View Full Version : All you people bitching about $13
2003-05-09, 09:33 PM
Christ, everytime i see someone complain about 12.95 a month i wanna fucking kill somebody. At minimum wage you still make 3 to 4 times that A WEEK as a STUDENT. Stop fucking complaining about a fee THAT WONT CHANGE and GET A FUCKING JOB. Jesus christ just mow your neighbors lawn twice a month, there you go, enough to play planetside.
Are you telling me youve never had other expenses like this? Dont any of you buy lunch at school, pay car insurance, or have a cell phone or SOMETHING? Go complain to your insurance company that theres not enough content in your insurance policy so you've desided to ride your bike instead.
You CAN NOT compare planetside to ANY OTHER GAME. THIS IS NOT EVERQUEST, HALFLIFE OR BF1942! If you play the game, and i mean at all, this is VERY VERY EASY TO SEE. Play the game, look at the size, the amount of people (More then any everquest server ever had) the content you all apearently cant find(guess what kiddies, its not beaten into you, you actually need to open your eyes).
What do you think research and development cost SOE for this game? You think its fucking free to host 4 servers, ship thousands of CD's, pay a large development team AND advertise the game? Fuck no, thats why we are paying $50 right off the bat. That still wont cover it, that will probally take about 6 months before SOE even thinks of making a profit. You think hosting 12-15 servers all over the world is cheap? Do you think that a HIGHLY SKILLED position such as developer goes for minimum wage? No, each developer probally makes around 70k a year. SOE is taking a huge loss for probally about a year to provide you with this game.
Now stop fucking bitching about it, or atleast keep your bitching TO ONE FUCKING THREAD. IVE SEEN OVER 20 OF THESE IN THE PAST 2 DAYS.
Sorry for all the people who this doesnt apply to
2003-05-09, 09:40 PM
2003-05-09, 10:24 PM
FUCK YOU. People have an opinion, they can express it however they want, some people honestly can't afford the 13 bucks a month for whatever reason, so shy don't YOU shut your ass and stop complaining about those idiots complaining.
2003-05-09, 10:25 PM
It started at 9.99 with discounts for 3-6 month deals (sometimes going down to as little as 7.99 a month).
Each MM game made the price rises.
Now we have a first person shooter MM game that has 1/10th the content and complexity (no npcs, no ai, no loot, no economy, no class balancing) and it STILL raised the cost. Not only that, but they are charging out the ass for the box (50 bills).
Each time we bend over and take it up the ass it just lets all of the other companies know that we, as consumers, are morons.
In 5 years 70% of the games released will have a monthly fee. Most of them will cost $20 a month. For just a small handful of games we will be paying upwards of $1,000 a year.
Why will this happen? Because of people like you.
2003-05-09, 11:33 PM
<---- Proudly doing his part to bloat MMO game prices.
2003-05-09, 11:40 PM
Inflation causes price rise morons have a slight impact on this
flame away :)
2003-05-09, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
FUCK YOU. People have an opinion, they can express it however they want, some people honestly can't afford the 13 bucks a month for whatever reason, so shy don't YOU shut your ass and stop complaining about those idiots complaining.
How about you quit flaming?
2003-05-09, 11:59 PM
Here's the deal folks. This is a market economy. You set the rules weither you know it or not. You think Planetside is too expensive? Don't buy it. Will it lower the price? Not likely. Will it lower the price of next game? Not likely. You see as the price goes up the market shrinks. Less people can afford it but, those that pay for it pick up the slack for some of the folks who didn't. Look at cars like Porshe and Lambrogini do you think they sell nearly the volume that Ford or GM sells? Hell no but, for every Porshe sold equals 10 or more Fords. So those of you that are complaining and won't play Planetside because of expense. That's ok you're part of the natural progression of the market. There's nothing wrong with that.
However before you start crying Highway Robbery or Price Gouging. Do some real research into the expenses associated with a MMOG. Check the expenses of games like Everquest. Find out what's really required. is not even close to the same league as an Everquest or DAoC. has way less costs due to the fact that so much of the load is handled by the clients themselves. This pays for itself because of advertising on However you also make sacrafices no added content, no player policing, and limited participation. How many players do you think you could get in a Diablo game? The answer is nowhere near the scale of Planetside since the average end users computer would never be able to handle the load.
Now if you're looking for a game like Planetside that's free try the Half-Life mod called Firearms at it has character development (until the end of the map). It has squad tactics (if the people who join the server know what they're doing and don't squander your team's lives). However there's no player policing (cheaters can be a problem). The only new content you'll find is in revisions which usually amount to little more then a few more maps and some weapon tweaks. However it's right in the price range of several gamers on this board and it's fun... it's just not as good as Planetside.
2003-05-10, 12:22 AM
Squeeky's right man you need to follow your on rules hes just
expressing the way he feels :p :rolleyes:
2003-05-10, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by ReaperofDeath27
Squeeky's right man you need to follow your on rules hes just
expressing the way he feels :p :rolleyes:
I dont like this, PSU is getting a bad place to be at, never b4 has PSU had so many flaming people like this last week :( .
