View Full Version : Magneto vs Vader-

2003-05-09, 08:30 PM
Who'd win-

/let's get reaaaaaady to ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuumble!!!!!

2003-05-09, 08:34 PM
Darth Vader wears too much metal. Magneto wins. Maybe if it was a young Darth Vadar, before he got the metal helmet... maybe.

2003-05-09, 08:45 PM
yea but magneto's powers have to go through the force, darthvader could shied himself with the force and push back the power to its rightfull owner.

2003-05-09, 09:25 PM
MAGNETO DUHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-05-09, 09:36 PM
This auctually looks like a really balanced fight.

Dark Vader:
1. Has the Force

2.Greater physical strength even without the force


1. Can control magnetic metals-if Vaders suit is made of something that is non-magnetic Maginto has a tough time. However if it is magnetic Maginto wins.

2. Can use the enviornment to his advantage. (Remeber the old X-men cartoons where we would make a huge metal spider out of junk lieing around?)

3.He can fly!

I would have to put my money on Dark Vader due to the coolness and usefulness of a Force/lightsaber combo

2003-05-09, 09:43 PM
If anyone you remember the alternative universe in the comincs after prof x died- magnetoe ripped apocalypse in half- just using the natural metals in his body.

Vader would get destroyed - Magneto would just shift all the metal elements in Vader's brain one inch to the right- successfully killing vader. No one in the movies uses a "force" shield.

2003-05-09, 10:35 PM
:huh: I dont know who they are

2003-05-09, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
:huh: I dont know who they are

Then you suck at life....


2003-05-09, 10:38 PM
Magneto hands down.

He'd own Darth Vader, and as soon as he was done the Emperor would make Magneto his new bitch.


2003-05-09, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by {}Muad'Dib{}
Then you suck at life....



2003-05-09, 10:41 PM
Squeeky I swear if you don't stop taking BOHICA pics I am going to hunt you down at your house and take your computer away in a very violent way...

Dio may be silent, but I will hurt you.

That is all.

2003-05-09, 10:46 PM
Pfft, Dio said i could use em! So did mistled, So to you i say....


2003-05-09, 10:50 PM

2003-05-09, 11:19 PM
WTF- Pic abuse will result in pic route changin. You don't want that do you?

Camping Carl
2003-05-10, 12:22 AM
So you guys don't read star wars books ehh?? If you do, they hint that darth vader never actually tried to kill luke, and he could have done it quite easily had he wanted to.

::darth uses force, crushes magneto's internal organs::

Yeah, I know, I'm a star wars fanboy...

2003-05-10, 03:15 AM
me too, darth would win, with his abilety to read the future he could forsee what magneto was about to do and act before magneto could. beat that :p

2003-05-10, 03:27 AM
Magneto. Hands Down.

2003-05-10, 04:45 AM
Triumph, the insult comic dog would kick both of their asses.

2003-05-10, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Airlift
Triumph, the insult comic dog would kick both of their asses. Hell yeah he would.

2003-05-10, 07:32 AM
Darth Vader. His armor is Dura Steel, which is actually a composite plastic or something, so its not magnetic. He would force grip that little prick. Sorry. All your base are belong to Star Wars.

2003-05-10, 08:13 AM

2003-05-10, 10:49 AM
Magneto, of course. Vader's just kidding himself if he thinks he can win.

2003-05-10, 10:51 AM
You guys dont understand! Magneto could just take vaders METAL lightsaber and chop him up. You cant win agesnt magneto, He beat me with one of my sunkist cans !

2003-05-10, 12:05 PM
Wow this one's alot closer-

2003-05-10, 12:26 PM
After my vote, it's 13 to 13.

But Vader would win.

2003-05-10, 02:20 PM
It's close cause the SW geeks here aren't realistic. :p

Even IF Vader's armor AND lightsaber were (magically) made of some type of plastic Magneto can still fly over there, wack his ass, or lift that 30 ton ship beside them and drop it on vader, or concentrate and rip the iron out of his body,or wrap a 10 foot long pipe around Vader's body,etc,etc,etc

2003-05-10, 03:12 PM
Yeah, the iron in his body... now that would be fairly crappy way to go.

