRL who played Everquest. He basically traded accounts, pissed people off (he thought he was better then everyone else), and then traded some more. One day he tried to steal all the equipment off three character and sell it for real cash. He was caught, of course, when the poeple noticed they had no droppable stuff. So one guy decided he would try to find out somehting about this kid. He got his name, parent's names, phone number, address, acne medication, where his parents worked, where he went to school, pretty much everything, and posted it on a board like this. His EQ name was Gingdied, dono if you EQers remember, but much of the EQ population, cross-server and stuff, saw what happened.
The moral to the story is, dont piss people off, cause it will come back to haunt you, and yes, it will, no matter how 1337 you think you are, it will come back and bite you in the ass.
Ok im gonna stop rambling now............
2003-05-08, 08:59 PM
You are clearly right about 1 thing.
You are rambling.
2003-05-08, 09:04 PM
n00b and newbies are two completely seperate things in my book. A newbie is someone that is new to the game, a n00b is someone who acts like an idiot.
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