View Full Version : Question on FOV
2002-12-18, 06:28 PM
From looking at the screenshots (especially the compass) it looks like the FOV is as low as 75 degrees. Is our FOV going to be fixed at that low value? Or will we be able to select a FOV we like?
I have played many diffrent FPS games, and I simply cannot stand playing with a lower FOV then I am used to. I hope Planetside gives us a display option to select our FOV (UT2K3 just added that option to the menu). A playing with a FOV under 90 feels like I have blinders on, and it is completely unrealistic--a person's natural FOV is around 120. Please give us an option to select our own FOV.
2002-12-18, 06:33 PM
Sure would be nice to have.
in tribes/tribes2 it helps alot to have a wider FOV (for me at least). its easier to lead shots and all that shit.
but in normal fps games, it just messes me up. all the buildings and walls are all stretched and weird looking. vertigo city.
2002-12-18, 06:38 PM
yeah id like to be able to customize my FOV via ingame GUI....or at least a script
2002-12-18, 06:55 PM
Everything that's commonly tweaked out in FPSs (ex. FOV) should have a menu option in my opinion. If I have to mess with .cfgs or download scripts they goofed.
(Yes Quake players... die.)
2002-12-18, 07:13 PM
an easy to use GUI would be very nice. just make it part of the area where you edit screen resolution....
but having a button to alter it ingame would be cool too
2002-12-18, 07:27 PM
Eh, once you have it set up, how often would you really want to change it?
2002-12-18, 07:32 PM
i think it would be nice to spy around corners and edges by altering your fov and moving your player around.
2002-12-18, 07:34 PM
Depends. In T2 I used a script where I could cycle through my FOV. I played at 100, but would swap to 60 when I was chain gunning someone because it was like zooming in without the drawbacks of useing the zoom feature.
It didn't help me hit anything, but at least I knew it was because I sucked with the weapon, and not because the target was hard to see :D
2002-12-18, 07:37 PM
i like mortFOV in t2.
i always kept it on 103-110 FOV....only time i changed it was when i hopped in a shrike or tank....i switched it to 115.
so much more is viewable then the standard 90
2002-12-18, 07:45 PM
That's the one I used. I liked the little Hud that told you what FoV you were in too. Came in handy a few times.
2002-12-18, 08:03 PM
who voted no? :nono:
2002-12-18, 11:18 PM
I haven't voted yet but I personally don't care about my FOV. The standard is what I'm used to and it's easy enough to use it and kill with it :evil:
2002-12-19, 02:50 AM
Gah, the world looks so much better at 110! I feel like I'm wearing blinders when I play @ 90.
2002-12-21, 12:30 AM
Jinxmasta, diffrent games havea diffrent "standard."
2002-12-21, 12:43 AM
i don't care
2002-12-21, 12:45 AM
I'd like one to be added, but people would complain. :rolleyes:
Well seeing as their will be no modding allowed if it were to happen it would be available to everybody so i don't see a big problem. As long as everybody gets the same advantages or disadvantages i'm cool. :)
2002-12-21, 05:25 AM
I voted no. I consider having FOV more than 90 quite unrealistic and even cheating. PLus ist makes everything look streched. I dont want to make everything look streched just to be on par with those who alter FOV !
2002-12-21, 09:11 AM
Serbitar real life view is MUCH more than 90... so it's not unrealistic. Higher fov will not make the 'par' go up forcing you to switch. It's just a per-player preference.
2002-12-21, 09:16 AM
whats FOV?
2002-12-21, 09:38 AM
FOV = Field of Vision
It's the range (in degrees) of how much you can see. If you were able to set your FOV to 360 degrees your monitor would show everything around you in every direction. 90 degrees, only a quarter of that, is somewhat of a standard for some games. Real life (and what many people switch their games to) is higher than 90. (Actually real life is like 190, but on a monitor that would look very bad. :))
2002-12-21, 12:04 PM
I'd like a game to have 360 degree FOV for once... To have them just attempt that would be amusing. :D
And that, my friends, is why people would complain. Serbitar nailed it. People would force themselves to have insane FOV to stay on par with the craizees.
2002-12-21, 12:05 PM
I agree, the FOV should not be changed, I gues sit would keep everybody on an even playing field.
2002-12-21, 12:13 PM
I want to surround myself with 8 monitors so I can have a 360FOV :D
Yeah there is no way Multi-monitors isn't cool. :D
And 2 things.