2003-05-10, 06:02 PM
Im sure somewhere in vaders body, there is metal, all he would need, is like a 2 inch thing, and smash it into his brain, boom, no more vader,

2003-05-10, 07:00 PM
I think they;d just stare at each other for a second, then Magneto would get smushed like a grape, and all the little screws nuts bolts and wiring in Vader would just mutilate him like an m80 in a bowl of shredded wheat. Oh, and the floor would be a mess.

2003-05-10, 09:08 PM
Dude. James Earl Jones would wipe the floor with Ian McClellan. Ian is like 80. And he's gay.

2003-05-10, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Denali
Dude. James Earl Jones would wipe the floor with Ian McClellan. Ian is like 80. And he's gay.

2003-05-11, 12:10 AM
But he's fabuloooous!

2003-05-11, 12:21 AM
Ian kicks ass, so what if hes gayer then the MWLA, he is a good actor. In all reality though Vader would just have a fleet come and blow up earth. Problem solved.

2003-05-11, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Tobias

MLWA is disolved, Not anymore, Zilch, Zippo, Notta

2003-05-11, 03:38 PM
/me shakes head
Vader can do everything Magneto can using the Force. AND he can do it to plastic, too. Besides, if Vader was a little more creative, one little flick of the Force and BAM! Anurism.

2003-05-11, 04:38 PM
You SW fans over estiamte the power of the force, it rocks indeed but requires concentration, did you see how hard Yoda had to concentrate to move the pillar that was about to crush his fellow Jedi? The force probably could do all the stuff that magneto can do (except flying) but it would require twice as much time and concentration.

2003-05-11, 04:54 PM
Yeah id like to see vader come at magneto with his lightsaber, just so i could see magneto bend the prongs holding the crystal inside the saber and watch vader blow himself to pieces with his poon bitch lightsaber...

2003-05-11, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Denali
Dude. James Earl Jones would wipe the floor with Ian McClellan. Ian is like 80. And he's gay.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: AHAHAHAHAHHH>>njafbjnbsaljdfd...It's funny because it's true...


It burns!

2003-05-11, 07:53 PM
Did you EVER see Vader have to concentrate? When he was Anakin (Boy-band Vader), maybe.

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 09:47 PM
Screw darth vader! Magneto VS Darth Turanus!

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 09:48 PM
Better yet, YODA VS MAGNETO!

2003-05-11, 09:49 PM
If you have (pretty likely), just say Palpatine/Emporer, it's quicker.

2003-05-11, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Did you EVER see Vader have to concentrate? When he was Anakin (Boy-band Vader), maybe.

I don't recall seeing him lift huge piece of metal either. ;)

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 09:57 PM
I can see it now. Yoda walks in on his cane. He chucks it and his lightsaber aside. Yoda used mortal combat against magneto. Then he uses the force to wack magneto against a couple stone walls. THUMP! CLATTER! RATTLE, THUD, BANG! Magneto just crumples to the ground. Yoda walks up and says to magneto, "Magnets conquer the force happen NEVER!

2003-05-11, 10:00 PM
Of course since the walls have minerals in them Magneto can simply repel using the magnetic fields and squish Yoda with a Deathstar or something.

2003-05-11, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by �io
I don't recall seeing him lift huge piece of metal either. ;) Don't want to get in an argument with you, but Vader dissage will not be tolerated. He was hucking them across the room in ESB when fighting Luke.

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 10:07 PM
Agent smith from Matrix vs. Mace Windu

2003-05-11, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Don't want to get in an argument with you, but Vader dissage will not be tolerated. He was hucking them across the room in ESB when fighting Luke.

I wouldn't call them huge at all, it's far from being enough to touch Magneto let alone hurt him.

2003-05-11, 10:11 PM

2003-05-11, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by �io
I wouldn't call them huge at all, it's far from being enough to touch Magneto let alone hurt him. Being metal, it really wouldn't anyway. However, as I said before, something that would take minimal concentration (regardless that he doesn't need to), he could poke him in the brain, then anurism. Magneto goes into convulsions, dies.

2003-05-11, 11:26 PM
Smith VS Windu, = A dead jedi, although windu would be slashing him down within 2 seconds, he can come back over and over forever, and he would slowly wear him down, till windu could hardly move, and then smash his head in.

2003-05-11, 11:31 PM
Or just take Windu, assuming he's still wired in.

