View Full Version : SmokeJumper in Chat while the servers are being updated.

2003-05-08, 11:32 PM
** Banner: Testing the locked servers now. If no issues, we'll bring them up live shortly. **
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** You have entered the room General. **
** New Banner: About 5-10 minutes for the servers. **
<SmokeJumper> We're updating them now. Almost done.
<SmokeJumper> Questions?
<SmokeJumper> Orbital Strikes are a post-launch feature
<SmokeJumper> Voice chat connect issue is fixed tonight.
<SmokeJumper> Vehicle terminal long-line issues will be resolved soon.
<SmokeJumper> Platoons are post-launch.
<SmokeJumper> xp "capture bug" (not really a bug, but what the hey...I'll call it that) will be resolved soon. The devteam agrees that sucks.
<SmokeJumper> Folks are always wondering if there are population imbalances. The answer is...so far...no. The servers are amazingly even splits on a 24-hour basis with only minor imblaances from time to time. So far.
<SmokeJumper> You just probably see it as lopsided on particular continents.
<SmokeJumper> Which is totally understandable. ;)
<SmokeJumper> Explanation of the "capture bug": If you die and are respawning when your squad caps a base, you don't get xp (because you're dead). We agree that's not fun and we'll fix it soon.
<SmokeJumper> Time penalties for respawn are going to be relaxed some in tomorrow's patch.
<SmokeJumper> Ah. Why are there 10 servers on the list? Well...we're getting them primed and ready for launch. :)
<SmokeJumper> We won't show them all initially...and they won't all be open tonight...but we're getting the hardware ready now.
<SmokeJumper> There are now over 200 machines just running PlanetSide. :)
<SmokeJumper> Something like 560Ghz of processing power.
<SmokeJumper> I keep getting asked who I am...so...here goes. Producer. PlanetSide.
<SmokeJumper> lol. "What's the job description for Producer?" To do everything nobody else wants to do, to be the bad guy, and to take the blame when things go wrong. ;)
<SmokeJumper> How much will PS change after release? Lots. We have plans that stretch out past Christmas for feature additions and game upgrades.
<SmokeJumper> Will there be an expansion? Depends entirely on a couple of factors: a) how successful was our first product? b) Do we have an idea that can't be done with normal downloads? (Like a new world or something.)
<SmokeJumper> Answer = don't know yet.
** New Banner: Servers are UP! **
<SmokeJumper> We will be announcing some of the upgrades coming out after release soon.
<SmokeJumper> Got some good stuff coming for ya. ;)

2003-05-08, 11:35 PM
So about 20 machines per PS server - interesting.

2003-05-08, 11:36 PM
He didnt answer my question :(

2003-05-08, 11:40 PM

2003-05-09, 01:54 AM
Car accidents != funny

2003-05-09, 01:57 AM
SmokeJumper is my Hero! What was your Q Squeeky?


2003-05-09, 03:05 AM
"b) Do we have an idea that can't be done with normal downloads?"

Wow. They're actually asking that? EQ has already charged for things that could be normal dowloads(LoY, the downloadable expansion). :-P

2003-05-09, 08:47 AM
Nice :D

2003-05-09, 09:04 AM
It may be PR hype, but I will take the risk... I could see that if Planetside remained static it would get pretty boring in about 3-4 months. But judging from the rapid expansion and addition to all other MM games in the months after release I think it is pretty safe to expect some major additions to the game by two months after release.

I would hope that expansion packs are kept to stuff like a totally new continent, all ubran (ie... bases are dense city centers, areas not bases are sparse suburbs, but still urban) with hundreds of new textures, new classes of weapons, etc. Big stuff I would be more then happy to pay for, but I would hope that many more additions like "heavy tanks" are added for free.


2003-05-09, 09:16 AM
I just see blah, blah blah, blah blah blah.....