1-Real life FOV is no way 190 if you compare it to video games. In a video game you move your head not your eyes so if you compare RL to video games you can't move your head. In that case if you look straight ahead without moving your eyes your FOV is 180 at best and even then it's more around 160-170.
2-Increased FOV for 1 person would give that person an advantage. If not explain to me how seeing more of the battlefield is not an advantage.
2002-12-21, 12:47 PM
changeable FOV always leads to zoom scripts, and i think they are trying to keep the zoom under control since there is a augmentation that allows that, that said, it might be possible, if they allowed you to change your FOV before entering the game, then it being locked as you play.
Well like i said if it's allowed it will be in the settings menu or something since there will be no mods allowed.
2002-12-21, 12:53 PM
In real life, FOV is about 120, but in a computer game you have your monitor which is flat. This flatness can only display a fov of 90 without stretching things. FOV more than 90 is an advantage, but it makes everything look streched. Thus I consider FOV more then 90 cheating, because if others do this, they force me to do the same (if I want the same advanteage) and I then have to endure streched grafix (which I do not want to).
Its that simple. I just want to not play with some strange fish eye grafix. And I consider everything that reduces my fun in the game, but gives others an advantage (and so force me to use it to get this advantage, too) a cheat. (Like an aimbot. gives others an advantage and reduces my fun in the game greatly if I would have to use it to get the same advantage)
2002-12-21, 01:09 PM
reduces my fun in the game
How does my FOV affect your fun? As you have no way of knowing what FOV others are playing at, you couldnt even be suspicous unlike a wallhack/aimbot.
perhaps you are talking about uses of FOV to spy around objects or zoom, a possible solution would be to have a range of acceptable FOV's, such as 75 to 130, and the command reject values out of that range, that way you could even change it ingame, to experiment, but remove the exploi-like FOV values.
2002-12-21, 01:17 PM
What he's saying is that YOU will have an ADVANTAGE if you have a greater FOV then him. Having a large FOV screws up your view, though, making it less fun for people who want things to look proportionate and correct. But to compensate for your ADVANTAGE he will have to make the game less fun for himself.
2002-12-21, 01:21 PM
What i ment was how was he to know if i have changed my FOV to say 110(which i use in every other fps i play), IF he wants to have some unknown advantage, he can go right ahead and change his FOV too. Thats the thing about customization, everyone can have it their own way.
It's not about knowing the other person's FOV it's about how FOV can mean one person sees the enemy beside him and the other won't.
Anywhoo the dev's will figure it out. :)
2002-12-21, 01:55 PM
Leave it to those craizee devs to make a great game. :D
2002-12-21, 02:02 PM
changing the FOV will get out of control, and they should have everyone be the same
2002-12-21, 04:08 PM
in every fps ive ever played changing your fov was NEVER considered a cheat by the competitive community. Ive always played at 110 fov. It does give me a slight viewable area advantage. but in contrast with a higher fov the models appear to move across the screen faster. thus making it harder to hit them. The idea that switching ypur fov is cheating is just rediculous. If you think by just upping your fov you suddenly will be a killing machine dont fool yourself. It wont happen. A player thats better then you with a 60fov will probably kill you just as easily as one with a 120.
Of course it won't make you a killing machine but it will give you an advantage nevertheless, you said so.
And i don't get what's so bad about 90 FOV. Anyway just like 90% of the game the devs will decide and it will be a good choice. :)
2002-12-21, 04:21 PM
I've never understood why people would like it anyway. If you have mouselook on, it's just a slight wrist motion to the left or right. :p
Hey moving that wrist can be hard after playing 7 hours straight! :p
2002-12-21, 04:33 PM
As long as the chair doubles as a toilet, I think we'd manage. :p
2002-12-21, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Of course it won't make you a killing machine but it will give you an advantage nevertheless, you said so.
And i don't get what's so bad about 90 FOV. Anyway just like 90% of the game the devs will decide and it will be a good choice. :)
you neglected to mention the disadvantage of uisng a high fov. enemy models appear to move faster. Just because you dont use or cant understand why i would want to use a different fov doesnt mean anything. I prefer to use it because it "feels" more right to me. I dont need a gui selectionm just a simple ini tweak.