2003-05-12, 12:26 AM
Vader is made literally out of metal since he is a cyborg....Magneto controls metal. Metal control + Metal freak= Vader more fucked than a cat vs a mouse...more like a car vs a cat.


2003-05-12, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by OmnipotentKiwi

I LOVE THIS SHIT, YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING HISTARICAL!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Omnipotent vs the copyright infringement kid.

LOVE IT!!!...now do me a favor.........KEEP IT UP....I need a good laugh because I just got kicked in my nuts from my exgirlfriend for saying I love her body...............SO MANY DAMN CURVES......

2003-05-12, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Being metal, it really wouldn't anyway. However, as I said before, something that would take minimal concentration (regardless that he doesn't need to), he could poke him in the brain, then anurism. Magneto goes into convulsions, dies.


I concur

Your going to give me an anuerism by making laugh to the point where my shit goes up instead down!!!!

:lol: lol: :eek: Whoops its in my throat

2003-05-12, 12:36 AM
But the force isn't metal, he could just wiplash magneto to the ground.

But then magneto could also just make vader's suit curl up into a foil ball.....

2003-05-12, 12:40 AM
The suit looked plastic to me.

2003-05-12, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Tobias
Darth Vader. His armor is Dura Steel, which is actually a composite plastic or something, so its not magnetic. He would force grip that little prick. Sorry. All your base are belong to Star Wars.

You owe me $50 for stealing 50% of my name you Vanu sack of monkey shit *** piper.

Send it to: Jonathan A. Corona
520 Santiago Ave.
Orlando, FL 32807

If you don't send it ill call the Copy right infridgment money since I have this name patented under Planetside-Universe.

Give me my money or I'll tell :mad: :flamemad:

Word..... :vssucks: They are all freaks so us TR and NC can kick there mutant asses and hang them for the crime of being stupid.

2003-05-12, 12:43 AM
Tobias was here before you.
Your name has laser in it and you say :vssucks: ?
Something is wrong here...

2003-05-12, 12:44 AM
Darth is a cyborg you vanu screw job!!! He fell into molten lava pit and got melted. He has most of his body made of metal bionic parts. Thus magneto can stick all his mechanical body parts up Vadar's ass and there you have it....The first human ass gasket ready for you to shit on.

YOU STILL OWE ME $50 bucks freak!!! :rolleyes:

2003-05-12, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
Tobias was here before you.
Your name has laser in it and you say :vssucks: ?
Something is wrong here...

Your vanu???? wow......another bites the freak club. Oh well....didn't know protoss were decedants of freaks.
Cant wait to snipe all you freakish choads.

Sad....to bad the vanu will be the first fucked up mutant freak race to go extinct

Word still stands :vssucks: and the :trrocks:

2003-05-12, 12:48 AM
I think my sig stands out quite a bit. Should be a subtle hint.

2003-05-12, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
I think my sig stands out quite a bit. Should be a subtle hint.

.............you lost me dude.....you have a pic of a protoss.......Vanu are the mutant pigs...you know...the purple choads....... But oh well come back with the proper sig with the purple pigs with insect wings and ill address you with an apology.


2003-05-12, 12:53 AM
....Have you played Starcraft OR Planetside? Have you even looked at the screenshots? Two Vanu and a mech (kindof a mech). How are you mistaking them for Protoss? Jesus, if you represent normalcy, I think I speak for all Vanu (except DharkBayne) when I say we are glad to be freaks.

2003-05-12, 01:06 AM
I can't believe you just called yourself a freak...damn...you vanu really are freaks to call your selves freaks.......You dont even have the honor to fight for it....you just agree...... Oh well.

2003-05-12, 01:09 AM
If you read my post...which you obviously did not, save half a sentence. You would notice it is only if you represent normalcy. Maybe I need to simplify it for you, who knows?

2003-05-12, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
I can't believe you just called yourself a freak...damn...you vanu really are freaks to call your selves freaks.......You dont even have the honor to fight for it....you just agree...... Oh well.

I'd have to be up the ass drunk in order for me to call myself a freak dude...........I salute you for admitting it though.
Normalcy to me is getting up every morning to go about my short pointless, pathetic if you call it life. I didn't see the word "freak" in any of the criteria.

