View Full Version : FPS? It still needs strategic goals

2003-05-08, 12:52 AM
A few other people have brought this up only to be barraged by newbs saying "oh its an FPS, true FPS players don't need anything besides killing the other team to motivate them".
Why is it that so many people believe that an FPS has to be shallow? Just because the point is combat doesn't mean all you need is a box and some weapons. Combat has a direction. Combat has GOALS.
This game seriously lacks long term goals for the team (country/side). Taking an installation doesn't mean much, even taking a continent is just an oh wow look at the purty color.
It would be 100 times more fun than it already is if when you took a base or a continent you had a real reason to feel proud. It should give you a reason to feel like you actually accomplished something of worth for your side. More than just changing the colors on the world map, we need some goals!

2003-05-08, 03:07 AM
A frikin men!

2003-05-08, 04:01 AM
I just want to point out that I think the reason they have not put any of these "long term goals" in is because they want the game world to stay fluid that a new player joining a side because they like the cover scheme doesnt have to feel that they are that far behind anyone else on the server other then play time. I personaly think Ill have a lot of fun for at least 6months to a year at this, and sure ill try other things other games but I'll probly repeatedly return and who knows maybe new conent will find a way to balance these vastily difrent requirements.