View Full Version : NC Tactics
Gnl. Wolverine
2003-05-07, 01:04 PM
I have and idea-
Now bear with me for i have not yet been able to play PS but i've been following it like a religeon since it first was made a public idea almost 5 years ago. Anyways as i understand the NC MAX has the shield ability and another player can actual be within the shields protection. This could make for some interesting defensive tactics expectialy inside a long corridor. Two NC MAXs blocking one end with shields up with and Engineer or two hiding directly behind them always ready to repair and two or three soldiers firing from the sides of them also within the limited protection of the MAXs, possible each with the shield implant. Though i know that this tactic would last for too long i would provide enough time to hack and hold a console, Or a last ditch effort to wait for reenforcments. But whaterver, Anyone have any comments, suggestions or ideas of thier own please feel free to share.
LCpl Hansen. M.
1MarDiv USMC
2003-05-07, 01:21 PM
Great idea if you can find the people to do it.
I have a great NC tactic that is easy for all NC to do.
Take you weapons and shoot yourselves in the head :lol:
Mission accomplished ;)
2003-05-07, 01:41 PM
Having Engineers accompany MAXs and vehicles is a pretty obvious tactic. (Not meant to be little you) The 666th takes advantage of this method. A couple of tanks can really supress a tower by parking outside and having engineers on hand.
2003-05-07, 01:41 PM
Good idea but those shields dont last long when they are getting pounded on and the MAX cannot fire as long as they want to keep the shield up. Also clumping like that would be bad for splash dmg from grenades or rockets or lashers.
2003-05-07, 01:44 PM
why on earth would we want to copy what the terran rednecks do? :p
I I think the NC need a petter personal shield since there weapons are short range, personally I wouldn't mind a gimp in distance for a decent personal shield just for the NC, could make for a very different play style.
although on the other hand I could see how that just might be a bit unbalanced once you're indoors fighting indoors, unless you made the special shield use up something more than just stamina, like maybe it required you to carry "shield batteries" or it could take away from your health slowly...
so on second thought you could balance giving the NC a better personal shield to go along with some short range weapons..
2003-05-07, 01:57 PM
I find that the NC have very good shock troops (NC max) and very good point blank weapons (ScatterPistol, Jackhammer), as well as avery good long range tactical weapon (phoenix)..
So I find that if you can cover your shock troops with tactical long range fire and have the jackhammer group behind the shock troops, you can make it to tight quarters and be set from there.
2003-05-07, 02:20 PM
for the max scattercannon, if you are on the offensive you better use that shield and run like crazy to get in at point blank range.
then you can use the advantage of the scattercannon and watch them scatter. thats if you can survive the gauntlet gettin in close enough to use it.
it just seems to me that NC is a purely defensive army.
they lack the tools to be offensive in my opinion.
but that tank. man can that thing spit out some ordinance. it is like a MLRS or something. boomboomboomboom. non stop.
i saw 2 of them (vanguards?) defending a bridge... that and a couple of mixed max units and nothing could get across that bridge.
maybe they improved the jackhammer. i still think it was a sucky weapon. too slow and short ranged.
2003-05-07, 04:22 PM
Vanguard and phoenix make NC pretty freakin good.
That vanguard cannon is soooo powerful.
2003-05-07, 04:25 PM
The jackhammer was greatly improved IMO.. well at least I die to it now anyway.
Camping Carl
2003-05-07, 04:50 PM
Off topic, but are you the same Gnl. Wolverine from the planetside shuttle forums?
Gnl. Wolverine
2003-05-07, 06:45 PM
As a matter of fact Carl yes i am. I've been gone for soo long with bootcamp, Combat Training and my MOS school but i've been promoted twice already, and am looking at yet anotherone. I have a secret clearence and work in Headquarter Battlation. I'm in my office i just turned loose the 10 marine working party they gave me so i'm just waiting for gunny's word to go home for the day. Nice knowing your still around. Too bad they earased my old account while i was gone. But boy oh boy i can't wait to use my combat tactics training in planetside. ha ha ha ha ha
-=Kodiac Commandos=- <- my soon to be clan of military players.
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