2003-05-12, 02:12 AM
How about we all sit down and have some pie. :) :pie:

Happy lil Elf
2003-05-12, 03:44 AM
Would depend entirely on who sees who first. Although I'd give it to Vader since while Magneto is cool and all he shouldn't be able to do half the shit he has in the comic books. Why? Well, the writers seem to fail to take into account time and time again that not all metals are affected by magnetic fields. Also seeing how Vader comes from a futuristic world where there are orbital platforms capable of destroying planets, I seriously doubt his implants are stainless steel. I'd imagine they're probably composits of some sort thereby rendering Magneto's primary attack method useless.

So while yes, Magneto could still do his iron in the blood trick, which wouldn't work but I won't go into that, Vader can simply mushify his brain at will. Where does that leave it? Whoever sees the other one first wins, assuming of course they both view each other as a insta-kill worthy threat.

If they both saw each other at the same time, and decided to kill the other as quickly as possible I'd give it to Vader simply because while yes lifting a 5 ton pillar takes concentration, I'd imagine simply flicking someones brain would take considerably less so. Whle Magneto can severly damage someone in short order, his attack would only last as long as his brain was in one piece meaning his attack would end rather abruptly.

Then again since both are fictional characters, I'd give it to whoever writes the story likes better since that's exactly how it'd turn out :p

2003-05-12, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
I'd have to be up the ass drunk in order for me to call myself a freak dude...........I salute you for admitting it though.
Normalcy to me is getting up every morning to go about my short pointless, pathetic if you call it life. I didn't see the word "freak" in any of the criteria. :rofl: :rofl: So how drunk do you have to be to quote yourself when referring to my post? Anyways, right over your head. Get a flypaper pope hat.

2003-05-12, 04:24 PM
OMG! I GOT A PERFECT IMAGE FOR THAT!...Yet i have no bandwidth to upload. /em cries

2003-05-12, 04:41 PM
darth vader would crush magneto's skull

2003-05-12, 04:51 PM
if you all recall, vader had plenty of metal wires sparking after Luke cut off his hand. Also, most metals that will conduct electicity effectively are made of magnetic metals(and in fact create magnetic fields while current is flowing through them).

Even if Vader did manage to kill Magnito, Mag would have enough time to rip all of Vader's life-support systems to schrapnel.

Happy lil Elf
2003-05-12, 04:54 PM
That's the thing though, I don't think it's a matter of if Vader managed to kill Mag, it's a matter of what Mag could do before Vader turned his brain into mush.

2003-05-12, 04:58 PM

2003-05-12, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
:rofl: :rofl: So how drunk do you have to be to quote yourself when referring to my post? Anyways, right over your head. Get a flypaper pope hat.

Nice attempt at humor...but you failed to humiliate me........Sigh.....to bad you Vanu don't know how to develop a sense of humor.......I guess those rebirth facilities took away your ability to laugh, make good jokes, and reduced you dick size to 1 inch....good luck because the vanu women have a pussy hole the size of a dime....

2003-05-12, 05:27 PM
:rolleyes: There's a case of psychological transference if I ever heard one.

2003-05-12, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
:rolleyes: There's a case of psychological transference if I ever heard one.
I guess Ill taket his as a compliment.... :confused:

Well, its not totally psycho since it is true about vanu...read the fan stories....why do you think thing there isnt that many vanu inbreeds....they cant fuck..

2003-05-12, 06:04 PM
I tied it! GO VADEr!!!!!!!!!!! Have luke help yah! (or am I talking about the wrong vader...?)

2003-05-12, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
Nice attempt at humor...but you failed to humiliate me........Sigh.....to bad you Vanu don't know how to develop a sense of humor.......I guess those rebirth facilities took away your ability to laugh, make good jokes, and reduced you dick size to 1 inch....good luck because the vanu women have a pussy hole the size of a dime....

for some reason I found that funny....LMFAO!

2003-05-12, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
Nice attempt at humor...but you failed to humiliate me........Sigh.....to bad you Vanu don't know how to develop a sense of humor.......I guess those rebirth facilities took away your ability to laugh, make good jokes, and reduced you dick size to 1 inch....good luck because the vanu women have a pussy hole the size of a dime....

yea that was funny

2003-05-12, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
I guess Ill taket his as a compliment.... :confused:

Well, its not totally psycho since it is true about vanu...read the fan stories....why do you think thing there isnt that many vanu inbreeds....they cant fuck.. :D Yeah, psychological transference is a compliment.
Real dignified, LTC.