They could also make it an implant. At 1st you would probably see tons of people flock to it (thinking it would give them an advantage). Then within month a or 2 I doubt, more then 2-3 % of players would even use it.
I say we should also lock the resoultion cause that gives the higher res people an unfair advantage. Also why not require everyone have the same vid card. Cant have someone getting more fps then others................
I say we should also lock the resoultion cause that gives the higher res people an unfair advantage. Also why not require everyone have the same vid card. Cant have someone getting more fps then others................
i dont find that "unfair"...
plz tell me why.
2002-12-21, 06:20 PM
i could argue that me getting 60fps and you only getting 25fps, gives me an unfair advantage. While you are trying to aim in a choopy mess, my aim will not be effected.
While i dont think it unfair. You see how this argument is just over personal preferrence not because of a perceived advantage.
2002-12-21, 06:53 PM
How is changing your resolution giving you an advantage? It'll make everything look better and (in theory) the windows smaller in your HUD. Since the HUD is customizable, you can get rid of any windows you don't feel are necessary defeating the argument that the smaller windows would allow and advantage. And for your fps, it entirely depends on your computer specs and the options you have available. That cannot be changed by the devs. Your FOV can.
And how can you NOT say that being able to see enemies "out of the corner of your eye" is not an advantage? Does it screw up your models of how they look? Yeah. Is it wild/wacky/weird? Yeah. If you get used to it, would you be a more effective FPS player? Yeah.
Case :withx:
Originally posted by Zarparchior
Case :withx:
Edit: Oh yeah and with that said i become a l33t whore. W00t! ^-^
2002-12-21, 07:31 PM
Of course you're a l33t Whore! You reply to every damnible thread imaginable... and some that aren't. :D
Congrats on being teh first Master of Postemonies (it's kinda like the Master of Ceremonies... but not). :p
Thanks. But i'm not really the first, i know Hamma said he's l33t whore x2 and i'm sure 1 or 2 from the staff are l33t whores as well. :p
2002-12-26, 03:48 AM
would be nice to get some more info on this.
2002-12-26, 04:35 AM
Yknow, I've never changed my FOV. Hell, I never knew I could.
I think someday I shall get a bunch of monitors (or maybe a big circular one..yeah!) set it to 360. I could then sit in the middle with a swivel chair and wireless mouse/keyboard. No one would sneak up on me again! And if you were to get two people and do that in mechwarrior, it would be like having your own gunner...
I wonder if that really would be possible...
2002-12-26, 05:44 AM
as I said before:
a CHEAT is not only an ADVANTAGE, but an ADVANTAGE which reduces the fun of the game if you use it. Higher resolution actually doesnt reduce the fun of the game. (not at all).
The point is that cheats force you to do things that lessen your fun if you want tog et the same advantage. An advantage that doesnt lessen my fun I will easily adapt !
2002-12-26, 08:54 AM
It's funny that some people think changing your fov is a cheat. When there are no leagues for any of the other big fps games that consider it one. In fact ut2k3 lets you change it right in the game menu. Guess all those ut2k3 players are cheaters. Hmm i think im going side with them then a bunch of n00bs who never even tried the fov adjustment.
2002-12-26, 01:59 PM
1st: I have played FPS for 8 Years now, 3 of them in a competative clan.
2nd: Just because 1 million flies eat dirt it doesnt make eating dirt right. Only reasons count, and definitions. The one I gave above is my definition of a cheat. Maybe your definition is better. Post it !
2002-12-26, 03:56 PM
In my opinion any thing the developers allow thats in game is legit. The moment you use an outside source (hacked drivers etc)then you are cheating. I could care less what kinda tweak someone uses on the other end. As long as its not an outside source hack. Just because you think its a cheat dosnt make it one. And my reason still stand. The leagues dont consider it a cheat. If someone wants to play with a 180 fov more power to them. If changing your fov was such a big advantage. Then there must be a sweet spot for it. One that everyone would use, but there isnt. Some people play at 120. For them thats comfortable. Me i cant play at that high of one, everything moves to fast. I play at 110. In matches ive seen never once have i heard a clan complain after the match that they lost because of the other team using a higher fov.
2002-12-26, 07:25 PM
But if having a FOV of 90 doenst suit you, then "something" must be better for you on 110 (you just see 25% more . . )
And of course it needs some majority to define what a cheat is by a majority ruled thing like a ladder. But that doesnt change my personal definition of a cheat.