And I hate it, isnt there any way we can fix this!??!
hellsfire, if they cant afford buying the game then they dont have to, they might not like it.
2003-05-10, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by simba
I dont like this, PSU is getting a bad place to be at, never b4 has PSU had so many flaming people like this last week :( .
And I hate it, isnt there any way we can fix this!??!
hellsfire, if they cant afford buying the game then they dont have to, they might not like it.
The problem isn't the flaming it's all the pussies. Look at the guy who started this thread - bitching about stupid shit. Look at the responses - more bitchy stupid shit.
This smiley -->popcorn: is in there for a reason - let the two fucks flame each other all night, all they are doing is raising each other's blood pressure. Sit back and enjoy the show. It's the internet- you *know* how it goes. PSU hasn't gotten worse, it's gotten bigger (a hell of a lot). If you let both sides hammer each other, it balances out.
And as far as this thread goes - if people don't want to pay 13 bucks then they won't (which means you don't have to listen to the bitchers in game), and if you don't want to read about them bitching about it, don't click the thread (which means I don't have to read stupid shit)- it's a simple concept.
Now go cry to mommy.
2003-05-10, 01:26 AM
In all truth, I like that the price is somewhat high, it keeps out all of the children like Destroyeron here. No offense, but I don't like playing with 12-15 year olds. It gets aggrivating at times when you have to listen to some kid saying "i ownzored blah", "that guy sux0rz", etc. I think that most people on this forum (other then the younger folks) would agree with me on this. If you are in the 12-15 year old age group, I would suggest not buying planetside, because it takes too much time and money that the younger guys don't have. That's just what i think, if you kids got the cash to play the game, by all means have fun and play and i won't criticize you. But if you're just going to complain because you can't afford it then I and many others would rather not hear it.
I'm done, peace all, good luck on the battle field. :D\
edit: Now if only I could just get fileplanet to work so i can see if i really like the gameplay. Oh well I can always wait for release and just hope it's as good as everyone says.
2003-05-10, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
The problem isn't the flaming it's all the pussies. Look at the guy who started this thread - bitching about stupid shit. Look at the responses - more bitchy stupid shit.
let the two fucks flame each other all night, all they are doing is raising each other's blood pressure.
Now go cry to mommy.
Way to condradict yourself :rolleyes:
2003-05-10, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by Supe|2Glue
Inflation causes price rise morons have a slight impact on this
flame away :)
Go US inflation! cheaper PS for me hehe
2003-05-10, 11:24 AM
The problem isn't the flaming it's all the pussies. Look at the guy who started this thread - bitching about stupid shit. Look at the responses - more bitchy stupid shit.
Navaron , u are da'man !!:D
2003-05-10, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Squeeky
Way to condradict yourself :rolleyes:
Hey retard, I said flaming wasn't the problem. Learn to read-
2003-05-10, 12:05 PM
2003-05-10, 01:00 PM
In response to the price:
My god... $12.95 is NOT that much. I pay over $100 in insurance EVERY MONTH and for what reason?! Because I'm an American Male under the age of 24. Other than a single speeding ticket 3 years ago, I have no flaws on my record. No DUIs, no MIPs, no harrassing female officers, nothing. I'm about the safest granny-style driver out there. And what do I have to show for it?
If you are some kid with either tight assed or tight fisted parents, there are many ways to get that $12.95, as someone suggested. Mow lawns, babysit, collect loans from school friends, get a job, etc. I found ways to pay EQ (since my mum and dud couldn't see the benefit of paying this horrbile charge). I only had to babysit ONCE a month to get it. I had some good neighbors who payed $5 an hour. I did this actually twice a week and ended up with spending cash (since my mum and dud couldn't see the benefit of giving me an allowance to do chores. Hell, THEY had to do them for free! The kids should do it out of respect for me, dammit).
As for the rise of price, it is indeed because of inflation. The minimum wage has not increased (much?), but most entry level jobs in the fast food industry are about $6 an hour now. Is it because they're feeling more generous? Hell no! It's because they need it to be able to entice anyone to have that job and make ends meet. Inflation is happening.
In response to the status of the PSU boards:
*points to sig*
I believe what has lead us to the road of degradededation is lack of respect. If someone posts a differing opinon: n00b! Slut! Whore! Fuck fuck fuck shitmonger eat CHOCLATE POO! No real reason, no explanation, nothing but swear words and drivel. Swear words don't bother me, but when people just use them because they're young and don't get to even think about them when mommy and daddy are home is pathetic. Use them! Don't abuse them!
If someone is being an idiot: a) ignore, b) try to talk sense into them, c) dismiss them. That last one really seems to piss em' off. :D
Of course, don't dismiss everyone whom you don't agree with. Just people that everyone can agree is a troll. ;)
If you're tired of it, feel free to join my movement. We will only help these boards by being a shining example. Trolls flock to trolls. They won't stick around at a message board where they can't get their sadistic kicks.
2003-05-10, 02:05 PM
This thread sucks, so I am locking it.
If you want to flame, visit the OF.
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