2003-01-08, 01:40 AM
Changing your fov is a matter of prefrence. I think those of you complaing that it gives people an advantage don't understand it very well. Zooming-in is chaning the FOV, that is all that it is. The zoom fov in Q3(if i remember right) is like 22.5 deg playing with a higher fov is playing "unzoomed" guys will get smaller faster as the distance increases and are smaller in general. Lower FOV= bigger slower moving targets, but see less. Higher FOV= smaller faster moving targetsm but can see more. There are pros and cons to each.
Hell, how about I argue that playing with a low FOV is unfair because you can shoot me easier at distance! Damn, low FOV haxor biatches!
I am not saying let us have any fov we like, just give us an option to set our fov between like 80-115 or so. I rly hate playing with sub 90 fov and like I said before from the screen shot it looks like it is only 75, which I think would be painfully low for every experiacned fps player :/.
You complain that playing with a high FOV is not fun; my complaint is playing with a low FOV is not fun. Thier are advantages and disadvantages for any FOV, let people play in the enviroment they are comfortable with.
2003-01-08, 01:44 AM
"But if having a FOV of 90 doenst suit you, then "something" must be better for you on 110 (you just see 25% more . . ) "
Using ESDF or WASD for movement some people don't like and they use the directional keys. Does that mean something is better about directional keys? Some people like jump with space others and not mouse2. Does that mean their is an advantage to jumping with space? Hell no it is just a matter of comfort.
2003-01-08, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by NoYes
"But if having a FOV of 90 doenst suit you, then "something" must be better for you on 110 (you just see 25% more . . ) "
Using ESDF or WASD for movement some people don't like and they use the directional keys. Does that mean something is better about directional keys? Some people like jump with space others and not mouse2. Does that mean their is an advantage to jumping with space? Hell know it is just a matter of comfort.
2003-01-08, 01:43 PM
so seeing 25% more is just comfort ? Then most people can live without it . . .
2003-01-08, 03:22 PM
Eh, I play quake 2 using FOV 120 all the time. Neither I or anyone I had even heard of that played Q2 thought it was 'cheating'.
It's not as if you gain any substantial advantage by consistantly using one FOV for your playstyle. If it's low, you can hit enemies at further distances easier, but if they get close to you you'll have a hard time trying to find and hit them. If it's high, you'll see more in a close firefight, but have trouble at long range fighting. It's a tradeoff either way.
Personally, I'd jump on the 'scripts are cheating' bandwagon much sooner than calling keeping one permenant FOV to cater to your playstyle preference cheating. Changing your FOV many times to fit the battle you are in is a tough call though.
2003-01-08, 06:40 PM
Serbiter, before you said if something reduces your fun you don't want it in the game. It is the same for everyone else, a low FOV reduces my fun so I don't want it in the game.
Controls are very much a matter of comfort so how about we don't have an option to change that? Lets extend this to all graphics settings. Lets lock 800x600 16 bit color minimum effects for everyone, you don't want some people having better graphics because it is more comfortable. Natural keyboards vs standard are a matter of comfort also. How about we just have everyone use a natural keyboard?
Ya, your brillant this game would kick some serious ass if everyone had to play with the same settings, after all we aren't playing a game for enjoyment (which being comfortable adds to); we just want everyone to be the same!
You logic is pretty bad Serbitar, I hope you see that now.
2003-02-06, 04:48 AM
Any word on this?
2003-02-06, 06:23 AM
omg... what the flying fuck are you all smoking???
Real life FoV is more like fucking 200+. Dont ANY of you have peripheral vision?!?!? Well, unlike most of you tunnet-vision cyborgs, Im human and I can see about 1.5-2 inches away my eyes. And that my friend is WAY above 180...
2003-02-06, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by Serbitar
But if having a FOV of 90 doenst suit you, then "something" must be better for you on 110 (you just see 25% more . . )
Well, Im gunna run planetside on 320*200 resolution with 16 colors. I expect Sony to make sure that EVERYONE gets stuck on this resolution. I dont want their PSs to look better than mine, because that would give them an advantage of seeing things more clearly.
You ever thought that some people cant stand 90� because it FEELS too zoomed in?
2003-02-06, 08:00 AM
ok, I just mesured my RL FOV and its 210��10�. And on top of that you naturally moves your eyes if you can see movement in the corner of your eyes which gives you about 15� ekstra (that of cause cuts 15� off of the other side for a moment). Things you can see "in the corner of you eyes" (is it called that on english?) is not as sharp though, you mostly see movement...
Anyway higher Fov makes it harder to hit, so the lowfovplayers have an advantage there, which I believe equels out the wider view.
And they could always limit the FOV (fovs like 15 would be more cheating than 300 IMHO) too something like 70-180. But i don't think that many people can even pleay with FOVs above 130.
2003-02-06, 10:47 AM
Doesnt a definable FOV defeat the point of Advanced Targetting?
I dont like the idea people can zoom with a "console command" or whatever... FOV needs to be even to create an even playing field across the server.
2003-02-06, 12:47 PM
I agree with Validuz, peripheral vison is aroud 220. However, anything 170+ is blurred. Also, almost everyone's armor has visors/goggles/helmet/domes that would reduce it significantly.
2003-02-06, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Strife
Doesnt a definable FOV defeat the point of Advanced Targetting?
I dont like the idea people can zoom with a "console command" or whatever... FOV needs to be even to create an even playing field across the server.
Advanced Targetting shows the name and health of enemies, you are proberly thinking about the Range Magnifier. But that could easily be fixed by limiting the FOV to a minimum of 70 of something like that.
2003-02-06, 02:55 PM
90 to 130 is plenty.
The reason I say 90 instead of 70 is because of zooming issues and the implants for zooming.
The reason I say 130 instead of 120 is because there are a FEW psychos who feel right at 130.
Anyone claiming otherwise about what the view of degrees does to your skill level is whining at best.
I think that one should not be able to change their field of view, and if they don't feel comfortable then live with it for a few days and get used to whatever they set. Humans have the ability to adapt, which is what has let us survive for so long, so if you feel that you can't then I say you should get a Darwin award and die!
Lol that was a joke, but seriously, I don't think it would be fair if one person had a bunch of scripts that changed their field of view all the time for advantages in certain situation, while another person stuck with one FoV.
Also that zooming effect seems kinda cheap and takes away from the "life-likeness" of the game. The stuff about the helmet and stuff that some1 earlier mentioned is a valid point, so I think that PS should decide on ONE FoV and have it that way for everyone, no changes.
2003-03-19, 10:58 PM
I don't see a reason to worry about scripting FOV changes, they can make it like a resolution change that you can only make outside of game and then has a limited range of values. I would be fine with a fixed FOV value, but what that appears too be based on the screenshots, I would describe as painfully low.
Is there any word on what the FOV is in the game and any chance of allowing players to pick their own fov from a specified range?
2003-04-17, 09:37 PM
The FOV is too low as it is, now I know this for sure from seeing more than just screenshots like I had before.
Please give us an option to raise our fov!! Give us a slider bar under graphics options within some range. As it is I do not see myself playing planetside, it simply is very annoying to me having my vision limited that much.
please, please let us raise the fov a little if we like.
2011-05-31, 09:37 PM
yeah the fish eye thing is terrible. But its nice to be able to change it for those using multiple monitors. I have two friends who have asked me if they could change the FoV in game to better fit their 3 screen set ups. Its great for that. But needs very strict limits otherwise. Maybe even tied to screen rez in some way if thats even possible/realistic.
2011-06-01, 11:07 AM
you realize this thread is 8 years old right? lol
2011-06-01, 05:02 PM
Wow... I think this has set a record for thread necromancy.
2011-06-01, 06:22 PM
still have people askin about it so doesnt matter. Its what ya get if ya google "changing fov in planetside".
2011-06-02, 02:09 PM
who are these "people" i only see your dumbass resurrecting an 8 year old thread lol
yes it'd be nice, but since it wasnt hashed out 8 years ago when this topic had started and the game actually had a solid player base...what makes you think things are going to change now that half the in game pop is playing for free ;)
2011-06-05, 01:48 AM
I would like to see the zoom feature not blank out everything but a tiny circle in the middle of the screen. I know it makes it easier for the rendering engine on your cheap video card or laptop, but it still, to me, looks dumb. I wanted "zoom" not "tunnel vision".
2011-06-05, 11:18 AM
Well then go tell the developers of Planetside 2. It's a miracle PS1 is still up, nevermind getting updated.
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